Let’s Bust Some Myths about Women Preferring Big Cocks

Attractive man with a shoulder tattoo wearing black briefs which he is clutching as two women try to pull them off

We've all heard it before, the age-old idea that bigger is better, and is therefore something we must all strive towards. It's prevalent in so many aspects of our lives too. "They" tell us that to be successful we need larger houses, faster cars, bigger brands, more Instagram followers!

They like to bandy it around when it comes to sexual attractiveness too. The outdated idea that men only like women with huge boobs still rears its misogynistic head in movies and comics etc, and then there's the equally offensive, and just as damaging to body image and self esteem in men, notion that women only want to fuck guys who have big dicks.

It's something we hear so often, so is it true?

Variety is the spice of life, and sex

I feel like we already all know the answer, but also, considering the above points and the fact that I do get asked questions like this a lot, I guess we still have a way to go before everyone gets the great understanding that could hopefully, one day, save the planet and bring world peace to us all.

Are you ready for it?
It's a doozy...
Here it is:
We are all different.
But more than that.
We are all different, and that's okay!

Whether it's cars or houses or food or books or absolutely anything at all in this world, we all like and prefer different things, so why should sex be any different?

Yes some women absolutely do love super huge, mega fat cocks, but on exactly the same page, others really do not. It's such an impossible question to answer and one that will only serve to fuck with your head and self esteem if you over-think it and try to live up to an impossible ideal.

Brain Fuck

In a far more positive definition of that phrase, I'll tell you something for free that will absolutely make you a better, sexier, more desirable lover, and it has zero to do with the size of your dick.

Get to know her brain, her thoughts, her feelings, desires, and fantasies. Communication is vital to good sex, and the more you learn and grow together, the better the sex can be.

Have sexy sex

"Yeah okay, Eva", I hear you saying. "All good with the airy fairy 'brain sex is great sex' wank, but what about the actual sex sex? You can't tell me women don't want good dick. You've made an entire career talking about how much women like fucking!"

And you're right, dear reader, I have, and they do. They really, really do... But what you've forgotten is that if you think the only thing you have to offer a woman in sex is your penis, then you actually don't have a lot to offer a woman in sex at all.

Sex isn't just dicking!

Sex is far more than just penetration. It's stroking, and licking, and teasing, and talking. Sex is using your penis, your hands, your tongue, your imagination. It's toys and dress-ups. It's porn and taking sexy photos. Yes, sex and penises can be an awesome combination, but it's so much more than just putting your dick inside her vagina, regardless of how big it is.

What is the perfect penis?

Over the years we've done a number of surveys and have asked, and been asked, hundreds of questions about dicks and chicks and what they like.

We've interviewed women about their preferences, and we've talked to men about their experiences, and after all of those years and through all of those answers there is probably only one thing I can say with absolute certainty that women prefer when it comes to penises;

Please make sure it's clean, and please make sure you have enthusiastic consent before you send us a picture of your dick.

That's it. That's our preference. And every single one of you with a dick, no matter how big or small or fat or thin it is, can do that.

So until next time, happy dicking, my friends. 


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  • DeanLuv


    More than a month ago

    So my anxiety and confusion comes from a paid escort who I recently saw, not allowing penetration... As she told me her cervix really hurts when guys my size penetrate her...... So I was slightly confused, as this was the first escort I had ever been with and immediately told I cant penetrate her....and I don't know what to think.....

    More so when my previous two Ex GFs, well one in particular..told me i was small compared to her ex husband....
    With Her, the first time we had penetrative sex it was really intense and she did initially comment on my size after seeing me for the first time...saying "wow, your cock is pretty big"...but I didn't believe her, as I thought she must be lying to me so I feel better about myself...
    So after the first time I went inside her was just testing squire shallow only half of my length.. and she then grabbed my hips and pulled me into her a lot deeper..... But then winced... And as I was on top of her I could clearly see her discomfort..... So I immediately pulled out... And asked if she was okay ... She basically said it hurt her..and must have hit her cervix.... And this made me feel so shitty ..even though she pulled me in.. I couldn't help feeling responsible....
    After after about five minutes I went down on her for a bit and then she told me she wanted to try again.... So I did and this time she held her hands up against my abdomen area pushing...and I could see she was tensing her abs as I went in ...
    Going in only half of my length for a while until she asked for it deeper...and as soon as I went more than half way... I felt this tickling feeling on the head of my cock....
    And she suprisingly kept asking do keep going in that deep... Even though she winced... I thought she was in pain but told me its a weird pain but also good in a way....
    And although I felt this tickling feeling I've never felt in any other woman... I didn't mention anything till after....
    And I couldn't cum as even though she said she like it and was good pain... I still felt bad...

