Top 5 Sex Positions for Big Beautiful Bodies

BBW woman wearing pretty lingerie looking seductively at the camera

Sex these days is full of acronyms and I know if you're not around the “scene” as much as I am, these terms can get a bit confusing. I know the first time I saw BBW it was in relation to a sex worker and I kind of assumed it had something to do with her having black and white photographs on her website... Yeah, so that's not what it is at all.

I've since found out BBW is a term to refer to girls of a larger size. It stands for Big Beautiful Woman, and personally I absolutely love the term.

As someone who was a BBW for half of her life, I know the attitudes that surround it and sex. In mainstream media and film etc fat chicks are rarely viewed as sexy or desirable (they're usually the “funny”one). There's all that horrible “no fat chicks” stuff and tasteless jokes about beached whales and rolling in flour and all sorts of crap, but the actual fact is men are very often attracted to women with meat on their bones and wobbles in their thighs. 

Regardless of what society tells us we are supposed to want, most men (and women) know that larger women are just as gorgeous, and sexy and deserving of intimacy and a good hard fucking as everyone. 

I also know, as a former BBW, that sometimes tummies and boobs and wobbles can get in the way of closeness, but that doesn't mean there aren't ways around it!

Here are our top five positions for awesomely orgasmic sex for those of us with slightly more to love.



As much as I'm not really a fan of the name, doggy style is probably one of the most popular sex positions for everyone of all sizes, shapes, desires, and tastes. It gives such a great view for him of her curved back and round arse, and allows for deep penetration and both parties to be able to control the rhythm. It can be slow and sensual, or kinked up with hair pulling and butt slapping. For a girl who may be slightly self conscious of her tummy, this is a great position for her as it allows her to concentrate on the sensations of sex, rather than get bogged down in distracting self doubt (although I do have to say, newsflash, he really doesn't care about your belly, he thinks you're absolutely gorgeous the way you are).



Like doggy, this is a position that comes in from behind, allowing for deep penetration and the warm intimacy of arms wrapped around and bodies super close. There's the opportunity for breast play, neck kisses, clitoral fun and whispered words. It really is a gorgeously intimate position for couples and one that has no size limit.


Girl On Top

Seriously. I know you think you'll squash him. I know you think he'll come out like flat Stanley afterwards, or he will never want to see you again but really, for so many men (and I've talked to many many men about this) this is actually not gonna happen. Firstly he actually wants your weight on him. He likes it. Secondly, you're often far less heavy than you think you are (this is just basic psychology) and thirdly with the use of strong legs, or a headboard, or arm leverage, you are actually not putting your entire weight on him anyway and are in far more control to move to your own rhythm. Sitting on top in reverse can help with the arm leverage thing, and really if you're worried, work out a signal like three pinches  on my thigh for “omg get off I can't breathe” (newsflash I never ever had to use that, and I was close to 100 kilos at my heaviest). Honestly, this position, once you realise how good and not suffocating it is, can do more for your self esteem than a hundred gym visits.



Yes, just like the fake lesbians do in porn, scissoring can be a really fun and sexy way to fuck without having to get any bellies or boobs in the way. Lie top to tail and scissor your legs together. Once penetrated you can roll and twist and curl your legs together creating all sorts of different depths and sensations to penetration. Her clitoris is free for her to stimulate, and because you're both in a reposed and relaxed position it can be a great one for lengthy sessions.


Pillows and Padding and Cushions Oh My!

With the right padding, and the right height and angles, almost any sex position is possible no matter what your size or shape. Slip a thick pillow under her butt to raise her hips off the bed and not only will her belly flatten and give her a boost, but her beautiful pussy will be raised and waiting for you. This can work especially well if her hips are right on the edge of the bed and he stands in front. Pillows under the belly can help raise the butt, and support her body during behind positions, especially if they're long sessions, and it's always so much fun working out what works and what doesn't and other ways to experiment with your pleasure.

