What motivates men to send dick pics?

Bare chested man with his jeans unzipped about to take a photo with his mobile

Every minute of every hour a deluge of disembodied dicks are transmitted to the mobile devices of unsuspecting women. It’s the smart phone era mystery - what motivates men to send dick pics?

We’re talking about dick pics sent by straight men via email, AMM Messenger, sext or social media where someone on the receiving end has to open the message without any warning that male genitals are about to leap out of their screen. 

Unsolicited dick pics are not ok!

Let’s get something straight from the beginning; unsolicited dick pics are not ok! Like never! Opening up a message and being confronted by some dude’s genitals when you haven’t given your consent is not on. Unless the recipient of your message has expressly asked for it or you are both in a relationship where you’ve verbally agreed it’s ok, then don’t do it. Keep in mind that if this was done publicly it would be viewed as indecent exposure. In fact in some parts of the US it is now officially recognised as sexual harassment and is a criminal offence. You can read more about consent in Eva’s blog post Don’t Be A Dick With Dick Pics.


So now that we’ve covered the issue of consent, let’s get back to the thrust of this article.

Why do men send dick pics?

It might result in a hook up: do they imagine that you will be so overcome with passion at seeing their genitals that you text your address, tell your boss you’re going home sick, rip off your clothes and await them reclining on a bed strewn with rose petals.

Shock value: there are enough articles out there for men to know the majority of women don’t want to receive them. So is it a virtual “fuck you” I can so I will and you can’t stop me. 

I’ll show you mine if you show me yours: of course a woman’s first instinct when confronted by a dick pic of someone she hasn’t even met is to take a pussy selfie and return the favour. Am I right ladies?

It’s worth a try: perhaps you think a dick pic is your best opening line. After all it takes zero effort other than pulling down your tightie whities and clicking a send button. 

The crown jewels: check this out baby. This is what you’re going to be jumping up and down on with your tight little pussy wrapped around it. 

It’s a turn on: is the exhibitionist in them excited that a stranger is going to see their penis in all of its glory which then feeds the fantasy and if the hookup doesn’t eventuate they can masturbate furiously just thinking about it. 

Let’s skip the small talk: sending a dick pic implies a hook up, whether casual or long term, more so than “I’d love to take you out to dinner this weekend and talk about babies and whether you want a destination wedding”. 

Free advertising: have they chosen the easiest way to put it out there to multiple women that they’re available, or at least their dick is available for short term hire. 

The anonymity: you don’t know me, you don’t know what I look like, so you can’t have a comeback which will hurt me. But remember careers have been ruined and marriages broken by men who felt the anonymous dick pic was a good idea at the time. 

They get results: some men quote that 2 out of 5 women are “into it” so are the numbers so appealing that potentially offending the other 3 women doesn’t come into the equation. 

Can science explain the motivation for men sending dick pics?

We turned to science for some insights because, yes, there has been a scientific study into this phenomenon and it’s the first (but probably not the last) of its kind. The study was published in 2019 in The Journal of Sex Research and was entitled “I’ll Show You Mine so You’ll Show Me Yours: Motivations and Personality Variables in Photographic Exhibitionism”. 

The study involved 1087 straight men aged 16 to 75 and the aim was to explore men’s motivation for sending unsolicited images of their genitals to women and the reactions they hoped to elicit, and to look at the personality and sexuality characteristics of men who send dick pics relative to those who don’t.

48% of the men in the study admitted to having sent an unsolicited dick pic. 

The study found that the most frequently reported motivation for sending genital images was a transactional mindset. In other words they were motivated by the hope of receiving images in return or that it would lead to a real life hookup. And the desired reaction that 82% of the men were hoping for was sexual excitement by the recipient. 

“The second most popular reason was what we called partner hunting,” says study lead Dr. Cory Pedersen who is the founder of the (O.R.G.A.S.M) Human Sexuality Lab. “They believe sending dick pics is an appropriate form of flirting with someone, this is how you let someone know that you’re interested in them, that you’re attracted to them. That you want to have a connection with them.”

“Men who had reported having sent unsolicited dick pics showed higher levels of narcissism relative to men who had never sent such images. They also demonstrated higher levels of both hostile (overtly negative views of women) and benevolent (woman-on-a-pedestal) sexism.”

“There was no difference between the two groups in the extent to which they watched porn, or masturbated or fantasized,” says Pedersen. “The dick pic-ers were not more ‘sexual’ in nature and age was not a factor.”

Pedersen agrees there’s likely some projection at play; that’s how they would feel if they received a nude photo from a woman. “I would hypothesize it would only take one or two positive endorsements; ‘Hey! That’s a nice dick!’ for that to be reinforcing enough to continue that type of strategy,” Pedersen said. “Humans are prone to pay attention to things we already believe to be true, and to ignore things that disabuse us of our ideas. If we get one positive endorsement we think; hey, this is working! We ignore all of the women who reply with you’re gross.”

So guys, we’re not picking on you, we’re not saying all women hate them, we’re just trying to understand why you do it. But please keep in mind that unsolicited dick pics are not ok and that perhaps the 82% of you hoping that women are turned on when they open their message might be a little disappointed. 

If you are going to send one, make it a good one. Eva had some tips in the article we’ve linked above. And guys read the comments to see if women do get turned on by a disembodied dick or would rather see the man it’s attached to.

We are republishing this article because of increasing complaints about men sending unsolicited dick pics in Messenger. 