    Only after telling her I also felt a slight tickling feeling when I went in deeper and was definately in her cervix area... She said she has some type of contraceptive device in her uterus that has strings....
    So I don't know what that feeling was, but I felt it only enough to give my head a tickling type feeling.... I ended up getting this device called a Donut.... Because I felt so bad about hitting her cervix so often
    ..even though she said she liked it... I got this Donut device that went around my cock at the base towards my balls.... So when it gets intense and even when she asks me to go deep their rubber Donut thing would stop my whole length from going in her and hitting her cervix.....
    And after using it regularly, she ended up telling me not to use it because she wants me to be able to use my whole size if she wants to......
    Then, just before we broke up, she said out of nowhere "yeah your cock is small... Especially compared to my ex-husband...fuck he was massive".

    So that added to my size anxiety.
    Not to mention that I felt I confirmed that she was only trying to make me feel better when she first saw my cock and said I was "pretty big".

    So, when another ex said something similar about how much bigger her ex was than me, then she also said it... I can't help but feel confused from being initially told I'm well endowed, to then being told I'm small... That any random hookup that also has mentioned my size.... Well it's almost impossible to accept they they are not just trying to make me feel better....so I just don't believe them....
    Even the escort that wouldn't let me penetrate her, saying she diesnt allow guys with my size to penetrate because it really hurts her cervix.... Is it that this escort plus the majority of women who I've only hit their cervix at only 3/4 of my length inside them; mean that they all had very shallow vaginas?
    Only bring 18.56cm long X 13.21cm girth, how is this possible. So confused....

  • Maid.In.Oz


    More than a month ago

    Well I have a small tight cunt & I like it that way ... dont want to be 'stretched by some prick here for his own enjoyment' ugh. So for me size does matter as does girth. I'm the person that asks for dick pics cos if I dont like the look of it doesn't matter how handsome u are, I wont play with you. I have had 3 children but that doesnt mean I have a gaping hole!

  • Naughtymature2


    More than a month ago

    It's not about the dick really, it's about the "man" attached to the dick. It is for me anyway. Probably for most people I would think. I agree with most in this article, especially the dick pic issue, I really have NO IDEA what you guys are thinking sending us them... I have NEVER asked to see a man's dick online... (or in life)... It's something I don't need to know, in fact, it puts me off immediately... If I don't like the man, personality, charisma, build, body language, forget it, the dick isn't even a consideration...
    Imagine a world where women just sent unsolicited pussy pics to men....
    .... 😳
    Yes, I know, you would love it...!🤣
    Now imagine women dealing with the rejection... "Sorry your vag just doesn't do it for me.." 🤣
    Oh Yeah, I can see that going down well.... NOT...!
    So, I feel for guys, I really do... It's not fair... 😔
    In a perfect world... For me... Would be... POINT YOUR CAMERA AT YOUR FACE.... 😁
    Do NOT bring up sex, unless SHE does first. It's sleezy. We all know why we're here.
    Do NOT send a dic pick, unless SHE asks for one...
    What you are saying to a woman, when you send a picture of your stupid dick is.... "I'M A SLEEZE BAG"... If she's got ANY brains at all. Now, you may well find a woman that likes sleezy... Good for you, but don't assume we ALL like that. Wait to see who you're dealing with. 😁 One wrong move gentlemen, and it's all over.
    Say the wrong thing... Bye!
    Give the wrong message to the wrong woman with her personal trauma issues... You're out..!
    I'll give you an example... I was chatting to a seemingly nice fella the other week... Very soon after saying hello... He decided in his infinite wisdom to send a snap video of him "licking his lips" at me.... 😳
    What the...?
    I mean, that's just creepy to me period.
    Add to that... When I was about 8- 10 yrs old , a non blood relative Uncle "licked his lips at me".... 😳 Just like that...
    Soooo, how does that simple action go down in my mind...
    Ummm 🤔.... child molester vibes.
    So, my point being... EVERY WOMAN HAS TRAUMA...
    Every woman on this planet has had some experience ranging from just a "bit creepy" all the way up to "years of horrific abuse".... All women fit in there somewhere.
    If you can see a woman, as the sweet little girl she started as, imagine doing all that gross shit to her... (AS A CHILD)...
    Are you getting the drift...?
    Speak to ALL women, like you would want for your daughter, sister, mother....
    You can never know what a woman's triggers are from 'her personal trauma ".... A look... A word... A phrase....
    So ZIP IT...!! Your pants and your mouth...
    You guys have NO IDEA what women and girls have to put up with...
    Trying to find a nice gentleman is like looking for the proverbial "needle ".... I already have the best hubby in the world.... ❤️
    Can I not find a nice play partner who doesn't put me off, in any way...???
    Fuck me dead... Where are all the NICE MANLY MEN, MINUS THE SLEEZE....???
    PLEASE.... IM BEGGING.!! .. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • DeliciousEva


