7 Things Mature Men are Sick of Hearing

Attractive mature man with grey hair in an office with the Sydney Harbour bridge in the background

No matter who you are, how old you are, or what gender you identify with there are always going to be people that have something to say about how you’re doing it all wrong. Whether it’s policing young people on what they wear, watch, or search online, or women for who they sleep with, or what they weigh, or any other number of “social infractions”, it’s pretty much endless. And while men, especially men over a certain age (40+), seem to cop it a bit less overall, it doesn’t make them immune to outside judgement from people who should just keep their opinions to themselves. But if there’s something we’ve learnt from judging women about their choices, it’s don’t.

We’ve spoken to a few older men about what they’d like to hear less of in terms of their dating and sex lives, and this is what they told us.

She's just after your money

Look, no-one is denying that there are people out there who date other people with nefarious intentions. We’ve all seen the movies… But here’s the thing, Adult men are grown-ups who can make their own decisions, and it’s not the 1950s any more with women having, you know, actual jobs and money of their own and are usually very invested in their own independence. 

Getting “conned” by a partner is not exclusive to any gender or age group and can absolutely be devastating in many ways, but, for the most part (unless you truly believe someone to be in physical danger) it’s probably best to keep your opinions about their lovers to yourself. It won’t end well for you.

She'll leave you for someone younger

Well, sure. Okay. I mean, without getting all pessimistic on you, that's kind of like the majority risk in all relationships though... An inevitable end. They might also leave you for someone older, or handsomer, or richer, or with a better car. Maybe they will move on and find someone who has a dog, or decide to try dating a woman. They might leave to be single, to travel, or because they decided you chew too loudly and they can’t deal with it any more. The sad thing is relationships end. They end for all sorts of reasons… But if they started dating knowing they were an older person, it is probably unlikely that’s the reason they’ll leave and far more likely it’s because of myriad other reasons relationships break down. Regardless of who they go out with next

Why don't you date someone your own age?

Honestly, unless it’s a super creepy Woody Allen type situation, or maybe your dad dating one of your old friends from high school (which is totally up to them but I can absolutely understand the ickiness you would feel), grown adults can do whatever the hell grown adults want to do in the privacy of their own bedrooms. Why does it bother you so much? We can’t really help who we fall in love or lust with and, if it’s not hurting anyone, keep it to yourself and go practice it in your own relationships. 

Bet you need Viagra to satisfy her!

Erectile issues are common and nothing to be joked about or be shamed over. While yes, there are some solid arguments to be had over the differences between how men and women’s sexual health and rights are responded to, that doesn’t mean that a very useful and valid form of treatment should be laughed at. One of the biggest forms of toxic masculinity is the idea that men are somehow less man-like if they don’t have the stamina and virility of a rhinoceros and it’s just bullshit. Men are men if they identify as a man. How well their bits work is highly irrelevant… And remember, it could very well affect you one day… So shush yeah?

Old men aren't sexy

*Laughs in Patrick Stewart* Yeah, okay then. You keep on thinking that and myself and all my friends will continue to drool over the silver foxes like George Clooney and Anderson Cooper and countless other delicious men who have long since passed the 45-50 mark (not all of whom are celebrities… There’s a silver fox butcher down the road from me and I’d totally be willing to sample his meat… If ya get what I mean).

You see, the thing is YOU might not think so, and that’s okay, literally no-one is making you date an older guy, calm down. You do you and let others do them… Or Brad Pitt.

Bet you have to pay for it

So what? Like literally what is your point? As a former sex worker I can tell you not only did I see clients from all ages from like 18-80+, of all demographics, nationalities, and “class” structures, I can also tell you that around 50% or something were men already in relationships… So your weird “ridiculing” of someone paying for a service is just that: Weird. Not only is there absolutely no shame in paying someone for a sexual service, there is also absolutely no correlation to said person also being able to “get it for free”.

It is 2020, people. Some people pay for sex. Get over it. 

You're some kind of pervert

Ah yes. As we learned from the 7 Things Mature Women are Sick of Hearing blog, once humans reach a certain age they are no longer “sexual beings” but somehow magically transform into “desire-less, creepy, disgusting, perverted losers.” What a crock. 

Strange but true… Did you know that sexual people in their 20s and 30s grow up into older people who still have desires, needs and fantasies? I know right, what a trip! Yes, I get it, you don’t want to think about your Nan getting fucked from behind by your Grandpa, but that’s far more your own personal hang ups than them doing anything wrong. Get over it. Remember… One day you’ll be old and wrinkly too, as will your gorgeous spouse of 30 years, and in that moment, think back to this article and have a bit of a giggle over your ridiculous younger self and the weird attitude you once had.