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Comments (135)

  • Photos in private gallery


    More than a month ago

    As a man , I have never sent a D pic or would the lucky few ladies and one special lady got that surprise in the fresh when they meant to see it . Do have a story but where I worked once the bosses son sent more D pics than should ever to alot of women and more I heard, one day I said "why do you do that , do you get many box or V pics back " and he said "No" so then I said why do it then and he like shrugged his shoulders. I just went you peanut 🤣🤣

  • lock'n'load


    More than a month ago

    This conversation would be the polar opposite if men stopped sending dick picks....

  • GreenEyedBBW


    More than a month ago

    I just would like to throw into the conversation. Firstly, men often complain they get sent dick pics as bi or gay men try to hit them up. The men that are looking for women being sent unsolicited dick pics do not appreciate them. Secondly, men generally I would suggest you work at communication with the individual you are pursuing and try to develop banter which is engaging. If you are an average Joe, that will get you further than sending an average penis pic. The interaction and the intimacy and the humour and fun make you worth investing time. Remember when discussing a woman- a beautiful starfish might be nice to look at but it never makes the sex memorable or fantastic. So before clicking send ask yourself- "can I dig deeper and show my worthwhile personality and later this person will want to see and have my dick."
    Thirdly, apologies for my profile pic that shows my breasts covered in lacy fabric. Yes it is unsolicited but considered pg.

  • Tassie.Gurl


    More than a month ago

    Have had this happen alot but reading this has given me a insight to why they do it. Doesn't mean it's still ok because man I have other people around me and bam a dick pic like wtf seriously anyway I think men should read this until they understand it's not ok but I also think really everyone should to see both sides to it. To gain a better understanding as to why some do it. At the end of the day it's still not ok!

  • MMH732909


    More than a month ago

    Unless you’re HUNG believe me no one wants to see it. Nothing worse than seeing one and thinking yeah NO. The thing is men that are packing don’t need to lower themselves to send dick pics, they let it diesel for them. As I said unless it’s substantial just don’t send it, it’s more off putting them it is helpful :)

  • countrytouch82


    More than a month ago

    A comment on the article post itself, just wondering how comments going back months appear on an article only seemingly dated and posted in the last few days at time of writing? Curious on how that ends up happening? It only occurs on some articles.

    • AMM.Editor


      More than a month ago

      There is a note at the end which explains this has been republished.

    • countrytouch82


      More than a month ago

      Ok I see that now, too bad for that reason the article likely needs to be republished in perpetuity.

  • Open.Mind76


    More than a month ago

    The most important word is UNSOLICITED. I’ve met with amazing women (and couples) here where I have never sent a picture, and others where they have specifically asked
    ( usually where our conversation has caused the arousal ) . This lifestyle means that consent should be enthusiastic and explicit, let’s face it we don’t live by the implied rules of vanilla society. Everyone has their own desires and boundaries, mutual pleasure means respecting them

  • AaliaTatorTot


    More than a month ago

    This is not a debate about men versus women, it is about being courteous. We are (mostly) here for the same reasons and forewarned with the knowledge that slightly more than half the women here aren't into dick pics the choice isn't difficult. Ask first and you will find the women who love it, and impress the women that don't (especially when M:F ratios aren't in your favour). Simple.

    This applies equally re pussy/boob pics, just ask.

  • Mus170


    More than a month ago

    So then, any of you lovely ladies want to see my dick?

  • phoenix1323


    More than a month ago

    Things won’t change. That’s clear from some of the comments here. Men.. that is, some men.. don’t get it. When faced with a decision to send a dick pic or not to someone who HAS NOT ASKED FOR IT, they are being the dick if they don’t consider that sending it is THEIR choice, and if they cop a spray because of it, they have no right to be pissed at the woman or women in general.

    “send them anyway”, - ahh, no.
    “this topic is very one sided, and it gets a bit tiresome hearing the same old arguments repeated over and over again “, - ever think that maybe it’s over and over again because men simply don’t get it
    “These articles are always written by women and never seem to have guys input.”, - umm.. women are the ones mostly subjected to cock pics.. that’s a big factor
    “ladies should also feel free to send me unlimited amounts of "booby pics" with hard erect nipples. That does not offend me at all. Thank you very much. Very sincerely yours, One randy man.” - really? Ugh.
    “ AMM and other "dating apps" are NOTHING more than hook up sites - sites to go looking for SEX. So why would you be offended with a hit up by a guy with a pic of his dick” - BECAUSE UNLESS A WOMAN ASKS TO SEE A PIC OF YOUR COCK, SHE GENERALLY DOESNT WANT TO SEE IT.
    “ there's a lot of size queens on AMM who won't reply unless they've seen a pic of my big fella, then they get hungry” - *eyeroll*
    “ Why aren't you talking about women showing their pussy and tits in pictures also or is this just a get stuck into men saga, it's always about the man never the woman at fault when they are just as bad.” - you’re kidding right? Very seriously doubt that every single day there’s at least one pussy pic in your inbox against your will.
    “ A swinger's site who knows nothing about exhibitionism.” - it’s not about exhibitionism. Women should not have to see your cock if they don’t want to.
    “ Seriously if you receive a photo that you find offensive delete it and move on with your life if it upsets you that much you have to complain and bitch about it your on the wrong site in fact I think you shouldn't even be online as if a dick pic offends you shit you really are in for a rude surprise and what you find offensive others may find it appealing and feel what appeals to you is offensive to them.” - firstly, fullstops? Commas? Secondly.. no one has said don’t take pics and have them in you private gallery. The articles saying don’t send them via message if you haven’t asked if she’d like to see them FIRST.

    These are just parts of recent comments.. not even the original articles comments. You wonder why women get the shits? Ffs.

