4 Fitness Essentials You Can't Ignore!

4 Fitness Essentials You Can't Ignore!

Does being super fit make you an exceptional lover? No, but follow these 4 fitness essentials to get strong and fit, limber up and go change someone’s life, one mind blowing encounter at a time!

7 Simple Health Tips for Stronger Erections

7 Simple Health Tips for Stronger Erections

There are some simple changes you can make to your lifestyle and diet to ensure your penis is in peak performance condition. Let's make this year the "Year of the Healthy Penis" with these 7 simple health tips!

10 Best Foods to Boost Your Sex Life

10 Best Foods to Boost Your Sex Life

If you want to boost your stamina between the sheets you need to start fuelling your body now! Here are 10 foods which are scientifically proven to boost your sexual performance