As we always say in these blogs, if you don’t have anything nice or helpful to say, perhaps consider shutting up and letting people be people and do the things that make them happy. In this crazy world we’re living in right now, it’s the least we can do to help keep the peace.

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Comments (46)

  • SmurfsCock


    More than a month ago

    spot on. & you didn't mention when younger women want to know what you will do with them. Then they get cold feet & delete you. Lol.'Great article.

  • lochness22


    More than a month ago

    I was with my partner for 9 years and all pretty good years.. She was 20 years younger than me.. Then all of a sudden she said she no longer loved me. Maybe she was thinking she was going to be my carer some time in the future..
    She found another guy her own age.. It lasted less than 12months and is now living alone... Her choice.

    Sadly here (Adultmatchmaker) women especially older women do shy away from older men. If there are any reading this then prove me wrong.

  • bondagelover65


    More than a month ago

    Clementine Ford made some comment in an article that older men only chase young girls because women their own age won't have them! The irony! The older women are complaining that men like me are too busy chasing younger women!

    If we find a little hottie like Eva... can you blame us!

    • KinkyGirl101


      More than a month ago

      I read a newspaper article about 6 months ago quoting a study (not Aussie from memory) which found that mature women who come out of long term relationships are reluctant to date men their own age because men recently out of a marriage are primarily looking for someone to take over the role of "wife" and look after them. They don't want to end up in a relationship with the same issues as the one they left. I also think that men sometimes trade in their current model for a younger one not for the sex but knowing (subconsciously) that there will be someone to look after them as they age. My ex went to Thailand and found a younger woman and this was 100% his thinking (good to note the girl 40 years his junior had the sense to leave because she came to realise he treated her as a belonging rather than a partner). Worth thinking about.

    • bondagelover65


      More than a month ago

      There is certainly the 'seed-spreader' imperative where older men find a younger woman & start another family. & being looked after in our old age is also a factor. I was chatting to a young girl who was into all the same kinky daddy/daughter stuff as me... & at the same time chatting to a woman my age into BDSM who kept making bitchy comments about men because of her ex!
      The young girl told me exactly what she wanted & it fitted in with exactly what I wanted. (Pity her parents didn't feel the same!)

    • DeliciousEva


      More than a month ago

      A... little hottie like Eva?

      I mean... Flattered n all... But I'm 43 years old! Haha. Not sure of the term really fits?

      Good skin or something. lol

    • bondagelover65


      More than a month ago

      Well I'm 54 so that's a bit younger than me. You actually look like a young woman I did a photo shoot with, so I was possibly projecting a bit there.

  • BBW488


    More than a month ago

    I think we all like what we like and no need to put this much thought into it. People's comments are just that , not important . No need for anybody to get annoyed of another's words or opinions just don't listen is my motto. I read this just to see what it was all about, interesting take on it. But if your into older ,younger,group or having sex with a person in a monkey suit, other people thoughts are irrelevant just do you .

  • Langie12


    More than a month ago

    I was recently told by a 40yo lady that I was the oldest guy she'd been with. She's now a convert. Best turnaround shes experienced.
    Really, everyone is different. I'm fit, healthy and looooove sex. No performance issues. I'm good, and take pride in what I do. It's a win win situation.
    I appreciate that many ladies prefer younger guys. I do as well (Oh, I'm bi ). Quite a few younger men do prefer older - both men and women. As an older man I take on a mentoring role. Again, a win win.
    Older men are experienced and, often, confidant self assured lovers.

  • damon.diggler


    More than a month ago

    How about this backhanded compliment that both men & women get.
    'You look good for your age'.
    Gee thanks I say. But I actually reckon I look better than a lot of men 20 years younger than me but thank you for noticing that I'm not 30 kgs overweight.

    Lots of comment on this article too. Lockdown is good for something after all.

    • AMM.Editor


      More than a month ago

      haha this was one of the comments Eva included on her article about mature women

  • KidHot.


    More than a month ago

    For me I found (and I know everyone is different and has different opinions ) if your physically in good condition & live a healthy lifestyle, is a decent person and are happy with were your @ with life ,who cares about those 7 things mentioned above and what people say .... just mean very little nothing to me.
    Thank you .

  • CopperTop111


    More than a month ago

    Great article.. Thank you from someone having issues post prostate cancer.. Still trying to find someone to get back my confidence.. If that makes sense.. Thanks again..