Never forget that no matter your size, no matter your shape, no matter who you are. You are desirable and sexy and absolutely deserving of orgasmic bliss, and anyone who says otherwise is probably just jealous of your amazingness.

Happy fucking, my friends!

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Comments (114)

  • Wickedlyfun266


    More than a month ago

    Reverse cowboy is also good..

  • Bigbear1977


    More than a month ago

    What are some good positions for big burley men ? The spoon position doesn't work very well,at least not for me unfortunately

    • AMM.Editor


      More than a month ago

      Doggy and all the variations of girl on top are probably the most comfortable positions for you.

  • Adell1


    More than a month ago

    I'm a very big woman and I agree, these positions are fabulous. It's sometimes tricky to move as freely as I once did, both with my size and my back and knee issues. Thank you for this article, some men have no clue how to "manoeuvre" larger women.
    I'm not uncomfortable with my size, rather just appreciate the advice in this article. Thanks AMM

  • Fiona51


    More than a month ago

    What a fabulous article. Great positions and ones I have tried. Thanks Eva for an informative and a positive article aimed at us bigger girls :)

  • 4urpleasure2024
    Online status icon


    More than a month ago

    The fact there is a need to publish an article on how to have sex with a BBB says it all... Just another PC way to fat shame ! very disappointing AMM

    • AMM.Editor


      More than a month ago

      As you will see from the wording on the member's home page, we republished this because a BBW member requested an article about sex positions for someone who was "limited due to her size". So not fat shaming, just responding to a member's request.

    • fastlove24


      More than a month ago

      Good response

    • phoenix1323


      More than a month ago

      I’m a bigger woman, and I don’t have any issue with the way this article has been presented. Fact is, there’s some positions that are hard or impossible for me to achieve. I know I feel nervous or embarrassed at times when it comes to suggesting sexual positions. If others who are seeing a bigger lady can read this and incorporate it in their dynamics, it’s a good thing.

    • 4urpleasure2024
      Online status icon


      More than a month ago

      sorry you don't feel comfortable with your body but that was my whole point... why single out a particular demographic... I am confident that no matter what body size is involved very few if any can act out every sex position in the kama sutra.

    • phoenix1323


      More than a month ago

      I didn’t say I wasn’t comfortable with my body. I am. That doesn’t mean I’m comfortable with suggesting sexual positions, particularly with new partners. I’m not the only one.
      MY point was, it’s good information for the male participants to know, they can suggest it without drawing any attention to their partners size. The great thing about these positions is that anyone can do them, regardless of size :)

    • 4urpleasure2024
      Online status icon


      More than a month ago

      that's fair... but the only way to learn what works for you is to try different positions and be adventurous... and that starts in being comfortable with yourself.

    • phoenix1323


      More than a month ago

      I’ve been sexually active for about 34 years, and very active in the swinging community for over half of that. I’m very comfortable with myself, thank you. I know what works for me, my comment was to point out many men AREN'T aware what works for a bigger woman, and that this article could be a useful guide for them. Anyway, have a nice day.

  • Photos in private gallery


    More than a month ago

    I personally also love the term BBW. I’m a firm believer in that all women (and guys) are gorgeous and desirable in their own way. Everybody deserves to feel good about themselves sexually, intimately and desirably.

  • Happyfacek


    More than a month ago

    Article about BBW, but the pictures are of skinny women, picture should match the story

    • AMM.Editor


      More than a month ago

      As we explained in a previous reply, we commissioned an artist to do a whole series which could be used on multiple articles so yes the drawings are not specific to the topic in this instance.

  • Prayer94


    More than a month ago

    Absolutely love BBW!! Once the woman is comfortable with you, there’s not much she won’t try. Just be gentle with her, go down on her as if she’s a supermodel, spend time pleasuring her, be honest and tell her how sexy she is. You’ll have a genuine friend for life!!

  • triXXXi66


    More than a month ago

    Ironic ….images of skinny chick showing good sex positions for bbws!