  • Newday2play


    More than a month ago

    And it would also be interesting to look into what motivates women to send their huge tit pics on the assumption it will send men snowballing to their side, i personally am not all turned on by large breast pics ...i guess this must simply be the never talked about female equivalent of the male dick pic ?

  • Photos in private gallery
    Online status icon


    More than a month ago

    To simplify it, this is a hook up site. Not a happily ever after site (not saying that’s not possible). Women will be more selective with men as there is so little competition. So guys, keep sending them, because the ones that are probably take things further than those who don’t send them…

  • Ifuwannadome


    More than a month ago

    it isnt what u got, its how you use it referring to men of course,

  • zeeKAAY


    More than a month ago

    Can I just start by saying this topic is very one sided, and it gets a bit tiresome hearing the same old arguments repeated over and over again. It always portrays men as the only ones doing something negative. Quite simply, as in every other aspect, men and women are equally as responsible. I'm not quoting statistics, I'm just using every day facts. Plenty of women also send pussy pics to men without them asking for it. This has happened to me on more occasions then I could ever keep count of. Some women actually expect dick pics and will question why you haven't sent one etc. Majority of times you will eventually get to the point in a conversation where the dick pic gets requested anyway. From my own personal experiences, the negative stigma portrayed in these articles doesn't translate to what actually happens in real world scenarios.

    • MarkMyWords67

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Well said. These articles are always written by women and never seem to have guys input.

    • KinkyGirl101


      More than a month ago

      @zeeKAAY if you are receiving unsolicited pussy pics from women you don't know you should bottle it or write a book. Perhaps sex workers might indulge in this but I do not know a single woman who has done this and my large group of friends is very sexually open-minded. The article isn't saying don't send a dick pic, it's don't send a dick pic without asking. As you said yourself you will get to the point in the conversation where the dick pic gets requested, it shouldn't be an opener. You say it's negative stigma but based on the comments from women it is a negative for them in their real world scenario.

    • agoodsoul


      More than a month ago

      @KinkyGirl101 just because you don't know a single woman in your large group of friends that has done this doesn't mean it doesn't happen !

  • 6ChilledFun9


    More than a month ago

    I am extremely open and liberal. But I never understood why guys would send dic pics. The right words, the right smell (a bit difficult to message admitted), the right gesture and what you wear are immeasurably more important to attracting a woman.

    • KinkyGirl101


      More than a month ago

      Exactly, my partner has never sent one and can't understand why you would. Banter and some LOLs are far more appealing.

  • Langie12


    More than a month ago

    It's a long an interesting read going through the comments. A lot of the respondants seem to have missed the point. It's not about whether you like or loath dick pics, it's about sending unsolicited pics. The time of dick pics in public profiles is long gone on AMM. I notice guys making their PGs available without being requested. Yes, these are unsolicited dic picks! Personally, it doesn't bother me. I manage our profile and show my fwb the pics if they are worth seeing (and, honestly, some guys have NO idea how to take a decent photo 🙄). Seriously guys, ask if they want to see the pics! It's not difficult. I know women that love dick pics but detest getting them from random guys with the social skills of a dead mullet. Unsolicited dick pics ARE generally accepted on gay sites. It's rare, perhaps even unheard of, that men complain. But women ARE different. Its easy enough to say to men that they should wait until they are asked but boys will be boys I guess. Bottom line ... a bit of decency will get you a lot further.

    • KinkyGirl101


      More than a month ago

      Well said!!

    • Lighttonight


      More than a month ago

      Langie. Spot on. The key word here is unsolicited...If you build rapport to a point of exchanging private gallery access, no problems. But sending a cock shot or twat pic to someone who has no idea it's being sent to them. No people. Male or female, try to behave like respectful human beings.

  • tastetester61


    More than a month ago

    I won't send a dick pic ever, period! Even if asked, unless we were already intimately involved, it won't happen. A female requesting such a pic before we have met, tells me something about them that doesn't sit right with me.

    This stuff reminds me of keyboard warriors that plague the internet, all the bad things they wouldn't do in public, they suddenly have the bravado to do. It tells me something about the person, they probably have other emotional insecurities and problems.

    ... and as for your pussy pic, I don't want that either. FFS, give me at least a little surprise for the first time.

  • qwerty318a


    More than a month ago

    Dear AMM Editor: I have never sent dick pics, I do not send dick pics, I will never send dick pics. My dick is old, wrinkly, and quite frankly not spectacular at all. However, some ladies on AMM might wish to have a look at my "sausage". If so, we can easily meet in person where they can have an extended view, "at length", so to speak. Any AMM ladies should also feel free to send me unlimited amounts of "booby pics" with hard erect nipples. That does not offend me at all. Thank you very much. Very sincerely yours, One randy man.

  • HowGoodIsLife


    More than a month ago

    Shouldn't Gmail have a filter that identifies and sends a popup before a dic pic is opened? The bigger the popup the better the suprise?
    In defence of my gender I think we're proud and we're trying to encourage the 'typically more inhibited' women in our lives to respond with a pussy or titty pic?