  • Masterstoy111


    More than a month ago

    I think older guys are sexy
    And know how to treat a woman

  • traverse3


    More than a month ago

    the ones i hate are the females the same age that say 'eww, ive never been with anyone that old' despite the fact they have - i'm guessing its a put-down line theyre often unknowingly trained to say when they read their trash magazines and novels

  • Photos in private gallery


    More than a month ago

    So, 6 of the 7 things you claim men want to hear less of relate to men dating women much younger than them.
    The "few" men you spoke to, maybe expand your data field.
    The mans age is pretty irrelevant in all those responses. Guys in their 30s dating 20 year olds would be tired of hearing the same things.
    This is not much of an insight, rather just a way to fill in a 1500 word commitment.
    I clicked the link expecting to read about men being tired of questions being asked about their past, why things didnt work out, what went wrong, because the blame is nearly always laid at the mans feet. False platitudes, theres "plenty of fish in the sea".. Even better, rejection from similar aged women because they are chasing much younger guys for a 5 minute satisfaction. Or, how about being tired of thought of as a walking hard on, someone whose main priority is personal sexual gratification and a lack of emotional desire.

    • Robbo554

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Yes I tend to agree with you about its being a filler article rather than based on actual research. And imagine the outcry if a man wrote a similar article about a woman. I can just hear the uproar: “Youveneverhadababyoravaginasoyoudontknowthefirstthingaboutrealpain!”

    • KinkyGirl101


      More than a month ago

      Yes I'm sure men get asked all of your questions but the article clearly says it relates to comments about their "sex lives & dating" - it's not about their broken relationship, who was to blame, did you cheat and all the other horrible assumptions which are made about men and women when their relationship gets derailed for whatever reason.

    • AMM.Editor


      More than a month ago

      This article was requested by a member in response to Eva's article "7 Things Mature Women are Sick of Hearing". She does extensive research with all of her articles primarily via her social media followers who comment or anonymously contact her in response to questions. I thought it was interesting that for men the focus was clearly on "who they were dating" whereas for women the focus was very much on "loss of youth". Disappointing that women are seen to have a use by date much earlier than men although judging by the comments on her first article younger men adore mature women.

  • Girrlygurrl1


    More than a month ago

    Great article and so true. Let’s move With the times and let consenting adults make decisions with other consenting adults.

  • Brendanforfun


    More than a month ago

    I’m in my 40’s and I know all too well that younger guys just aren’t as attentive as us older guys. Knowing how to maintain interest and tease and ensure that a woman is not only satisfied but drained of every ounce of orgasm is nothing but pure please. Having experienced both younger and older women in my life (and yes my first gf ever was 11 years my senior) the same can be said about women and it’s not just about fucking hard but knowing how to push those limits so that they are squirming and pulsating hard over and over for hours is a skill developed with maturity.

    • traverse3


      More than a month ago

      hear hear - most women i have been with have comnented on my prowess and willingness to satisfy them - itcan be tricky when theyre not used to it

  • racieerhysiee


    More than a month ago

    Unfortunately in the Gay World, a guy in his 40s is like 70 in gay age hahahahaha. Oh I get hit on by guys, but mainly because they think I have money (which unfortunately I don't) and will be their "top" daddy (which I am not a top nor ready to be a daddy LOL).
    But like someone wrote here, I like guys in their 40s and 50s because they're just different in the bedroom than a horny little twinky or 25yo gym junkie. Great for a one nighter, but not for a regular. Unless you want to tame them and show them the ropes ;) LOL

    • DDdelite

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Who's got the time for that! I get approached online and in person all the time by younger men (18 to 30 somethings) telling me their desire to be with a mature woman. Whilst they are pretty and have tight skin, nothing comes close to an older and experienced lover.

    • Mindfood2


      More than a month ago

      A great lover
      Never bores me..

    • racieerhysiee


      More than a month ago

      Exactly. Older men know the ropes and sometimes show me the ropes hahah. Not that I'm into ropes or anything ;)

  • Photos in private gallery
    Online status icon


    More than a month ago

    Hehehe reading some of the replies here, the ‘my dick is bigger than your dick’ arguments works with age too. I have never slept with men, but from my experience with women, age means absolutely nothing (I haven’t gone above 61) in terms of how good someone will make as a
    Friend or lover (or in the sack). It’s more so how much a person is into you, if they’re selfish and so on. There are of course exceptions...

  • MeetSteve


    More than a month ago

    For a women in her 40's or 50's, no such derrogatory comments - cougar perhaps denotes a successful aged woman cleaning up with the young lads.