    • KinkyGirl101


      More than a month ago

      Looks like a curvy girl to me

    • triXXXi66


      More than a month ago

      It’s clearly not.. to me.. she is not even bigger than the male.. which in a lot of cases the woman BBW is.

    • triXXXi66


      More than a month ago

      And kinkygirl101… I mean the cartoon images showing the sex positions.. not the first photo at the start of the feature.

    • AMM.Editor


      More than a month ago

      We commissioned an artist to do a whole series which could be used on multiple articles so yes the drawings are not specific to the topic in this instance.

  • Photos in private gallery


    More than a month ago

    I love BBW girls of any age. It's usually inclusive of big boobs and I love any girl who can ride my cock and dangle beautiful big boobies in my face for sucking and licking. Any BBW girls who like cowgirl please play with me! Another great position is to have the girl on her side. Lower leg straight and top leg bent forward. Easy to lick pussy and arsehole. Great for pussy or anal sex and I like that I can massage those big boobies and tickle her clit as I fuck her. The bonus is my balls are teased as they run up and down her lower straight leg. Works with bondage too. Tie your hands to the upper bent forward leg and you're all mine! BBWS? YES PLEASE cum to me withconfidence! XXX

  • Wannaplay2195


    More than a month ago

    Nice read

  • simondr


    More than a month ago

    This article and the comments that follow it are all spot on! I actually find "stick-chicks" very unappealing because there's nothing truly womanly to admire. I know this is harsh but it's like having sex with a 14 year old boy with a vagina. Eww.

    BBW are the very epitome of female sexuality in my opinion (and evidently the opinion of many people in this feed). I will always support BBW as there is nothing I consider to be sexier. Fulsome girls make my world a pleasure to be in. Gorgeous curves will always rule supreme.

    Getting back on topic, I have to agree that the 'girl on top' method is not only the most sexually satisfying, but if you're a little bit 'voluptuous' yourself, it has great benefits for the two of you.

  • meandutime


    More than a month ago

    try the woman on her back and the man sideways at right angles, the man can use his hands on her clit and anus (if she's into that) , this was great when the wife was pregnant .

    • Madkat1962


      More than a month ago

      Definitely a favourite now. Found it whilst having a hernia.

  • Fatboner230


    More than a month ago

    Great article
    BBW is my favourite kind of woman,I have had plenty and I just adored having intense good pleasurable sex with them.
    Big or fat isn't the turn I like to hear it's disgusting and degrading to say the least
    The bigger the better it means to me there is more beautiful to hang onto and imbrace for witch i like to do while penetrating her to the fullest watching her face exspretions and motions of enjoyment

    Thumbs up for all you BBW girls you are sexy,hot and adorable always

  • Happytododo


    More than a month ago

    Fantastic article. The reality is that people find what works best for them and their shapes and sizes. I will never forget the privilege I felt when I was able to adore a certain well endowed woman in all her glory for the first time. She was really self concious about her curves, while I was in awe. We made beautiful times together for quite a while. Why did I let that escape?

  • DynamicCouple


    More than a month ago

    Sex and arousal starts in the brain , as does self confidence, personality and the ability to fantasise. The most important sex organ, we believe, is the brain.

    Being fat or thin should therefore make no difference as to whether you are good in bed or not , but rather your behaviour and attitude is what makes you a good lover or not . Obviously if you are morbidly obese and have resultant health issues then this will impact on your energy levels, stamina and ability to engage actively in physical sex.

    We both lost a lot of weight 5 years ago and we can certainly attest to the fact that by losing weight, eating right and getting daily exercise, our health , our vitality , our energy levels, our stamina, our self confidence levels and thus our sex life, have never been better .

    And yes , being slim, fit and agile has enabled us to enjoy many more and varied sexual positions that we were able to previously, when we were fat.

    Do we enjoy sex more than we did before ? Yes

  • FlirtyDuo


    More than a month ago

    Would the BBW brigade find the term SSW (sexy slim woman) offensive ?

