7 (More) Things you can do Nude

Naked torso of a man trimming a small shrub with a pair of scissors

Looking through our member interests reveals you like to get naked, and not just in the bedroom. Your profiles tell us you like nudity at home, outdoor naked freedom, skinny dipping, nudist resorts, and one brave member included nude paintball skirmish. 

We were inspired by Eva’s recent article and thought we’d come up with some more ideas to motivate you to frolic naked.

Sunbaking & Swimming

Ahh the lure of an all-over tan. And whether it’s in the privacy of your own backyard or at a nudist beach there is something about the sun lapping our bodies that is appealing on so many levels. Check out our article Your Guide to Nude Beach Etiquette before you get back to nature at one of Australia’s gorgeous beaches.

And don’t forget swinging couples can indulge in some clothing optional fun at Aine Events sun soaked week in paradise in tropical FNQ.

Sleeping in the Nude

How good is skin to skin contact with your partner? And if potentially more sex and a better night’s sleep isn’t enough incentive, a UK poll found that 57% couples who sleep in the nude reported being happier in their relationship than their PJ-loving counterparts. Sleeping in the nude can help lower your body temperature, keeping cortisol levels lower, boost your metabolism and potentially help you to have better quality sleep. When we polled Adult Match Maker members, 87% said they sleep in the nude

Nude Bushwalking / Free Hiking 

We googled it and it’s a thing! It’s fairly common for bushwalkers to skinny-dip if they find a quiet place to swim whilst out walking so nude bush walking or “free hiking” as it’s known is just an extension of that. Apparently naked bushwalkers are known to walk in the Royal National Park and the Blue Mountains in Sydney and we found groups in Melbourne & Adelaide. The unofficial Naked Hiking Day is celebrated on 21 June. But be warned, bushwalking au natural does have drawbacks.

Naked Yoga 

Naked yoga isn’t new. In fact it’s been around pretty much since people started practising yoga and we featured Nude Yoga Girl in one of our articles. So what’s the deal? Yoga is very much about how your body feels rather than how your body looks so naked yoga can be an empowering practice. For the very brave you will even find studios who run group naked yoga classes but remember, it’s not about perving, it’s about body acceptance. 

The Naked Chef

Whilst the most well known Naked Chef, Jamie Oliver, strips down his recipes to the bare essentials we’re talking about a more erotic cooking experience. Some experimentation and caution is required and there are cooking techniques should be totally off limits if you don’t want to end up with third degree burns on delicate areas. But those who have tried it say that rolling out of bed naked in the morning and into the kitchen is a liberating experience.

Naked Gardening 

Celebrated since 2005 on the first Saturday of May, Naked Gardening Day is an excuse to shed your clothes and get back to nature. Of course be aware that your neighbours may not be as liberated as you and take the usual safety precautions if you’re using things like a whipper snipper. Avoid planting roses or repotting your cacti, and don’t forget the sunscreen. 


It’s the least fun part of adulting – cleaning the house. But who says cleaning has to be a chore! Make it a fun activity by getting your gear off and cleaning nude. There are even companies out there who offer it as a service so if you’re really game it might even be a career choice to earn a whole lot more wearing a whole lot less. Be warned though, uniforms are not provided. 

Once we started researching this topic it was hard to limit our list to 7 things. We found that nude mountain bike riding actually happens and, of course, there is the World Naked Bike Ride coming up in March. And then there’s the Nude Olympics, an annual event that has traditionally been held at Maslin Beach in South Australia. You can check out the Sydney Skinny in March and the rather chilly Dark MOFO Nude Solstice Swim mid-Winter in Tassie. Let’s not forget naked Wii or the more traditional naked Twister for some one on one fun with your partner. 

So, whether you are a card carrying nudist or naturist or just enjoy wearing your birthday suit for some of these activities or special occasions … get your gear off and let us know what you love doing naked!  


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  • iCam245


    More than a month ago

    Love being naked and Natuaral

  • ynot70today


    More than a month ago

    I get naked when everyone is out of the house i love it...

  • Steels.73
    Online status icon


    More than a month ago

    Beach volleyball is always fun, the hand signals can get a bit distracting though!

  • OzandViet


    More than a month ago

    Before I met my husband I lived with three other female friends and when we all were home after work we usually lived naked.As was just natural for us to be naked together and be free from clothes and the normal everyday stress.

  • moruyamanwhore


    More than a month ago

    Love it too
    I have a great time in the area and would love for the opportunity of the females in my area to meet with me on the beach and Bush

  • Takes.anal.cock


    More than a month ago

    Love being nude whenever possible! A bit skinny so I do feel the cold and for that reason it has to be hot summer weather if I'm going to enjoy it. Always naked around the house in summer. Just love nude bushwalking, in tune with nature and all that, but not so keen on getting arrested! Is Royal National Park a safe place to go nude? I mean anywhere secluded where I won't be arrested and charged with indecent exposure? Just want to get nude without offending anybody. Anyone know of other N/B areas, or keen to have a partner for a naked stroll? Anyone even interested in some bushland sex?

