Do you dare to hair down there?

Woman with her hair in curlers and bright red lipstick trimming a bush with scissors

It is an occupational hazard that I often end up shocking the people I am talking to especially if they don’t know me well or have just walked into a sex talk with Emma and weren’t expecting it. Heads up, if you walk up to my group at lunchtime we will more than likely be talking about sex. We might be discussing consent, what a sex party is like, how to write a good dating profile or techniques for giving head

However, apparently the most shocking thing for everyone was when I stated that I had pubic hair. My colleagues found this to be my most outrageous comment yet. "Inconceivable" they cried. A woman can’t have hair down there! Well, they can. And they do. 

I remember when, twenty years or so ago an older, more experienced lover suggested I try shaving my pubic hair. Not all of it, just the undercarriage, as it were. It was shocking and scary and felt amazing when he went down on me again. When I described it to people suggesting they try it I said “you know how when you have just shaved your legs everything feels like silk? Well, imagine a tongue…” Needless to say a few of my more daring girlfriends tried it.

I enjoyed being so risqué, so out there, it was unusual and it wowed the men I slept with. Then it became a bit more mainstream. I got more extreme with the amount I removed at times. Occasionally I would even remove the lot! Shocking! And uncomfortable as it grew back and frankly I thought it looked ugly and like I was a prepubescent girl. Not for me.

And then it became the norm for everyone to wax the lot. All the time. There was a time before this. Historical documents refer to Carrie on Sex in The City accidentally getting one (Season 3, episode 14, 200) and thinking it was too much. “My insides are on my outside” Carrie says. Then they trick Charlotte into getting one too. Maybe that is how it started, one girl getting one, it hurting and then tricking another friend into it as a joke. One of my colleagues has been getting her vulva completely waxed from the age of thirteen. No one else even saw it until she was 16. That was an approximate $1,440 and three years of unnecessary pain and regrowth she did not need to endure. Let alone the rest of her life, a further $20,000 at least if she stops at say 60 and the price doesn’t go up.

I personally prefer to shave and to be honest I like to change things up depending on my mood, my preferences that week, my partner's preferences (if they fit with mine). For me, hair down there is for fun and style and shapes and non-conforming. Not for me to pay someone $40 to remove at all times no matter what. At least for a while there was the argument that if men didn’t do it why should I? Now, however, male pubic hair is also going the way of women’s and disappearing completely. Note, some judicious trimming and grooming has always been a good idea gentlemen. 

For a while now the medical articles have been coming out about how we actually need pubic hair.  How it is actually healthy for us to have some hair down there and that removing it may make us more susceptible to infections like genital warts and molluscum contagiosum. Removing your pubic hair can also increase the likelihood of boils and abscesses. 

Look we know that removing it all at all times without thought is commercialism gone wild. We understand that the continued policing of beauty standards is wrong but I don’t see how we convince a bunch of prepubescent girls that that hair that is now growing there isn’t gross when the whole world is telling them it is unnatural and young boys have never seen a bush. Of course, they are going to be repulsed by something they find strange and unfamiliar. We have hijacked pubic hair and removed the choice for young people about what they think is sexy for them. That is what bothers me the most. Choice should be just that choice. I never felt I had a true choice about shaving my legs when I was young, it is what all women did. So I started shaving at 13 when there really wasn’t any hair yet and no one was looking anyway. Sound familiar? It hasn’t been considered feminine to have leg hair for quite some time now, since about the 50's or 60's.  To this day, no matter how much I want to get my feminist on I can’t bring myself to sport leg hair in public. It saddens me that young girls feel the same way about their pubic hair even though they should feel safe to be individuals and not to conform. By teaching that pubic hair for young men and women is “dirty” and “disgusting” aren’t we perpetuating the idea that your genitals are dirty and disgusting and must be sterilised and uniform in appearance to acceptable? Let's celebrate diversity and choice in our expression of our sexuality instead. Dare to hair. Or not. It is up to you. Just put some thought into it.


Have your say! Login to comment.
  • LoganPatch69


    More than a month ago

    I love a full untamed bush. The feel and the smell while down there is so sensual and erotic.... not many people seem to want one though!