    You can romanticise the obesity / fat / overweight issue with terms like BBW, Cuddly, Large, Big, Curvy , Voluptuous etc. all designed to boost fragile self confidence and continue the denial, as opposed to taking control, keeping away from KFC, Pizza & Maccas, and getting off the sofa and actually exercising.

    There are, after all , two sides to a coin, and Australia has the 2nd highest obesity rate in the world (second to the USA).

    Best not to judge others by their outward appearance by rather by their inner beauty, personality & self confidence.

    We opt for a healthy well balanced lifestyle with regards nutrition and exercise.

    Too much Viceral & Subcutaneous fat can cause major health issues. Everything in moderation is the key, we feel .

    • Ninja1969


      More than a month ago

      So totally agree
      Fat isnt beautiful
      Fat is unhealthy and cost tax payers excessive premiums for preventable illnesses
      I get it that some people have fat fetishes but at the end of the day most guys prefer to have sex with slim women but feel fat chicks are easier
      An analogy is the old bald fat guy walking along a street in Phucket picking up young hookers. No. You are not a stud. You are a wallet.
      In the same way guys see fat chicks as a less hassle way of getting their dick wet.
      Result is the perpetual misconception that fat is beautiful

    • BBWlucy


      More than a month ago

      wow you just made me feel so very unworthy and very unattractive. Thanks for that.

    • KingHarry96


      More than a month ago

      Don't feel that way Feel4, you're beautiful as you are, ignore the critics.

  • SmoothNice


    More than a month ago

    Love a BBW sitting on top... total access to the DDs



    More than a month ago

    Great reading and feel best positions depend on both body sizes. As an admirer and lover of larger ladies I prefer dogggy and and spooning my favourite and always keen to do with any size larger ladies.

  • PurplePeace33


    More than a month ago

    Great article
    But I just can't get over the being on top one not at the way I am and I've lost 30 kilos....but the tap out could make it possible thank you very much

  • Photos in private gallery


    More than a month ago

    Fantastic article. As a large woman myself it can take a bit to find the best position deending on the guy I am with. The article is very empowering.

  • Fatchic89


    More than a month ago

    Amazing. As a big girl I do worry that I am not sexy enough or will hurt the guy I'm with. Doggy style is the best. Feels amazing

  • Photos in private gallery


    More than a month ago

    All great positions as I like to swap around after I massage these big beautiful ladies and do what is deepest penetration on my massage table.
    Big ladies are hevean and always welcome at my place.

  • KinkyHugh


    More than a month ago


  • Icycupcake11


    More than a month ago

    Awesome article! As a chubby girl I often feel quite downhearted because skinny girls always seem to get the guys in the long run. Nice to read comments and feedback :)

    • hawksbane

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      There are plenty of guys who love bigger women. I just wish more bigger women had the confidence they should have, they are beautiful and deserve to be confident and feel sexy, because they are.

    • Icycupcake11


      More than a month ago

      Thanks Hawksbane. I think what affects my confidence is the fact lots and lots of guys will hook up with me (or want to) and tell me how beautiful I am but when it comes to dating the girls are always skinny. I think there's social pressure to be with a thin girl even if they like bigger ones. Society has a way to go I think :)

    • hawksbane

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      I completely agree. There is definitely social pressure to be seen with thin girls rather than bigger ones. I've even had comments made to me about thIs by work collegues. They should worry about their own lives rather than living vicariously through mine. These are otherwise nice people and don't consider the impact of their words. Most are ashamed of themselves when I point this out. The most confusing for me was one bigger girl making these comments about another girl I was with at the time. More and more are accepting however, at least in my circles, most actually don't hold a negative view after it becomes clear that I won't participate in that. So I think for most people, this attitude is just a thin veneer perhaps based on lack of self confidence, both for men and women each in their own way. For my part, I love bigger girls and am proud to go on dates with them.