  • PiscesBrett81


    More than a month ago

    What others do and say is about them, so don't take it personally

    If you dont like it, they just showed you straight out of the gates they're a poor match... waste no time on them and hit the block button

  • Photos in private gallery


    More than a month ago

    It’s ok for woman to show there pussy and wide open with the clits been played with
    But when guy send dick pictures oh no that’s not good at all mmm realIy !!
    Well I ask woman before I send anyway If it’s ok to send one lol
    But it’s goes both ways lol



    More than a month ago

    Its easy, society today puts just as much pressure on men (how hot they look, how hot they are in bed - and how big their dick is) just as much as it does with women.
    Blockbuster movies have leading men that are muscle on muscle in scenes where they just weirdly have misplaced their shirt for no reason.....
    A popular TV series in late 90s to early 2000s even had a character commonly referred to as "Mr Big" which made no secret that the name was in reference to the character being hung like a horse.
    Body image on men is real, and one part of that image is - having a big piece of meat between your legs.
    Movies, the music of today, TV shows all push the male image of being hot in looks and hot in bed with a monster dick to please the ladies (or men). The bigger your dick, the more impressive in bed you are (which we all know is simply not true).
    So, flicking a pic of your 8.5inch dick to somone, is akin to a male Peacock doing his impressive tail display to whoo the female - "hey ladies, look what I have!"

    I am on this site and other "dating apps" and it is VERY common that the very first hit up by a guy will be a pic of his dick. Even straight guys send me dick pics (yep, go figure...)
    BUT you have to keep it real people. AMM and other "dating apps" are NOTHING more than hook up sites - sites to go looking for SEX. So why would you be offended with a hit up by a guy with a pic of his dick Its a kin to being offended Monday comes after Sunday.......
    Now, if some random dude has got hold of your email, mobile number or whatever and sends you some random pic of his dick, yea sure, be a bit concerned.
    But, if you are on a *cough* "dating site/app" and some dude sends you a pic of his dick and it offends you? ..... seriously.....

    For some light TV viewing, I recommend watching "My Massive Cock". Its available on streaming service. It shows the male perspective of a few guys with ENORMOUS dicks and how it negatively impacts their lives. One guy going so far as to seek a penis REDUCTION which literally means cutting part of his penis off to shorten it

  • phoenix1323


    More than a month ago

    I know women that LOVE receiving dick pics. Mostly they get a giggle out of it, sometimes they’re grossed out by it ( seriously, some guys clearly don’t know that their penises need checking out by a doctor instead of flashed at women on a site ) but usually they compare it to others and then ignore it, unless the guy piques their interest in an additional way.

    Personally, it’s not a turn on anymore. What these guys don’t get is that we women are receiving these pics CONSTANTLY.. from MANY different men. After a while, it gets monotonous. It’s like reading a magazine that has the same kinds of articles with very little variation, week after week after week. We get bored. We decide not to buy the mag anymore.

    Don’t get me wrong, I love a cock. ( I also love pussies and boobs, but that’s a different article ) It was commented below that men are visual creatures, and yep, women are too. But for me personally, I like that visual to be in touching range.. if I can’t put my hands on it when it’s shown to me, then what’s the point? But more than that, I want to know who is attached to a cock. I like to get to know someone before jumping into the sack with them.. sex is so much better when you understand a persons likes and dislikes, and how they think. Could be an age thing.. I definitely had many one nighters when I was younger.. it just doesn’t rock my boat anymore. But cock pics weren’t common then either.. if they had been, maybe I would’ve been turned off a little more often? Hmm.

    Those spouting about exhibitionism really don’t get it either. While it may do something for you to get your rocks off by waving your cock in some unsuspecting persons face, it can often have the opposite effect in the other person. Yes, it’s a swingers site, for the most part. But the main thing about swinging is, it’s done with CONSENT. Consent is key in having any kind of connection with a person. That includes pics people.

    But this:
    “We are republishing this article because of increasing complaints about men sending unsolicited dick pics in Messenger. “

    I’m sorry, but the AMM team had to have known this was going to happen as soon as you even thought about making this a feature. The complaints will continue to increase because the ones this article is aimed at either won’t read it or don’t care, as evidenced by the old and new comments below.

  • Photos in private gallery


    More than a month ago

    When people like Greta Thunberg get applauded for tweeting about "small dick energy", which perpetuates the societal view that dick size is the measure of a man's worth, then maybe men are trying to show their worth
    Plus there's a lot of size queens on AMM who won't reply unless they've seen a pic of my big fella, then they get hungry

  • Fiona465


    More than a month ago

    I think it’s simple if their lead is a dic or pussy you know that’s what they are 🤷‍♀️😉☮️

  • BigGrl72


    More than a month ago

    When is it ok to send a dick pic with your hello message?. . . NEVER! Consent should always be a minimum - why would you even question that? A persons PG is an option to look at - sent pics or texts not so much. In my opinion... which is what these comments are about :)

  • pussytaster802


    More than a month ago

    Why aren't you talking about women showing their pussy and tits in pictures also or is this just a get stuck into men saga, it's always about the man never the woman at fault when they are just as bad.

    • Love.sword4u

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Because men enjoy the female anatomy, and would seldom complain. And society tend to treat women as perpetual infants even on a site like this. But you are right this sight tends to like to throw men and their sexuality under the bus following the men are bad theme, quite blaze when I'd bet men are the majority of revenue raised in this sight.

    • MMH732909

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      When has a man EVER complained about receiving women’s pics, that’s right NEVER :) this isn’t against men she’s simply saying we don’t ask for dick pics but men send them anyway.

  • Herewegoagain12


    More than a month ago

    A swinger's site who knows nothing about exhibitionism.

    • phoenix1323


      More than a month ago

      This isn’t about exhibitionism. This is about respecting the fact that while you may want to show off your cock, not everyone wants to see it, at least, not straight off the bat. There’s nothing wrong with having a conversation about your love or need for exhibitionism, and asking if someone would be interested in participating. A willing partner in crime is always better than repulsing someone who was unaware and not interested.

  • Inquizitive


    More than a month ago

    An appropriate form of flirting..?
    Sick to death of them now.
    Years on several platforms has only seen the increase of dick pics.. After a while they all just blur into one.
    Women want to see whose on the other end of the dick BEFORE the dick pic.