  • April3322


    More than a month ago

    I first shaved about 12 years ago, not a full de-furring but the itch was incredibly uncomfortable as it was growing back. I used to do a full shave before meeting guys, but after one particular night where I developed an awful painful rash, I always keep a carpet now haha It has become a dealbreaker for me now, I find out beforehand the guy's preference, if he only wants to see clean, then the deal's off. Better to know beforehand I reckon.

    • ALMRST1984

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Thats hot love a hairy bush ;)

  • Missplayful55


    More than a month ago

    I use to shave, but got sick of looking like a plucked chicken, so I looked into laser best thing Iv done, first you go for a few sessions, which can work out expensive but after a while they put you on maintance, I go every three months shave the little bit of hair maybe 2 in that time and my pussy feels great, . And it doesn't hurt.

  • john1765


    More than a month ago

    The only reason for me ,for a woman to be free of hair in that area is so I don't get a surprise floss. No or even trimmed makes it easier for a guy to go down on a woman !

  • Icycupcake11


    More than a month ago

    Interesting how many people like bush. Personally I've been shaving for as long as I can remember, hate the feel of hair down there, just feels messy. But with guys I'm not fussed either way.

  • shortnfeisty


    More than a month ago

    I never used to shave down there, I would let it grow... Now I shave it and I enjoy the smoothness and it my opinion when I play with my toy I get a more intence feeling
    And I know that when I get played down there rubbed or finger my fuck buddy enjoys it

  • Helloyounglover


    More than a month ago

    I like a hairy woman with hair around her vagina and anus Raw and primitive Like a cavewoman YUM

  • stuboy009


    More than a month ago

    I have shaved mine on occasion and don't like doing it , worse when it itches when growing back. I also feel a horrible draft like I'm walking round with my pants down . I rather see hair on a woman too , it stops friction burns too.

  • Petewil


    More than a month ago

    I m in pursuit of hirsute. It is so boring. Why is hair on arms ok and hair on legs disgusting? Why is head hair a source of pride but pit hair shameful? I like real, natural women with pheromones. Come on ladies, you know how nice man fur feels. Most young men have never experienced the scent of a woman. I spurt precum whenever my hairy love is within sniff range. Free the pubes! Free the pits!

  • tullamare


    More than a month ago

    i have been bare down there for decades. for me its a comfort and hygiene thing. i dont care what anybody thinks about it i am the one who has to live with it. as to others i dont even notice anymore.

  • Virtuosity73


    More than a month ago

    "Shaven Haven" looks like a plucked chicken, and is creepily associated with underage ... Not suggesting that the ladies go back to the "Wild Forest" look from 70's Porn ... However, there is nothing wrong with a "Landing Strip" or even a "Manicured Ladygarden" for that matter :)

  • JustLookin022


    More than a month ago

    Lol, it's all good. love reading some of the comments. The odd pussy hair in teeth or in mouth I found a good excuse for a breather and relax the mouth and tongue for a bit, check in with partner make sure all is good. Hehe. Can be a bit rough on the shaft when like sand paper though, so just change positions and spread those legs.Lol

  • warmtothetouch


    More than a month ago

    For a seemingly liberated bunch of people, theres an awful lot of moaning ( the wrong kind ) & scaremongering going on about our pubes!
    I'm sure everyone has their own reasons for what they prefer but I think we should respect another person's right to treat their own body as they like. We should celebrate all our differences, not conform to some 'norm'. Enjoy what you have & share it with someone who respects you for you.
    I have never been shy about delving (& diving ) into the beautiful natural Australian bush! Ladies, please don't be afraid of the undergrowth. Not every man wants you to look like a teenager ..... but, of course, it is ultimately your body & your choice!
    Those that think hairy equates to smelly – maybe you should look further into diet, showering habits & general health. There's always that mid-session shower to refresh the shrubbery & revitalise the floral arrangement! Get creative people. It's sex. It's not just fun, it's bloody funny!
    And as far as the occasional pube finding it's way where it might not be wanted, improve your tongue skills & get on with it. Surely, the reward far outweighs the risk on that one.
    Hair to stay!