  • November.man


    More than a month ago

    Must admit...it does feel great to be sunbathing naked. And, it feels great to be naked around the house too.

  • fungreg877


    More than a month ago

    I live in the Tropics so just relaxing at home and even whilst watching television saves sweating. Love the Nude thing.

  • 62banjo


    More than a month ago

    Yeah nude all the time the only way to go and wash the car nude

  • Pelucito63


    More than a month ago

    Yeah.Already tried all of those,except the yoga.It's the only way to be.Plus cuts down on laundry costs.

  • jjandsr


    More than a month ago

    Ever tried being a midnight mechanic?

  • Truepeopleonly6


    More than a month ago

    Living on a farm is great as we lock front gate & we r 300 mtrs off main road . my man is naked all time here & at our favorite beach , I'm naked also in warm months at the farm & beach , so cloths when we go to town or out lol .

    • Takes.anal.cock


      More than a month ago

      You're very lucky to have a farm where you can be naked all the time. It's my dream!

    • Truepeopleonly6

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Its a great way of life
      I cldnt live in town with people able to look over fences .

  • phillg45


    More than a month ago

    Doing housework naked used to be called "Jaybirding" in the 60"s.

  • Photos in private gallery


    More than a month ago

    The only time I have clothes on is if I would get arrested without them

  • melbfun73


    More than a month ago

    as I live on my own being nude 24/7 is a thrill love it

  • Photos in private gallery


    More than a month ago

    Living on acres here in central Vic . It’s always nice to get out and about Naked
    It’s lovely and sunny here today. So spent the morning pruning the kangaroo paws naked of course

  • Ifuwannadome


    More than a month ago

    Cant stand swimwear marks nude sun baking thank u
    It looks gross when yr tan isnt all over

  • barkly48


    More than a month ago

    Yep, gotta love summer..!! The less clothes the better. Living solo means the opportunity comes up often to go nude. A light pair of shorts if I have to go within sight of others, but they can be removed quickly when needed. And warm nights in my outdoor bathtub... bring it on!!

  • rwp9966


    More than a month ago

    Surely there is more than 7 ...

    I recon there should be

    - nude cinema
    - nude sailing
    - nude shopping
    - nude pub night
    - nude dining
    - nude sports like squash and golf ...

    Whats else can us nudies do?

    • IVAONE60


      More than a month ago

      I'm with you there is nothing better then being nude. I'd be naked 24/7 if I had my way.

  • LionAwakening


    More than a month ago

    Living alone, there is but a zero call for modesty when doing anything around the house (within reason - see exception for frying bacon)

    • Cappy.17

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago


  • triXXXi66


    More than a month ago

    Nude Ironing should be avoided at all costs! Lol... well i wasn't laughing when the iron came too close to my stomach and burnt a strip across it! Outcome? ... learn a lesson and pretty much never iron again! That was over 25 years ago! Lol

    • Unicorn123

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Agree 100% Ironed nude whilst pregnant ... however there was a huge babeeee bump lump! Did exactly that! Will never ever iron nude again but nude everything else HELL YEAH!

    • ButterflyNik300

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      I've done this too!
      Nice burn line across my belly

    • triXXXi66


      More than a month ago

      Glad to know it wasn’t only me ladies!

    • Kookaburra66

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Ironing nude no .ride on lawn mower nude is a bit dusty and risky with bits of stick flying around.i would try the tractor nude however i think a huntsman sneaky out from under the seat last month has put me off that..

  • Stressfreefun35


    More than a month ago

    Amen! So true. Nude working from home and doing conference calls just adds that little bit of excitement to what would otherwise be a boring call...just make sure your laptop camera is covered ;)

  • Kookaburra66


    More than a month ago

    Yes the nude swim at the beach after a surf is always good.

    • Curious1947


      More than a month ago

      Share your opinion..Definately.. and mid night swims in a Pool..

  • Curious1947


    More than a month ago

    The joys of living remote on 7 acres full of native trees and a lock on the gate, after I retired from living in the city, has brought me ALL the freedom I need.. Plus less laundry to do weekly..I now begrudge doning clothes to go to town shopping etc. And I have also learnt never to cook crisp bacon in a pan on the stove unless I wear a tea shirt, and be very careful where I sit, and on what, outside in the garden.

    • ButterflyNik300

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Lol. Great advice

    • Adventures169

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      There’s no better feeling than being nude around the house
      I put on an apron while cooking or ironing while it’s still free for my partner to play when the kids are not around
      I’m now going shopping without my underwear, letting it hang is a great feeling

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