    • FriendlySpoon


      More than a month ago

      I think it comes down to 2 things. Confidence and lifestyle. The best sex I've ever has always been with average to larger women. These women have the confidence in themselves without being told 5 times a day that they're sexy or good looking. It's a deep confidence that a lot of fit or skinny girls don't have as they've built their confidence up through external compliments and have learnt to rely on them.

      That said, I've tried to date some larger girls and our lifestyles just didn't match. They were larger because of diet and lack of exercise, where I am very much into being healthy and exercising daily. I think they were lucky they were still young and could get away with it. Lots of average and larger girls do live a healthy and active lifestyle and I personally think that is the sweat spot. The larger but healthy girls you see at the gym are perfect.

    • Icycupcake11


      More than a month ago

      Good points guys :)

      I am one of those girls who is chubby but healthy. I eat good food and exercise so it's actually funny I'm still a chub haha. Dammit genes!

    • hawksbane

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      I have to agree with FriendlySpoon. Being active affects both your own health and who you are likely to find long-term happiness with. Although bigger is attractive to me, an attitude of disregard for exercise and nutrition is not. Of course, it can be incredibly difficult to break sugar and carb addictions (I should know); some people just struggle a bit here. For me, that is important more for personal health reasons than attractiveness, and you don't want or need to be a runway princess to achieve that. Just do what is reasonable with your own beautiful body, with all its damn genetics. Satisfy all that and you get... someone like you, 4Erioed! Heh heh. Kudos to you.

      Huh, look at me going off on a soliloquy again.

    • Icycupcake11


      More than a month ago

      Haha yes I agree! I can't stand someone who has total disregard for their health, regardless of their looks.

      But yes attitude is a big thing :) hopefully more people can think like you guys. World would be a bit better haha.

    • hawksbane

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Moving away from weight, the same thing applies to any body differences. What's wrong with being accepting of differences instead of judgmental? Of course we all find certain things unattractive, that's just part of being a human with aesthetic appreciation. But that's no reason to make unpleasant comments. Although I'd love to make comments about those people who insist on wearing their pants down below their butt cheeks, ha ha... oh yes, acceptance.

    • Melody2973

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Couldn't agree more :)

      Think men dig having sex with with a larger woman but if you aren't compatible in life it's probably not going to gel so to speak :)

      Think men are attracted to fit healthy women and I know I'm attracted to men like that :)

      I'm working on it :)

    • OutdoorEd23


      More than a month ago

      Guys like pounding big chicks but don’t want to go out with them,harsh but it’s true

  • Jessyj


    More than a month ago

    Thank you for this fansextastic article! It is awesome to know that there are many men who look beyond, and truly discover that regardless of size, bbw have feelings, sex drive and personality!!! Hugs and happiness Jxxx

    • hawksbane

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Also that bigger women are sexy!

  • hawksbane


    More than a month ago

    My own opinion is that bbws are very sexy. Really, for me nothing beats a bbw in lingerie, wow, so feel good about yourselves and have fun! There are many other men like me who feel the same as well, believe me.

  • Candygirl20


    More than a month ago

    Thank you for writing this article Eva. I am a BBW and have tried these positions with great sexcess. Another favourite of mine is played out in the pool where your male partner has his back to the wall and you position your legs either side of his shoulders, anchoring your ankles to the side of the pool, face up of course, you grasp each others arms and pull yourself into him for deep penetration as you lay back on the water. WOW! Great for BBW and BBM.(men) Watch out for the wave action you could get swamped lol.

  • CplNextDoor6969


    More than a month ago

    We love the article,we also love playing with voluptuous women and we all have fun in any position,,we love curvy Ladies...

  • Photos in private gallery


    More than a month ago

    Come and get me lovers of curvy girls. BBW's if preferred

    • foryouandanyone

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      I love riding a bigger woman

  • Photos in private gallery


    More than a month ago

    There is nothing better than having a big set of thighs wrapped around me as i give a lady oral.I simply love natural curvy girls and love it when they facesit me.