  • DDdelite


    More than a month ago

    Thankyou as always Eva. You are an amazing individual and I love you for that. Sock it to 'em girl! Hugs and kisses ox

  • Photos in private gallery


    More than a month ago

    Erectile distinction is a serious issue for some men and can be caused by a number of factors not limited to poor blood circulation, stress, treatment for prostate cancer. It can lead to depression and needs to not have stigma attached, and can affect young and old men. Viagra is one of many treatments, and there is plenty of help available from doctors specialising in this area if men's health. Also, good sex doesn't always have to be about penetration, just pleasure each other and a good orgasm can still be achieved.

  • Ifuwannadome


    More than a month ago

    give me one of these any guys, theyre experienced, attentive and definitely know what theyre doing. Beat the 5 minute wonders that are around.......Im hard to please and loose interest after 5 minutes with young guys...... I can remember at least 60 guys that have known what a woman wants. goooo the mature men, i love you guys

    • Photos in private gallery


      More than a month ago

      I like your attitude and yes as a older guy know that time patience and being sensual is way more important than reaching instant gratification

    • Ifuwannadome


      More than a month ago

      intimacy and sensuality are my fav words....lov the older guys

    • Playm8423


      More than a month ago

      Long sensual nights start late afternoon and pause for brekky, my motto make it last as long as possible you never know when it might not be possible to do it again, let's face it what could possibly be better or give you more satisfaction than to be naked with a naked sexy woman pleasuring each other c'mon guys think about it!!

  • BellaMio


    More than a month ago

    Absolutely love this article, thank you Eva. All points are so true and as you mentioned, true for the mature woman too. I have quite a few older blokes in my stable and they are amazing & very attentive lovers.
    Shhh don't tell anyone!! I want to keep them all to myself.
    Let the others "eat cake"

    • david2641

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Those men in your stable are very lucky

  • estravan


    More than a month ago

    Well it's definitely harder for men 45 - 55 and older. We actually age better than women mostly and if you look after yourself everything functions normally. In fact I'm much better in the bedroom than when I was younger. I have greater staying power and can go more than once still. I also feel more confident and know how to please a woman as I now have experience and have learnt. My kids can't imagine me having a sex life I'm sure as I probably thought at their age. I must say I love the positive energy and vitality of younger women but the opportunities are scarce. Amazing how when you do get to make love to a younger woman they are delighted and surprised at the experience as it's often a breath of fresh air for them having such an attentive lover which is a point of difference from our younger blow and go counterparts.

    • DDdelite

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Older men often age better than women?! I think you might have that backwards.

  • SSExplorer


    More than a month ago

    Haha spot on. As an older guy who met my complete perfect match online who is considerably younger and Asian, I’ve heard it all. So long as my partner isn’t offended I just laugh at it all as I’m so thoroughly happy. I wish I would have found this kind of relationship in my 20’s but it was worth the wait and I hope every caring being out there gets to experience the same.

    • Photos in private gallery


      More than a month ago

      I’m an older guy also and single. Good on you and I might do the same.

    • SSExplorer


      More than a month ago

      I didn’t plan it Lou, it just happened. I probably wouldn’t recommend going to asia and chasing young girls but getting to know people over time online you might be lucky and meet someone you align with. Good luck.

    • Mindfood2


      More than a month ago

      Asian woman...yess
      We are good lover..

  • Verychatty


    More than a month ago

    I have just recently started using viagra , not always but it gives me confidence knowing it's there when I need it .
    Yes I am still reasonably young but hey I ain't 20 anymore .

  • chesswiseagain


    More than a month ago

    I am now elderly.. Lol. I can no longer get an erection and I let the lady know who I am chatting to. But they can have foreplay for as long as they want!!!!!!

    • Maid.In.Oz


      More than a month ago

      Elderly? dont think so, dont put yrself down old man, lol

  • KidHot.


    More than a month ago

    If I'm gonna sit here and worry about what people think about me or who I'm dating or criticize how, I live my life ...you go fkn crazy! Who cares what people say or think.And as for the person who I am dating as long as us two are happy , that's what only matters.

Copyright © 2025 Eva Sless It is illegal to use any or all of this article without the expressed, written permission from Adult Match Maker and the author. If you wish to use it you must publish the article in its entirety and include the original author, plus links, so that it is clear where the content originated. Failure to do so will result in legal action being taken.
The content posted on this blog is intended for informational purposes only and the opinions or views within each article are not intended to replace professional advice. If you require professional relationship or sexual health advice you should consult with an appropriately trained and qualified specialist.