  • Unmoderated


    More than a month ago

    A lot women actually do want to see a pic of your cock, but let them ask for it first, and make it sexy/tasteful.

  • Brendanforfun


    More than a month ago

    This article makes sense until you look at the elements that are requested by the site. It actually asks for your length and girth of a cock. Posting an image (or a video) to substantiate what you are saying in the profile data soon weeds out the fakes from what is real. If this article was to be ho est with itself about a dating site then Adult Match Maker will need to reconsider what is requested and what is allowable. This is not a Christian dating website. Maybe share that at Locke to an alternative site or change AMM. Really AMM, I do agree with you but equally, take good look at yourself and the data requested. Then look at the number of honest guys that say they are 9” or above and What their pictures say.

    How more unsolicited can you be when you ask that information

    • AMM.Editor


      More than a month ago

      As the article clearly states, it isn't about photos posted to your Private Gallery. It's about sending a dick pic to someone via Messenger or to their social media profile, mobile phone or email that they didn't ask for or give consent for the person attached to the dick to send.

    • Brendanforfun


      More than a month ago

      Strange of AMM to make that suggesting when the pics on the site and the requests for information for others to see would also be deemed “unsolicited” by other members

    • AMM.Editor


      More than a month ago

      As we've said in the article in paragraphs 2 & 3, this isn't about photos on AMM where members can choose to share private galleries or switch Adult Mode on or off. It's about men sending dick pics to women without asking if they want to see your junk. Men randomly send them often to women they don't even know. So nothing strange about it at all - it's not what this article is discussing.

    • agoodsoul


      More than a month ago

      Brendanforfun is correct !
      We are not on RSVP and AMM is far from a dating site exactly what Brendan said why ask people to answer any questions about there private parts and what are there sexual interests and what they seek in someone.
      Not to mention have a look at AMM advertising especially the early ones ( dating site yeah right it is when your looking for a fuck buddy FWB )
      I also believe it is way more offensive having a profile photo of yourself of what you use to look like 10+years ago or it's been photo shopped or you have been getting ready for the photo the last 2+ hours would a female find it offensive if you went on a date with this hot guy only to find out in the morning this hot guy is far from it he had make up on hiding all his skin flaws he was wearing a wig or hair extensions his six pack and biceps and noticeable muscles are in his underwear not on him which also held his big beer belly in and that decent sized cock which was what you first noticed bulging out of his pants turns out to be just a extra pair of socks I am sure you would not be impressed.
      Females do this all the time wake up it's false advertising.
      If someone is not happy with the real you it's there loss and if your not happy with your self then fix it not fake it and if you can't fix it and only way you can feel good about your self is having to fake it be straight up and honest about it.
      Seriously if you receive a photo that you find offensive delete it and move on with your life if it upsets you that much you have to complain and bitch about it your on the wrong site in fact I think you shouldn't even be online as if a dick pic offends you shit you really are in for a rude surprise and what you find offensive others may find it appealing and feel what appeals to you is offensive to them.
      We are all individuals !!!!!!!

    • phoenix1323


      More than a month ago

      I’m sorry.. but what exactly did you get out of reading the article? You seem more angry that women put on make up ( and by the way, some of us don’t ) than the fact that women are being confronted with genitalia that they didn’t request to see. If someone did this in a bar etc, they’d be charged. Just because it’s an online site, even a “sex” site, doesn’t mean a woman WANTS to see your cock straight off the bat. Believe it or not, there’s other things women want to know and see in a bloke before that.. which all the guys complaining here would realise if they weren’t so p*ssed off that women don’t want to admire their little heads.

      Yes, we can ignore and delete photos we find offensive. You know what happens then? The guy gets po’d because you, and presumably many other women have done so, and usually develops an attitude of “women are bitches/frigid/lesbians/pick any number of insults” because they’re frustrated that they aren’t scoring or getting the attention they are seeking and usually this leads into the guy abusing the latest one to turn it down or women as a whole ( as evidenced by some of the comments on this article ).

      Here’s the thing: if women aren’t falling all over themselves at the sight of your cock, there’s a reason for it. While men may think their penises are the next best thing to a cold beer and should be admired, not all women are interested in worshipping a cock they don’t know.

    • Brendanforfun


      More than a month ago

      Understand completely what youre saying. Im not all about just genitals either. Getting to onow each other is just as important and to suggest that a nice underwear pic is offensive sometimes is also why i say some people are getting to the idea this is where people come to find a love and marriage. This site is most definitely not built or promote that but finding someone you can connect with sexually is important.

      The fact that you may see some explicit content is a choice for the viewer to say “ok. Im interested” or “not for me”. Its very simple and the 2 people involved in that communication shouldn't be offended either way.

    • phoenix1323


      More than a month ago

      @Brendanforfun there’s a big difference between a “nice underwear pic” and a cock thrust into your eyesight via a screen. As far as love and marriage.. I know several couples who’ve met via this site, myself and my partner included. Some people do use it as a typical dating site , and there’s nothing wrong with that.

      You say “The fact that you may see some explicit content is a choice for the viewer to say “ok. Im interested” or “not for me”. It’s very simple and the 2 people involved in that communication shouldn't be offended either way.”.. key word there: CHOICE. My choice, and the choice of many other women, and men, here is to not have cocks straight up shared. The fact that I have that written into my profile, which the person messaging me has supposedly read, clearly states my CHOICE not to have to see their cock or vag straight up. I’ve clearly communicated that.. and yet it continually happens from men who really don’t give a crap about what the women they approach want.