  • edward491


    More than a month ago

    There is nothing nicer then having a lovely romp with a larger lady couldn't think of anything better they are a huge turn on in my opinion and so much more sexy!!!!!



    More than a month ago

    Love it, well done on article , whether refered to be BBB or BBW this article allows all to know that arnt confident that there aint nothing wrong with weight as long as not dangerous but as our main coment in our profile says " Natural real women" apply within. Well done again and shame cant be published for all outside site to see and 'girl on top' hmmmm eye contact, his and hers nipple play and list goes on

  • Prettypinklips2


    More than a month ago

    Im a size 12 but used to be a size 22, i find it hard to click with guys on AMM because of the loose skin, but i will one day lol
    Sex was better when i was a big girl :P

    • WildeNoir


      More than a month ago

      Is that a little to do with confidence do you think? Being so aware of the extra skin? But good on you girl.

    • Melody2973

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Don't waste anymore time worrying about it, you've already lost time :(

      Own what you've got and be proud of your journey :)

    • Swellchaser76


      More than a month ago

      I wouldn't worry about too much Prettypinklips2, as the others have said, life too short & besides there is some really sexy out fits that can cover up these little areas & pull them in

    • foryouandanyone

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      I could not agree more, my wife was a larger lady then had the weight loss surgery, she was far more sexy before the operation

    • meandutime

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      I agree with you pretty, my wife was quite a big girl and had surgery to loose the weight, and sex was so much better before she lost the weight.

  • Wowee96


    More than a month ago

    skinny chicks look good in cloths,,curvy,",bbw,s" look good and are unreal naked..mmmmmmmm

  • Leolady727


    More than a month ago

    Let's acknowledge that not all men (especially the older ones) are trim, taut gods :-). Some of these position are almost impossible for a man who has a bit of a tummy - spooning, for instance and also doggy. The one I find best is scissoring.

    • Leolady727

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      But, thank you, Eva, for your body-positive articles - too many women (and men) obsessed with perfection.

    • DeliciousEva


      More than a month ago

      Yes. We'll definitely get to larger guys.
      This was for women though.

      And you're welcome lovely Leolady.

  • Photos in private gallery


    More than a month ago

    I love a BBW
    Love the wobbles as we doggy
    Be yourself you BBWs are beautiful

  • Brass.Monkey


    More than a month ago

    Great article!! <3

    • 8star69

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Sure it is. I personally think the curvy people are more sexy then others and you do need something to hold on too ;)

    • RonDayvuu


      More than a month ago

      I definitely enjoy handling dangerous curves ;) There's something hot and sexy about a confident curvy woman who know how to have fun.

  • Amante.


    More than a month ago

    Thank you for the article.
    As a tall size 16/18, at times I have struggled with my perception of what I should look like. I do some occasional modelling and believe me, my images are just as if not more popular than the media perceived perfection of 8 - 10.

    Looking around at the tummy wobbles on ladies of all ages...I've come to realise that we are all attractive regardless of what is dictated by popular media.

    I prefer muscular men with a little weight on them over athletic skinny men shouldn't fret about shape either.

    It's who we are, our confidence, personality and presentation that attracts a mate. Not our lack of cellulite....btw skinny girls have cellulite too!

  • Wouldueatme


    More than a month ago

    Thank you for a great article, as a BBW it is nice to feel included in the blogs page too
    look forward to reading more great articles

  • DDdelite


    More than a month ago

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! Sweet Eva, you have made my day.

    I have been a BBW my entire life. I have struggled as a sexual being all through my teens, 20's and 30's...even into the beginning of my 40's. Now that I am approaching 45, I have finally accepted that the body I have now is MINE. I have learned to love it and accept it, mostly because real men love real women. Real men love confident women. I am finally having the best sex and feel like an a porn star ( in my mind lol ) because I can let go of feeling ashamed of 'rolls & wobbly bits'. If you love your body then others will too.