      More than a month ago

      Sing it loud, girl!

    • Photos in private gallery


      More than a month ago

      Great job with what has been written, agree for sure.

    • Naughtymature2


      More than a month ago

      Delicious Eva, 😊👋
      You're my kind of woman, would love to chat as "woman friends"...
      (I'm the wifey,) your profile says you only accept women chats... So, if you happen to see this... Please feel free to message me and chat... Just chat... Not into chicks.. 😉🤣... But I think we'd enjoy eachother mentally...
      Hope to hear from you.. 🚬😎☕

    • regenerator77


      More than a month ago

      Gosh, I hope you find who you are looking for and enjoy doing so

      All the best

  • violdegamba


    More than a month ago

    Being sort of retired from the scene, I offer a perspective on past experience. Looking back, the one common denominator in my experience is that there is no common denominator. There is so much variation in sexual desire and response. You may not be a match with the other person's desires and pleasures. You may be a perfect match. Yes, some women [aside... I can't talk about men as I am not into them] want a large organ. But some want a busy tongue. Some want a rapid intense orgasm. Some want hours and hours without orgasm. Its an interesting world out there. I liken the situation to playing a viola. Unlike the violin, the viola comes in many different sizes. Not every viola suits every player's build. When you pick one up, you can't assume it will sing for you. So one can only approach each new situation with an open mind and a degree of humility. Humility is a necessary self-protection for the male as the gender balance is very much in favour of the other sex, and with that comes a form of bargaining power. A woman can get away with a much more demanding list of suitabilities. As a man I don't feel it is sensible to be to be so demanding. That's the world. No sense in being bitter about this situation, but inevitably some will slide that way.

  • regenerator77


    More than a month ago

    It’s much more than just size, it’s the energy of the man penetrating the woman. I’m average in size but I’ve had two significant women in my life who have left guys with enormous cocks to be with me. One of them said she only really felt big penises when she first met me, what can I say? It was a bit demoralising as I was about to have sex with her, but over time she said many times after lovemaking that our sex was the best she has felt. It’s all about the connection and energy.

  • Photos in private gallery


    More than a month ago

    So if the myth that men only like big tits is misogynistic, then the myth that women only like big cocks is misandristic.
    There we go, equality!

  • Fuckudeep129
    Online status icon


    More than a month ago

    it seems like it's a meat market out there, like going to a supermarket, I've messaged women or couples, that are looking for big cock, and no reply, yet had a couple, that said no too big, so it seems each to their own, I'm thinking maybe I'm not blessed

  • Gr8st82b24


    More than a month ago

    One thing I did not seem to recall...
    Can anyone tell me 'what' big is?
    One persons perspective is another persons opinion, is yet another persons preference.