  • April214216


    More than a month ago

    I think pubic hair is very sensual providing it is neat and trim.
    GT Stripe is great for sure.
    I like to feel a woman and when u touch the Pubic Hair it is obvious that both parties are enjoying it.

  • bunny4000


    More than a month ago

    I don't give a rat's arse what anyone prefers.
    I will do what I want because that is how I like it.
    Don't do anything because someone else told you that you had to.
    Be yourself.

  • Hedonistz


    More than a month ago

    We both love hair on a pussy, it's a focal point a little triangle draws the eye, it holds in the pheromones, much prefer a real woman, not in to little girls. It gives personality to a pussy, most bald pussies look like a Clam.....Mrs H even dyes hers and has never been completey bald......don't get us wrong we don't discriminate we love all pussies (almost) a manicured bush is our preference....BRING BACK THE BUSH!

  • idiotfacedidiot


    More than a month ago


  • marktc68


    More than a month ago

    I like hair down there. It's more womanly and the fully shaved kind of creeps me out.

  • Photos in private gallery


    More than a month ago

    I can take a woman any way, but i do like a lady with jusr a little bit, a close second is a lady with none and thirdly not so keen on the bushy bush. I myself do shave and i like it feels great just a touch up in the shower once a week workes for me.and i am the male here, my wife doesn't do anything but is lucky dosnt have much hair down there

  • nativxxx


    More than a month ago

    the reason the hair grows is natureal nd has a pirpose wii all lookinng from image view nonetheless the hairs there to protect nd keepwarm nd dust dirt wen u chopp or manicure it regrows... we go thru stages nd lifestyle envy so lets all enjoy nd appreciate our bodee hair haha

  • 1DoorMan


    More than a month ago

    We dont live in the 70s any longer LMAO ,coughing up a fur ball not a good look when playing . And when I need dental floss I will buy mine .

  • triXXXi66


    More than a month ago

    I am proud of my pubic hair, it gets mostly good comments and even the "thank god, its good to see some hair" comments. Its hard enough to keep up with leg regrowth let alone pussy regrowth, and i have never been keen on an itchy squitchy! Lol
    Gotta say, i personally find it more manly and attractive when a man has pubic hair also!

  • Sweetkiss502


    More than a month ago

    Yes i have a bush tidy up when i have a date but when i went on this site im sure im a woman and very proud off it so for me go the bush even on men i think omg why shave the lot off maybe me as im new to this lifestyle but it dosnt look normal to me .

    • jas1122

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      nothing better than a nice bush

    • Photos in private gallery


      More than a month ago

      A bush tidy up when you have a date? Love it! My kind of woman.

  • start.stop


    More than a month ago

    Played with a couple the other week, and Mrs had the full bush.... was delicious, a refreshing change :-)

  • AdultMode.


    More than a month ago

    Call me ole fashioned... but I like a woman to resemble being a woman.....a nice maintained strip is where its at for me.

  • marty000


    More than a month ago

    Love the hair!

  • alfa159


    More than a month ago

    I used to like shaven pussies but now I think manicured natural is the best. Very very sexy.
    Take a look at Japanese porn and notice how beautiful those hairy pussies are, yum.
    The bigger and juicier the labia too, love it, gorgeous.

  • Dutchman68


    More than a month ago

    I love hair! It means I'm with a woman not a child. We are supposed to have a hair, the evolution and opposite is perversion.

  • chickchicka


    More than a month ago

    Much prefer the post pubescent look myself.

  • RobbieBxx


    More than a month ago

    I am happy to enjoy myself and provide pleasure either way. Some grooming is good, but for me, the pleasure is equal with neat hair or no hair.
    Yes, the silky soothes of freshly shaved is fantastic. It probably offsets the fact I have a beard!
    Care in our appearances is important but no-hair is not a requirement for enjoyment - just like me!
    Hmm, might be slightly biased there, but I am honest.

  • justforfun558


    More than a month ago

    I have met quite a few men, and I am surprised how many men love hair, or just don't mind it. I myself love to shave. I love the feel of being shaved and love the feel of being licked when shaved. However, as I said, many men either don't mind it either way, or actually prefer hair. I have had quite a few offers to let it grow for them. I guess each to their own.