    DDdelite x

    My advice to younger plus size women is spend lots of time enjoying your body on your own and with men who appreciate your body just the way it is. We are to be embrassed, celebrated and most of all fucked in ALL our glory!

    • TidyUnderpants

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      I love BB Women. The experience with a BBW is always fabulous.

      Body image is such a "thing".... don't worry about it, just be "you" and enjoy.

      I encourage articles like this.

    • DeliciousEva


      More than a month ago

      You are so very welcome!
      I think so many of us women hit our late 30s and early 40s with a sudden realisation that it actually doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of us, and it's all to do with how we see ourselves. I'm so glad you've realised it too. :)
      Next goal... Get women realising it far far earlier!

    • CrimsonApex04

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      You need to watch the documentary called ' Embrace ' :)

      I've NEVER let my size stop me sexually and I feel sad for women that have wasted years worrying about it :(

      I'm working out and feeling better, becoming healthier is the plan :), if the weight falls off it's just a bonus :)

    • DeliciousEva


      More than a month ago

      Its so good to hear women finally talking about health rather than weight loss.
      They aren't the same thing at all.
      Good on you.
      And yes. Embrace is fantastic!

  • 1DoorMan


    More than a month ago

    It don't matter BBW or slim when you click you might both get your fuck on and both enjoy yourselves.
    Love the artical.

    • CoupleLove15

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      I'm not fussed about weight either... its all personality and looks for me. Just like doorman says "Who cares... get your fuck on!"

  • aPussyLicker4U


    More than a month ago

    A great article.
    I love BBW's and have had the great pleasure to have been with several lovely lusty larger ladies over the years. This article certainly rings some bells for me.
    But there is one great position that I feel you have missed, and that is the 69'er.
    Some will gasp at the thought but it is my all time fave bedtime activity and it doesnt need to stop with a larger lady.
    The largest lady I have a 69'er with was nearly 190kg and when I suggested it to her for the first time she looked at me incredulously. It took some persuasion but she finally mounted me (yes she was on top...and no I didnt suffocate...) and she loved it, a 45 year old woman and her first ever 69'er. We spent the next 7 years together and not a week went by without a 69'er.
    There are some tricks to positioning that help for comfort of you both and I am happy to pass these on to anyone who may wish to send me a private message.

    • DeliciousEva


      More than a month ago

      Yes! 69 is awesome!
      Can only write so much though...
      Will do a part 2 another day.

  • manjoy


    More than a month ago

    Now THIS time this article was superb.

    I love women who are NOT STICK figures nothing turns me off more than someone who is skinny as a rake just to please other people. I love women who are comfortable with their looks no matter what the size, i have had a range of women of all sizes and they were all fantastic, beautiful, sensual and brilliant personalities. BBW are the most awesome people both sexual partners or as friends it does not matter what their size.

    Now this was a GREAT article Eva. Well done.

  • allinmymind


    More than a month ago

    Bellies and boobs in the way? Having F cups, now G, and birthing five kids, you are not serious right? No imagination much! And girls try camming with your bum up and the laptop on the dressing table and yes one view might be awesome, but the stomach view from there, well you may have to wear a shirt.

    Maybe I am a different style of big, tall and have no idea what you are talking about. Long legs are not particular great for doggy with a small partner, or just as impossible to suck on the knees on the floor.

    • DeliciousEva


      More than a month ago

      Yes. My (and countless other women I've spoken to, and who are commenting here) boobs and belly often got in the way of some positions. Especially when playing with an equally bellied partner... So I used my imagination and pillows and worked out cool pozzies and then they didn't get in the way.

      Like... You know... How I wrote in the article...

    • allinmymind


      More than a month ago

      How come the article then isn't about how to have a partner that is a big guy.

    • AMM.Editor


      More than a month ago

      Because Eva wrote the article that we asked her to which is another in our series about body positivity for women.

    • DeliciousEva


      More than a month ago

      Are you honestly complaining that an article written to help create more body positivity for women (which also praises men for not being as shallow as the media tries to make them out) isn't about men?