    Are we talking, let's say, girth and length combo? Are we talking long and thin, short and fat, a chode, for example?

  • SifuFarmerAsh


    More than a month ago

    I personally find it insulting when women specify " must have a big dick". I don't know how many men's profiles would say " must have big tits and a super tight pussy" not that they are the only combinations available. Seems women can specify but men aren't allowed to. Pendulum has decidedly swung the other way now. How about something in between for a nice change. Or is it about women's " revenge" about being seen as an object that's bringing this about? Curious

    • Gr8st82b24


      More than a month ago

      Curious, hmm. Interesting perhaps.
      You made me laugh with one word actually, which is just as humorous as the subject of discussion.
      Oh, that word is...

      Pendulum 🫢🤭😇
      Beautifully used indeed.
      Made my day.

  • Photos in private gallery


    More than a month ago

    Yeah…. Kinda off the mark.
    On sites like this the goal is short term fun and with the terrible ratio ladies do control the roost and can be far more selective.
    I have come across far more profiles that are looking for big penis’s (either ticked or within the body of their profile) as opposed to ‘penis size is irrelevant’.
    The stats don’t really lie..

    • AMM.Editor


      More than a month ago

      I just did a search on women seeking men and then narrowed it down to those women who have big cock as one of their sexual interests - 23% it seems. So that's a good indication of what women on AMM are seeking.

    • Photos in private gallery


      More than a month ago

      Not really, if you read profiles too, not every lady puts down that as an interest. Where as they mention it clearly in their profiles. Pays to read the whole profile, not just the highlights

    • DeliciousEva


      More than a month ago

      Oh look another man coming in to tell a woman who literally has ALL the access to all the stats and numbers on this site that she is wrong. Ho hum. Must be Monday (eye roll emoji times ten)

    • Photos in private gallery


      More than a month ago

      To find the percentage it’s not that hard. If I do a search and apply no filters to the search, I can get the total number profiles that identify as female, I get a number of pages at the bottom and there are 20 results per page.

      Now, if apply the filter of big cocks only, I get the number of female profiles that list that in their interests (this has zero to do with what they have written in their profiles).

      Divide one number by the other and yes you get around that percentage, taking into account that more than 3/4 of the profiles are no longer in use…

      Perhaps if you paid more attention in maths and less in home economics/domestic science, you could also work that little stat out.

      The real irony is a women clearly doesn’t read the profiles she is looking at….

    • triXXXi66


      More than a month ago

      I just read yours ispy…. I always read profiles.. better go do a reread of yours and fix your anomaly up… 6”5 in your profile write up but 6”4 in your stats! Maybe that’s not the only stats that are wrong!

    • Photos in private gallery


      More than a month ago

      When I joined, there was no 6’5 option, same and weight, I think it still only goes up to 120 KG’s.
      But don’t worry, if I am in conversation with someone I do point that little fact out.

      Everything else is otherwise accurate but as there is 0% chance of us ever meeting, there is no way to verify that.

  • BEDMAN7678


    More than a month ago

    Well, I could write a book in response to your article. There is so much in it. Yet, shorter is better. Strictly tied to the article.
    It seems that AMMs target audience needs education in the department of “not all sex is about penetration”.
    Despite the fact that a substantial percentage of women don’t orgasm as a result of thrusting. Despite the fact that a substantial percentage of women on AMM want a connection or consider themselves as sapiosexual.
    It should go without saying that “it’s not all about penetration”. But, when I say this as a guy, women think I am bullshitting them. Until they try.

  • MrFit71
    Online status icon


    More than a month ago

    Just remember, vaginas are made to pass a babies head through it, there ain't no human dick that big! If you think you have a big dick, too bad it literally will not "stretch" her, she is just being nice telling you so!