  • Photos in private gallery


    More than a month ago

    I'm getting more and more worried each and day that hairy pussies are coming back in.....
    common knowledge that pubic hair traps odour so I have been shaving for over ten years
    and have never had complaints also much nicer going down on a waxed pussy, a racing strip
    is ok but 2 inches of hair like a 70s is just nasty

    • Dutchman68

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Natural scent will always prevail, u want smell of womenhood not a bar soap, I guess u never slept with a real man!

    • Petewil


      More than a month ago

      Look up pheromones. If you really want to meet a real man who loves the smell of a woman. That smell lives in your pubes hair and pit hair

    • 1DoorMan

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Petewill You can have them all we can't go there any more. The thought of a fur ball makes me want to vomit.

    • inbetweena

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Good luck with the purrrsuit of smelly pussy ! Now that's DAMN NASTY !
      Give me a fresh clean aroma every day of the week.

  • Tju420


    More than a month ago

    I'll play devil's advocate and say I love some fur burger. Going down on it too. As long as its not totally wild, going hip to hip.

  • Zamboon
    Online status icon


    More than a month ago

    Personally I'm excited by a hairy woman - and it doesn't have to be just down there ...Then again its up to the lady

    might I just say that Im sorry for all the ladies having labioplasty only be cause a man has criticised them - that's so wrong - don't be pressured - celebrate your womanhood - I certainly will given the privilege...
    Love you all..

  • Couple72g


    More than a month ago

    I love hair down there. I don't like my women looking prepubescent at all.

  • Photos in private gallery


    More than a month ago

    Well really its just another preference isn't it? If we all liked the same exact thing, not only in sexuality but in everything the world would be a very boring place. Each to their own I say.

  • Photos in private gallery


    More than a month ago

    A hair caught in your teeth or throat can be most unwelcome at a time of passion. Schmoove
    is better.

    • SassySandy


      More than a month ago

      TOTALLY AGREE!!!!! YUK!!!!

    • inbetweena

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Hair hair....... I mean here here lol

  • setforu


    More than a month ago

    I suffered from severe eczema around the crotch and it was suggested to shave the hair to stop the moisture staying in the area. I loved the feel of it and it also reduced the occurrence of the rash so i have been bare for over thirty years. I still love the feeling after i have just epilated the area. So smooth

    • inbetweena

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      mmmmmm smooooth !

  • StandHardMember


    More than a month ago

    Shaved is good,but waxed is long as it's done all over,nothing more unattractive than a bald pussy but hair around her asshole..yuk

  • needthat2


    More than a month ago

    I suppose it all depends on who you want to please but its a fact that most males are visual creatures and are turned off by hair other than head hair on a woman

    • Sb455t

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Since when?must have missed the memo hey!

    • godown64

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Much prefer the natural beauty over the labiaplasty shaved pussies that have no character. In regards to who women want to please, most of the time they are only going on the fashion of the time.



    More than a month ago

    A Very Hairy Hairy Lady is the best.

  • Darkstud


    More than a month ago

    Hair grows naturally on some human parts for a reason. Why shave it at all?
    Personally pubic hair turns me on...........the sight, the touch et all. However, I prefer trimmed to a bushy genital area. If it gets scanty as you go down closer to the clit and around, its a bonus.
    More important for me is a clean, hygienic and healthy pussy.

  • BauboBelil


    More than a month ago

    Hair. There is some purpose to it, all the places it grows. I call it free range, and now it's grey/silver, I love it even more! I shaved my legs twice maybe, and my underarms once... so the hair there is soft and short. I have never, nor will ever, shave my sweet juicy vulva. Much more woman than "good girl". I find men that shave/wax a little disconcerting, like something is missing. As for the stray hair/flossing noise, it's part of the texture of a being a sexual human to me, loving the way that nature built it! So, being that I'm not up for doing what I am told, sex is best with those that celebrate the Whole of me, without the need to tidy me up... "it's like washing the fish after you cook it, I like the fish the way it is, it's why I ordered the fish!"... Thanks for the place to put this!