    • Melody2973

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      You are only limited by your imagination ;)

    • Photos in private gallery


      More than a month ago

      Yup, the long legs on me, and the shorter legs on him make it almost impossible to do some positions. Keep having to adjust my boobs for others. Just as well there are more than one way to make love :-)

    • Lexecutie


      More than a month ago

      Being 6'8" I know all to well about long legs making doggy difficult and how getting the flex just right to line up is awkward and exhausting with a shorter partner. I'd suggest a swing or raising your partner with a stack of firm coushions, an arm chair may also do wonders for the height differences. Beanbags and inflatable furnature are great to. Or in water.
      I hope its of any help

  • Massageman0


    More than a month ago

    Fantastic article!
    Enjoyed most with BBW ladies on my massage table too..
    Heaven! Pete

  • leydan


    More than a month ago

    As being a BBW lady myself i found this article very well written and i want to thank you

  • Jnrsaint007


    More than a month ago

    Great article , love my women with a little cushion

  • heidstaBBW


    More than a month ago

    Great Article Eva,
    It's nice to see, as a BBW myself it's refreshing to see a well written Article that might give some insight to some people .

  • Lokilokiloki


    More than a month ago

    As a SSBBW this article is great! I have always enjoyed sex, pick a position and damn it I'll do my best to get in it! Pillows and props are as useful and can be as fun as toys. So get into it girls and guys, if u haven't tried a BBW or a handsome extra cuddly man, I highly suggest u do!

  • trusted8


    More than a month ago

    It seems that there are a lot of ladies out there that are a little overweight, being referred as BBW and have the same desires for great sex as anyone else and deserve those pleasures to be given to them. Larger ladies are passionate lovers, as they normally suppress their natural feelings, thinking that, they don't like their own looks and find being with others is an embarrassment. Having had a larger girlfriend, I can assure all that it was the best sex I had the pleasure of sharing. Thanks Eva for writing this article.

  • 2SIRShareu


    More than a month ago

    Yes all great positions you mentioned and I am really turned on by larger bodies! I also do several of these styles on my massage table and find doggy particularly exciting. If any lady like to try these positions on a massage table then please feel free to contact me.

  • Titianslady


    More than a month ago

    I can say with perfect honesty my size has never impeded me from having great sex, pillows work a treat as do all the above mentioned positions, Cowgirl being my favourite in the past. Legs up in the air or resting on his shoulders is also another favourite and as i now have arthritis in my knee the position of choice. I can't kneel in any position anymore so pillows etc more critical. Size can be a turnoff for some guys but I'm not keen on big bellied guys either makes sex harder two tummies rolling around on top of each other. Where's the hole where's the hole!!!!! As a young girl I had plenty of BF and I was a big lass then too what turned the tide back then against BBW was a model called "Twiggy". Great article.

    • LadyDragon

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      So back then I was the Twiggy & not popular... the girls with the boobs got the guys... I just gothought tease for my lucky legs - lucky they don't snap off & go up my arse...
      Nowadays though... wow! Roll on you gorgeous guys - this eveready pussy can keep up, no matter what the position... 67 is the new 17!!!
      Go you BBW - we ROL (retired old ladies) are getting our share too!

    • Titianslady

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Yes boobs have never lost their appeal. Thank

  • DatewithDestiny


    More than a month ago

    For me, BBW seem to be the best at love making, not sure why this is, but for me it's a fact. So with Easter just around the corner, Go Girls, Go.

    • SugarnSPICEY

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Hmm really is that why you state in your profile your looking for "slim to medium build" a bit of a contradiction there DatewithDestiny.

    • 1DoorMan

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      @ SugarnSpicey. what are you the AMM SEX POLICE .

    • DatewithDestiny

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      AMM, sex police, that's funny, giggle.

    • Photos in private gallery


      More than a month ago

      On this I would agree with SugarnSPICEY

  • Cactus874


    More than a month ago

    Very nice Artical

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