  • Gr8st82b24


    More than a month ago

    Hi Eva, you are onto the money. Sex is way much more than the animal rutting style, wham bam thank you maam, shot em root em yea har!
    Size of a cock is something that both males and females have had to deal with. My most recent experience is that you can be most compatible with a lady, she ticks all the boxes, so to speak. However, due to childbirth complications, and the resultant scar tissue, flexibility of the flesh can be very much reduced. As a result, actual penetrative sex was not possible and that was the end of that.
    Size does matter in this particular circumstance, another point you made is the brain fuck. Having a big cock can get in the way of many types of sex, Including oral. Many of us have seen the deep throat types and have fantasies of giving or receiving. Not possible unless you are both prepared to find each other's limits and that includes teeth.
    So, take the time to enjoy and explore, enjoy pleasing the pleaser, and make pleasure a mutually satisfying experience 😀

  • myhothazeleyes


    More than a month ago

    I don't like big cocks.. for me it's an uncomfortable stretching feeling & pressure and doesn't hit any pleasure points. I must have a small cu*t..

    • Fuckudeep129
      Online status icon


      More than a month ago

      Yes you must lol, but with foreplay and oral, and being gentle, they fit

    • Gr8st82b24


      More than a month ago

      Thank you for your comment.
      And nothing wrong with size at all.
      Yes, lube and foreplay is a great start.

    • DeliciousEva


      More than a month ago

      Fun fact: Like penises, vaginas also come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and sensitivities. Also personal preferences is a thing. Telling someone they're wrong about their own body and what they want and like is a great way to make sure no one wants to get to know yours.

      Seriously. The number of men in here telling women they're wrong about their preferences is as hilarious and over reaching as most of your dick measuring skills.

    • myhothazeleyes


      More than a month ago

      Thank you Eva.. like I need my own body and how I use it "mansplained" to me

  • IndianSpice94


    More than a month ago

    Have to disagree to most women sizes matter but I agree with the message about having variety of sex or stimulating women's minds, etc. Unfortunately women want the big D's...

    • Darkstud


      More than a month ago

      I beg to differ with your opinion IndianSpice94.
      A woman, when it comes to intimate moments, can be likened to a delicate flower. Just as a flower requires gentle handling, nurturing, and care, so does a woman during such encounters. The tenderness, respect and consideration with which one approaches a flower, ensuring not to harm its petals or stem, are akin to the way one should approach a woman during intimate moments.
      Whether the male has a big or small dick, most females want a sexual adventure filled with care and passion. I can say from my own experience, they want fun that is loaded with foreplay and after play.

    • IndianSpice94


      More than a month ago

      I could be wrong but yea I just feel society is leading towards that. But yes respect, consideration, loving, tenderness, consider women's feelings but women consider men's feelings when it comes to being sexual. I agree. Just I feel like women like the size but who knows. I agree with points you made though man

  • Yellowhite


    More than a month ago

    Jesus Christ some very self unaware comments in here 😂

    • Gr8st82b24


      More than a month ago


    • DeliciousEva


      More than a month ago

      It's a vibe, huh.

    • Yellowhite

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Honestly we need to be able to upvote and downvote comments here, it’s no surprise so many guys complain they can’t find matches with the misogyny displayed in the comments.

  • OutdoorEd23


    More than a month ago

    Sorry but in my experience women love a big cock,especially a rock hard one.They say it is fun to play with and visually pleasing.
    And what’s this myth that guys with big cocks don’t know how to use them?Ive never had any complaints and pride myself on being a great fuck😉

    • KinkyGirl101


      More than a month ago

      The whole point is not that you "don't know how to use it", it's that sex is about more than your cock and we wish men would understand that.

    • Mindfood2


      More than a month ago

      So true..well said KinkyG

    • OutdoorEd23


      More than a month ago

      I Didn’t say it wasn’t about more than the cock,but this article mainly talks about cock and its size and that’s what I was addressing here…so?

    • triXXXi66


      More than a month ago

      But outdoor Ed… one woman’s idea of a big cock is anothers average cock… it’s like art.. it’s subjective.

    • OutdoorEd23


      More than a month ago

      Same as big labia I guess lol

  • love2pleazent


    More than a month ago

    Agree with comments on this article, however not all women want a big cock, nor do all women find them pleasurable. Just as not all guys like DD breasts .

    It’s totally what the lady likes, and more importantly , if she finds size pleasurable.
    If the guy is well endowed and just does his thing and possibly make it an unenjoyable experience, then ladies will dislike.