    • Sb455t

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Exactly, well said!

    • Melody2973

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Really ???, nothing wrong with maintaining it. Think it's just laziness if you choose not to and most men prefer it maintained I'm pretty sure :))

  • Photos in private gallery


    More than a month ago

    A shaven haven is what I'm cravin' !! No hair for me , men or women !!

  • Photos in private gallery


    More than a month ago

    no definitely not on a woman I may be with no hair so much better for oral

  • charlie368


    More than a month ago

    Go the bush

  • oatlandspair


    More than a month ago

    For me, I just prefer hair free. What other people do is up to them but no bush for me please.

  • Michaels12


    More than a month ago

    I prefer a lady with natural hair downstairs, Sadly society disagrees with me

  • CoastalColour


    More than a month ago

    I love a hairy man, but do agree trimming is a good idea rather than full flowing.
    I shaved once long ago... Couldn't stand the itch on re-growth.

    Personally, I don't like shaved or lasered on either sex.... Prepubescent rabbits come to mind!!
    I am lucky that my hair naturally peters out further down, so never have had a problem.

    Fashion dictates do remove choice -such a pity...

  • Photos in private gallery


    More than a month ago

    Pubes can look attractive if trimmed correctly. But only LOOK attractive. They're not attractive when stuck in your smile, and restricts the freedom of enjoying down there without hesitation.

    Been clean shaven for years, everyone i meet loves it. I would only ever go down if her undercarriage was clean shaven too. If i cant enjoy it, neither will she.

    My two cents.

    • Melody2973

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Exactly :))?

    • SassySandy


      More than a month ago

      Fully agree!!!! Less and smooth is best, so is the fun without picking hairs from mouth and teeth YUK!!!!!

    • Snow.Monkey


      More than a month ago

      I agree to the point I have just had my first session of IPL!

    • Photos in private gallery


      More than a month ago

      well said. I enjoy smooth all over on girls and guys.

  • Amoniker2016


    More than a month ago

    "molluscum contagiosum" sounds like a Harry Potter spell

  • ARespectfulOne


    More than a month ago

    Good topic to touch on. I totally agree, it comes down to choice, everyone's different.
    Jake remembers when I asked him to shave a few years ago and he said no way. He obviously thought what a strange request, he was too macho for that. But I am glad to say we have been both clean shaven for some time now and will never go back. I am not into flossing when I have fun and he gets more oral than he ever dreamed of. In regards to meeting another couple on AMM, others look so hot but the hair down below is such a turn off for us. We understand and respect that some are quite the opposite and dislike the silky waxed hair free look hey the grass needs mowing from time to time, food for thought

    • Sb455t

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Mowing yes, not spraying out! Otherwise it's just barren ground, but each to their own!

    • Aussieimpaler

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Well said! For us oral worshipers there's nothing worse than not only having to have to pick out hairs from our teeth & throat" but the more the hair the more the sweaty odor !!! And that ain't pleasant to have to have a whiff of while down there! Especially if like me, you like to spend a considerable amount of time down there ;) Doesn't have to be bald but at least a short mowed landing strip would be nice lol

  • confidant1


    More than a month ago

    Pubic hair is natural and welcoming. Personally, as a male, I like to trim up and stay tidy perhaps with the thought it makes me look a little larger. lol. Regarding females I find it very appealing to have a warm welcoming area that I can spend much time appreciating. Sure it might need a trim up occasionally but I find it the most divine area, the welcome mat to heaven. Ladies please do not listen to the media, many guys love the fluff. It is as sexy as boobs and bums. Great article.