    • agoodsoul


      More than a month ago

      What I got out of this article is a good laugh.
      You seem more angry that man send dick pics (oh by the way some of us don't) than the fact some guys find it offensive seeing women dress so provocative they can't help not to stare only to be verbally abused for looking from the women there looking at you do know those tights/leggings you wear do show everything you may aswel wear nothing.
      Seriously if it upsets you all that much complain to AMM they should have all photo's that are
      sent to another profile screened and need to match the receivers choices like yes or no to receiving dick pics .
      Problem solved !!!
      No need to thank me I'm happy to help almost forgot there is another way to solve the problem there are a lot out there that need to put a little concrete on there brekky or in there coffee it may harden you up a bit.

    • phoenix1323


      More than a month ago

      The fact that this article makes you laugh is the complete reason this article has to be written, then shared again. It’s actually kind of pathetic that that has to be explained to supposed adults.

      I’m not “angry” that men share dick pics. Men can do what they like, and they do. It’s not about the pics themselves.. it about sharing those pics with someone WITHOUT CONSENT. You know, consent? The same thing that you need before having sex with someone? The fact that you’ve spouted firstly about women wearing makeup and now that they “dress provocatively” gives off huge red flags. Here’s a clue genius: CONSENT is relevant. Both online AND in a court of law, regardless of what the woman was wearing or how she looks.

      AMM doesn’t control screening of messages, and we aren’t only talking about AMM, we’re talking about any media, be it online, via email or by text. And more importantly, AMM isn’t responsible for the Neanderthal behaviour of men who are too simple to grasp the fact that women are not put here for your personal entertainment or gratification.

      I don’t plan on thanking you at all. It isn’t about hardening up *eyeroll*, it’s about respect and consent, which you clearly don’t have. You haven’t “helped” in the slightest, you’ve merely shown that like some, you just don’t get what the article is about. That’s a shame, but not my problem. Cya.

  • Photos in private gallery


    More than a month ago

    So... do you people walk into Woolworths and complain because seeing groceries offends you? You will be asked to leave. This comparison is exactly the same principal as this issue. Why is this not common sense here?

    • KinkyGirl101


      More than a month ago

      Did you read the article? It's not talking about photos in private galleries on AMM, it's talking about unsolicited messages being sent to women without consent. And when I go to Woolworths I have a shopping list. If I don't have a dick on my shopping list then I certainly don't want to find one in my trolley.

    • Photos in private gallery


      More than a month ago

      Everyone is referring to this site... I comment on that rather than the article. The article is fine... unsolicited is not ok...

  • Pleasuremywife2


    More than a month ago

    Dick pics are a real turn off for Charmaine. She wants to see a face with eyes (ie no caps and no sunnies). And definitely no selfies taken in the bathroom with the toilet in full view.
    Even better is a full body pic clothed. While naked bodies might seem erotic, clothes tell her how a man looks after himself. Good grooming is essential for a refined lady.
    So guys, take the hint: save your dick for the event, not the camera.
    Brad (and Charmaine)

    • Surrendertome


      More than a month ago

      Nice :-)

    • Photos in private gallery


      More than a month ago

      Pleasuremywife2. That’s great for you, whatever makes you happy... but why do you think you have the right to tell me what you think my profile should contain?... I certainly don’t want to attract your kind! Do I advise you on what to put on your profile? Again, common sense and respect for the individual is overlooked, or disregarded... why?

  • FlirtyDuo


    More than a month ago

    A message for the males on here !!!

    It is evident, by the comments below, that the vast majority of women & couples do not enjoy receiving unsolicited penis photos.

    Best you take note of this.

    You guys are in the majority on here and the ratios are skewed and the odds stacked against you with regards finding a female or couple on here.

    You thus need to maximise your chances of success.

    A well worded respectable opening message will go a long way in making a good impression and increasing your chances of success. A crass penis ridden message will destroy all chances of success and will probably get you blocked by the recipient

    • Transtastic16

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Well said!
      I've said to guys, after receiving a private gallery full of d*** pics... "Oh, I think I may have seen that picture before... somewhere?"
      Which response generally goes over their head, pardon the pun!



    More than a month ago

    A landscaper,builder of design gives us curves for our minds to be intrigued of thinking "i wonder whats around the corner"Same desire with human body i wonder what they look like naked, how hung, hairy ,waxed or shaved (wink)..Mind has a powerful imagination attached to it..
    So yes i ask why a "dic pic" what's left for (my) mind to explore of you...
    When size isnt written my mind goes small or run a mile..Here i ask how hung...I say pls dont send my mind a pic...

    • ElegentNcounter

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Agreed! To me, no disclosure on this subject tends to indicate that the man has some self respect, class & values his privacy. Nothing wrong with a little mystery as you say....

      What good is a dick if the owner is one!?!

  • player1959


    More than a month ago

    Yeah nah. In my view.....and referring to this site only. Cos its the only one I have time for.
    Dick pics are ok. But not needed.
    Definitely prefer to view the whole package ie face and body.
    Men and women's brains and responses are totally different. It's just biological.

    • Zamboon
      Online status icon


      More than a month ago

      Actually I agree and I don’t but I did have an initial smile when I saw your pic with your tit hanging out ...

    • freogirl66


      More than a month ago

      So you think a guy would shag someone with a munted head, as long as he sees a pic of her vagina?

      If men and women were completely different, there wouldn't be much reproduction going on, Women have to be physically attracted to men as well - quite often it's similar traits to what men are attracted to (height, eyes, weight, smile,intelligence). I think dick pics only exist because 'they can' and you can use your phone instead of a one hour photo processor. At the end of the day, endorphins are key in both sexes.