    It’s how you use it to be mutually beneficial. Just because I love big labia doesn’t mean I don’t like ladies whom don’t.

    A great article and good comments flowing

    • triXXXi66


      More than a month ago

      And to think I have been shamed for my labia! Thanks l2p

    • love2pleazent


      More than a month ago

      Hello TriXXXi66. Well you shouldn’t be at all. They are beautiful in every way

  • heeriam


    More than a month ago

    I've been with more women than I can count and I would say 99% say they love a big cock. They say they like to feel something inside them and if it's small, they don't feel fulfilled.
    I think the research where the conclusion "it's not the size but how you use it" is false.

    • Manflesh261

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Its a combination of both, women absolutely appreciate some size but they want you to know how to use that size intuitively and effectively, not just a jackhammer. If you rely on your size then your not reaching your full potential.

    • KinkyGirl101


      More than a month ago

      @Manflesh261 well said, and especially given the vast majority of women do not reach orgasm purely from a penis jabbing in and out of their vagina.

    • heeriam


      More than a month ago

      Never did I say I'm a jackhammer or anything of the sort. From my 'research' I've found that in general, most women prefer a big cock.

    • triXXXi66


      More than a month ago

      Sooooo… are those 99 percent of fuck knows how many women saying that directly to you coz you supposedly have a big cock or are they craving a 10” er?

    • heeriam


      More than a month ago

      I have nowhere near 10 inches and I wouldn't want to either. I also don't know if they would like 10 inches. Yes they are saying it to me. My cock is above average size and from what I've been told, that's what these women liked. All I can go on is my own experiences.

    • Fuckudeep129
      Online status icon


      More than a month ago

      i hear you

    • heeriam


      More than a month ago

      Cheers mate. At least someone understands

  • TheBigFella01


    More than a month ago

    I'm circa. 7.5 inches of uncut thick meat, with massive balls. In fact I always survey birds that I fuck, they all say I've the biggest balls they've ever seen. My tackle is great for birds that love facials & I always rub my hot cum onto their cheeks mainly, which keeps their skin rosy & radiant, that's me. A giving kinda guy with a decent cock & juicy massive balls. Always ready to serve the women of Sydney & surrounds.

  • Herewegoagain12


    More than a month ago

    I went to school and did well in geometry and mathematics. Women who like big penis have big vaginas. It's as simple as that.

    • heeriam


      More than a month ago

      Haha so not true. I've had sex with many a tight vagina and have to go slow and steady at first. Obviously after a while the vagina adapts to the size and it's so much better.

    • Photos in private gallery


      More than a month ago

      Hahahaha great comment ! Well played 🤣👏🏽

    • KinkyGirl101


      More than a month ago

      When a woman is aroused her vagina basically elongates - it's referred to as tenting - but I like to think of it as vaginal shapeshifting.

    • love2pleazent


      More than a month ago

      Love your use of terminology, Never heard of Tenting and I’ll google that. Do love Vaginal ShapeShifting, very clever.

    • Mindfood2


      More than a month ago

      I would say..big penis can be painfull for vaginal skin walls if it don't fit..forget it...haha so to speak

    • Kenzie2024

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Ummm it seems you know VERY little about geometry and that’s simply not the case. I don’t have a ‘ big ‘ vagina in fact it’s very firm and I like NOTHING more than feeling something substantial in there for many reasons. Things stretch and they SNAP back believe me and level exercises etc help. I’ve never needed to do these as I’ve always been firm but not everyone is. You have to ease into larger apps ages but once you do it’s a treat that’s for sure. Any man on here saying it doesn’t matter, again they are clueless ……

Copyright © 2024 Eva Sless It is illegal to use any or all of this article without the expressed, written permission from Adult Match Maker and the author. If you wish to use it you must publish the article in its entirety and include the original author, plus links, so that it is clear where the content originated. Failure to do so will result in legal action being taken.
The content posted on this blog is intended for informational purposes only and the opinions or views within each article are not intended to replace professional advice. If you require professional relationship or sexual health advice you should consult with an appropriately trained and qualified specialist.