    • triXXXi66


      More than a month ago

      thanks for your opinion and comments on mine...hahhha its as big as it is and no amount of trimming or shaving will change will be found out! hehheheh. Fluff wins! yay...good onya...smiling

    • Mstaken666

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Well said confidant1 :)

    • Melody2973

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      I think you are a rarity :))

      Most men I know prefer waxed or shaved :)

      What never works I guess :)

    • Angie682

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      A big majority of guys I have met or chatted to don't mind some pubic hair as long as its trimmed and short. I believe having hair down there helps with the 'slip n slide' of penetration :) I had an experience many years ago after which I decided it's much better to find out a guys preference before going down the 'meet' road, just in case it's a dealbreaker. I don't mind a guy having some hair, as long as its short and out of the road :P

  • MissAffection


    More than a month ago

    I hope the male readers take heed of your suggestion "Note, some judicious trimming and grooming has always been a good idea gentlemen. "
    There is nothing worse than getting a nostril full of pubic hair when trying to deep throat.

    • Photos in private gallery


      More than a month ago

      Very well manicured

    • Melody2973

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      I wouldn't do it if it wasn't trimmed :)), yuck :(

  • nautycol


    More than a month ago

    Yay, agree totally.
    Unfortunately society is totally screwed up about lotsa things, usually a consequence of the church

  • Melody2973


    More than a month ago

    Each to their own I guess. I've waxed for years, sometimes leaving a landing strip, other times all off. I don't think it is offensive nor do I think I look like a ' prepubescent girl. I do it purely because I prefer it that way. There are some incredibly ' unattractive vaginas ' on here and a wad of hair on them certainly doesn't help :))),

    • Felurian

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Excellent body shaming. Well done you.

    • Melody2973

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      I stated an obvious fact, something I've seem for myself :))

      Didn't ' body shame ' anyone, get a life :))

    • Leolady727

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      I so agree, Felurian. Also, you know what, Melody - you're NOT seeing a "vagina" - what you're seeing (and obviously not liking) is a vulva. There are NO unattractive vulvas, but there ARE some some mighty unattractive people!

    • KinkyGirl101


      More than a month ago

      Comments like this are the reason that 1 in 3 plastic surgeons have had a woman under 18 request labiaplasty and 1 in 5 Aussie women say they're not happy with their "vulva". Agree with @NLindsayfan that the MONA display should be compulsory.

    • Melody2973

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Please :))

      How surprising that the ' Queen Bee ' has something to say :)),

      Don't waste your time, you aren't a blimp on my radar but blab away if it makes you feel better :))

      As for women, or young girls changing their downstairs I'm not sure those stats are correct. Women are entitled to change whatever they like and I'm not sure every single one of them goes through with it.

      I've probably seem more ' Vulva's ' then all of you in my profession, some are not attractive that's a fact. It wasn't directed at anyone personally it's just an observation :)

      Maybe all of you need to get a hobby, honestly :)))

    • KinkyGirl101


      More than a month ago

      Plastic surgeon stats were in articles published last week on and other stats were from "The 2014 study from Flinders University SA systematically examined the role of the media, romantic partners and friends on women's consideration of labiaplasty and found 17% of women aged between 18 and 69 were interested in having labiaplasty. Our findings suggest a worrying trend of women becoming dissatisfied with the appearance of their genitals. It is possible that women (and their partners) are not aware that women in porn may have had surgical modification of their labia. "

    • Melody2973

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Sorry I'm to busy ' living ' to bother reading articles like that :))

      Society is screwed, that's the least of our issues believe me :(

    • Photos in private gallery


      More than a month ago

      I agree with melody every day of the week . Some pussys are more attractive than others , just like some cocks are more attractive than others, same goes for faces and bodies in general , it's just a fact . We all need to be happy with what we've got.

    • Leolady727

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Melody - I'm still giggling at "blimp on my radar". My sister and I collect malapropisms and I've won this round with yours :-)

    • RiverSweetie


      More than a month ago

      Hi 5 Leolady727 for your malapropism collection! I wasn't going to add to any of this thread, but I just have to pay that one. Chuckled on reading it & totally lol'd at your comment :D

    • Rathin6

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Best looking pussy on amm Melody ;))

    • chickchicka

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Speaking of unattractive vaginas....that aint no oil painting ya got there.