  • Twistsandbends


    More than a month ago

    Internet dating at age 77
    Is not always a stairway to Heaven
    Because often from out of the blue
    Without even a how de-do.
    A randy bloke sends me a pic of his cock.
    I kid you not it never fails to shock.
    Thankfully not all frisky colts are blatantly obnoxious
    Most ask before offering their service
    ‘I really dig your style
    Will a pic of my dick make you smile’?
    And knowing horny guys have their egos to feed
    I stoically acquiesce to their primal need.
    Perving on Percy, and all measure of Pricks
    Including Willy and Winkie and a smorgasbord of Dicks
    Alas, I am so exhausted from the hundreds of Rogers I have viewed
    Unwittingly I’ve metamorphosed into prude,
    So, I must delete my vulgar cock collection
    Because I am going forth in a pious direction
    Down Self-Righteous street
    So, stand by while I press ‘delete’
    POOF! Hundreds of Rogers banished into cyberspace
    Gone without a trace.
    Excuse me Sir ‘No I don’t want a pic of your Willy
    Your request is outlandishly silly
    And provokes my disdain
    Honestly my contempt is hard to contain
    So, no! Don’t send your Dick pic to me.’
    But wait! What if I charged each bloke a fee?
    To anonymously exhibit his Cock and ball in our local Hall.
    It could generate a fiscal windfall.
    Damn I forgot! I have deleted them all.
    What a shame, I could have had a ball
    Creating ‘A state-of-the-art John Thomas wall’
    Any chance of a recall?

    • player1959


      More than a month ago

      My you do wax lyrical.
      Love it

    • Twistsandbends

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Thank you Right now attempting the awesome task of writing a book about my 10 years of Internet dating using over 450 rhymes to illustrate my experiences Have you read any of my stories?

    • player1959


      More than a month ago

      Sorry darl not yet maybe when I'm mortgage free and semi retired. No rest for the wicked. But I do love your work so far. Cheers

  • Photos in private gallery


    More than a month ago

    We must make the distinction between mainstream social platforms and this, an adult dating site. There seems to be confusion... Fact: There are no “unsolicited” dick pics on this site. Being a member is consenting to the sites content... Nudity! If it offends, leave! Simple as that really.

    • wrangler535


      More than a month ago

      Can you please point me to the part in the terms and conditions where this consent is?

  • Ifuwannadome


    More than a month ago

    Hate dick pictures...we dont even like nude ones much either......find them a total turn off.......

  • OneNightAlone


    More than a month ago

    1. I like the new iPhone update where you can "measure" on a photo length of things - validation
    2. I also don't take these photos or post them in my "Private Gallery" unless requested in a direct correspondence with a AMM Member
    3. I need to use my ipad to measure as opposed to my phone as I am HUGE - just kidding - light banter for this blog

  • CopperTop111


    More than a month ago

    Wow great article.. Never seen so many responses.. You must remember the male is a visual being therefore he assumes so is the female.. hence the " dick pic".. at the end of the day it's just a lump of grizzle till its in the right hands.. cheers.. M

    • freogirl66


      More than a month ago

      Females are very visual, we just don’t want to see your genitals. I don’t believe the average guy would base his hook ups on female genital pics either. We’ve been exposed to so many dick pics, they become as tantalising as seeing a ear. Don’t for a minute assume we don’t rate you on other physical attributes like chests, arms and eyes. I’m not sure what to make of hairy butt pics. We too want to think about what we might be looking at when we kiss and fuck. There’s no point having a huge dick if we aren’t physically attracted to you, you can’t kiss, you don’t smell good, and you don’t know what you’re doing. Imagine hooking up with a guy at a pub or party - it would be completely inappropriate for him to get his dick out before things went any further.

    • CopperTop111


      More than a month ago

      Totally agree with you..best wishes..

    • Mindfood2


      More than a month ago

      Well said, freogirl66

  • Want2trybi69


    More than a month ago

    Ok, fine. Now go through the article again, and substitute "Men" for Women, and "Dick" for Boobs. Most profiles on here are just a set of boobs! I would rather see a smiling face instead of covered couple of boobs. If you are not happy to show your face, then a pussy shot would be better. I agree though, unsolicited is not ok.

    • NY8888


      More than a month ago

      Says the dude with the dick pic

    • freogirl66


      More than a month ago

      lol, but I think his profile is aimed at men, who seem to be the biggest fans of dick pics?

    • player1959


      More than a month ago

      I don't share pussy shots because I'm hairy and have been slagged off for being hairy. There's some nasty types out there. I try not to judge others. But plenty of others like to. On a good note there's the rare guy who loves hairy pussy. I'm not here to please everyone I'm here for me but denigrating others is just not on. Boobs just don't have the same shock value as dicks. It's primal.

    • LUFC2020

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Love a hairy pussy

    • Photos in private gallery


      More than a month ago

      Also enjoy a hairy pussy. After all, I'm not shaved or perfect, so I don't expect a partner to be either...

  • Photos in private gallery


    More than a month ago

    For the same reason that so many women send tit pics.. is there really a difference?

    • NY8888


      More than a month ago

      No, the equivalent of a tit pic is a chest pic, not a pussy pic.

    • freogirl66


      More than a month ago

      I love seeing men’s chests!

    • Photos in private gallery


      More than a month ago

      I love looking at women's chests also, clothed or not

  • SweetestSins


    More than a month ago

    “It’s been great getting to know you for the last 3 minutes, it’s time I send you a photo of my dick”.

    Unsolicited dick pics are the equivalent of when my cat leaves a mouse on the doorstep as a gift, I can see he’s proud of it... but I’m not touching it.
    Amm is a whole new ball game its a bit different here. I’m talking about the ones who send cock shots to me on social media or my phone.