    • Melody2973

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Let's hope I don't get as bitter as Leolady and RiverSweetie as I age, honestly get a life :)))))

  • triXXXi66


    More than a month ago

    Great article,.. I get lots of comments about my bush... From either "do something about that hair" .. To the " i prefer to lick a smooth pussy".... What your preference is doesnt bother me... What my preference is is how it stays... I love the comments "omg! I love your bush"... "Wow... You have hair"... I have other decorations ... I dont need to undecorate! And as the article says... I am a woman... Not a prepubescent girl... And for the books... I dont see the need for a smooth hairless cock... I think its much more manly and real to have hair down there!

    • confidant1

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Go girlfriend! I love the fluff. Great comments

    • Life2.0


      More than a month ago

      I agree with you on all your points.

      As a personal preference while giving Cunnilingus, I grow weary of pulling loose hairs out of my teeth or accidently swallowing them. I also prefer there was no "forest" blocking the view.

      For a guy, especially with hairy legs and stomach, having a "Bald patch" in the pubic area looks weird. I do concede that well trimmed/short keeps the masculine look but isn't excessive.

    • NiceAndSensual

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      I personally love a hairy vagina.

      Now, this may be because I'm a hairy guy so perhaps I have a biased opinion however, having experienced licking bushy vaginas, totally waxed vaginas and in-between, I must say that I find a hairy/lightly trimmed vagina to be more inviting!

      I actually like to get the girl to spread her lips for me with her hands while I lick and finger her.

      So yeah, overall experience is better for me when there is hair down there.

      (For the record, I don't shave down there and no only 1 girl asked me to do it (not that I've had countless girls lol) although when it came down to business, she never said a word so obviously, she wasn't that serious about whether I shaved or not)

    • Melody2973

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      You don't have to justify not waxing it's a personal choice, I think men like women who maintain but that's just my opinion. I wax purely for myself not for a man, I much prefer to be ' hair free '. As for hanging things of my downstairs that's interesting to say the least, whatever works I guess :)

  • Sb455t


    More than a month ago

    As you said found completely shaven to be a little unattractive, trimmed yes! Never trimmed myself though, wife of 35 years never mentioned it, now find myself in a different world after her passing. Maybe should just ignore the media, fashion hype!

    • triXXXi66


      More than a month ago

      yes...ignore it...stay as you are....natural....if someone wants to change you or parts of your body and doesnt accept you the way you are then they are not for you...good luck to you honey... go for it

    • Melody2973

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      It's nicer if it's trimmed :)), but your call of course :)

  • KaifraDuet


    More than a month ago

    I agree unreservedly. It saddens me to think that people - especially young women - are becoming convinced that the cosmetically - or digitally - mutilated bodies they see on TV and in magazines are 'normal'. and desirable. Cosmetic surgeons now make fat livings turning vaginas into stereotypes. Tasmania's MONA has a display of 64 casts of vaginas that should be compulsory viewing for teenagers both sexes.

  • luv2cu7


    More than a month ago

    To have that little soft top is more sexy than completely shaven. At least you look like a woman not a young child

    • triXXXi66


      More than a month ago

      agree totally...thanks


      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Rock the " strip " men & women it's a great compromise

    • Melody2973

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      I like the strip :))

  • Intimit1


    More than a month ago

    Disappointed that the nude pedunda has become de rigour, sometimes it is sexy to see pouting lips, other times the hint of undiscovered pleasures hold sway. Totally agree that the fashionista's dictate to an emotionally unhealthy degree.

    • Titianslady

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Well as a mature lady I must admit I've had hair down their all my adult life through three long term partners non of whom asked me to shave.
      Been a widow 10 years didn't bother looking down
      Then last year met a young man who asked if he could shave me. I thought say what!!!!!!. So decided to look down there lol and saw this grey very thin straggly mess of hair and said ok then and he was very good at it. So every morning I run a razor over it she likes it thinks it's a tongue I'd never go back to that.

    • Titianslady

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      I must admit I do like my men shaven around the Cock and balls and that's also within the last year lol. Lots of interesting things happening. The reason is
      a I hate getting hair in my teeth it was a fact of life in my marriages never thought to ask them to But after meeting a couple of guys that did shave oh my word how lovely.
      b It gets caught in all my Cock cages etc and if it's thick oh boy hopeless trying to get it on slips and slithers then usually falls off lol.

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