    • Photos in private gallery


      More than a month ago

      absolutely correct.. there is no justification for sending genitalia unless asked by the owner of said social media or phone,, Most dicks on their own, erect or otherwise are not a blokes most attractive feature

    • freogirl66


      More than a month ago

      Fantastic response!

    • Surrendertome


      More than a month ago

      @SweetestSins: "I can see he’s proud of it... but I’m not touching it." haha fair call

    • PlayTYME151


      More than a month ago

      Love your analogy. ..
      “ the equivalent of when my cat leaves a mouse on the doorstep as a gift, I can see he’s proud of it... but I’m not touching it”.

  • DDdelite


    More than a month ago

    Thankyou for your article. Very well said. I cannot begin to tell you how many dick pics I get! And it's almost always "did you get it? Do you like it? ..... AND now it's your turn".

    Oh noooooo it's not fellas. It pisses me off big time when I open my message and my kids are with me or my friends!

    But at my age I've developed a fairly thick skin. I mostly just delete and block however I've been know on occasion to meet with them, then in full view of him, I will get up and show the photo on my phone to others around me telling them that this guy thought the quickest way into my panties was this pic!!

  • notthatdark


    More than a month ago

    I am a male and gave up on one chat site as virtually every morning some bloke would send message saying hello first .. Maybe one or 2 further messages then it was the Dick picture and request to masturbate together on cam.. When looking on their profiles .. Some are married single blokes virtually all looking for a lady.. Sicko's

  • Photos in private gallery


    More than a month ago

    Yep, pretty spot on I would think. Unsolicited is not ok. I have them in public here, it is appropriate on this site. Any objection is personal opinion and I’m not going to please everyone, that’s life.... as far as mainstream social media goes, anywhere there are men and women there will be sexual interest, it’s natural. They key is what is appropriate and not crossing boundaries.

    • Photos in private gallery


      More than a month ago

      Hahaha .... all real!!! Nothing fake here... what a fuckwit!!!

  • Virtuosity73


    More than a month ago

    DICK PIC 101
    1 If a girl wants to see your dick, she will ask
    2 If you're not sure if a girl has asked for a dick pic..........she hasn't
    3 Your dick is not magical and a woman is not going to fall in love with you upon seeing it
    4 Dicks do not make girls mindless sex obsessed zombies like boobs do to most men
    5 Dicks don't photograph that well
    6 If you want a girl to like you engage her brain and her heart
    7 I promise if a girl likes you she will beg for a dick pic but you'll ruin your chances by sending it before then

    • PlayTYME151


      More than a month ago

      Pardon the pun, but you’ve nailed it.
      Well done.
      May I add this to my profile ?

    • Virtuosity73


      More than a month ago

      It's actually from a meme, that I saw years ago, and several female members already have it, so why not?

  • Twistsandbends


    More than a month ago

    And here’s another thing
    Blokes seem to think I crave to perv on their dingaling
    Because in the land down under from coast to coast
    They triumphantly boast
    That they have opened up their PG of their dicks
    The useless dumb pricks!
    But in fact, most have no intention of meeting
    It also seems their attention span is very fleeting
    And I puzzle why so many virile colts bother to communicate
    Claiming it’s always been their fantasy to fornicate
    With a woman well past her prime.
    I kid you not it happens all the time
    You see it’s tricky being a woman in our society
    Especially if like me you shun propriety.

  • Twistsandbends


    More than a month ago

    This bloke on line wrote
    And I quote
    ‘I like the pic of your face’
    Now that comment certainly got him to first base.
    But it’s also a fact
    You will be way off track
    If you send me a pic of your Willy
    And I know this sounds silly
    But I demand to see a picture of your face
    To make sure you belong to the human race
    Don’t get me wrong cock pics have their place
    It’s just I would rather wait until we get to first base.
    Besides I have seen my fair share of Roger, Percy, and Jock,
    Of night crawler, Dong, the Dick, Prick, and all measure of cocks
    And while each one has its own story
    I would much prefer to see your body in its naked glory
    Or better still a picture of you eyes
    Is far more likely to illicit soft murmuring sighs
    Than your pride and joy that resides between your thighs

  • triXXXi66


    More than a month ago

    At least on this site there is not the function to be able to send photos in the messages... sometimes i think it might be nice... but then the unwanted , first contact cock pic would push its way in i guess!

  • MsShazza94


    More than a month ago

    I have met many men from AMM and most of the men I meet have not sent me a dick pic prior to having coffee. I don't need to see your dick prior to meeting you.

    Ask a woman if she would like a dick pic. There are times where it is appropriate but most of the time the answer would be "No thanks".

  • Tigerlily.2034


    More than a month ago

    I think there's so much more to men than their penis.
    Let's engage in conversation.
    Are we on the same page?
    Do we like the same things?
    Lets flirt with each other and create a mood.
    Instead of hey, look what I've got !
    You know you want it.

  • Deebumblebee


    More than a month ago

    I would much rather see pic of good bod, chest, arms, and face so I know who I’m talking to. And dick pic - nah. Much rather wait for that hook up.

  • FlirtyDuo


    More than a month ago

    We ask them if they walk up to a woman at a bar, and show her their penis / photos of their penis. And if not why not?

    Flasher in the park mental illness perhaps.

    Either way it smacks of desperation and zero respect for the recipient of the unsolicited photos. It’s actually also unlawful.

    Let’s not even get started about the idiots who have a close up of their penis as a profile pic. Do they honestly think that women / couples will find that attractive? Or are they just too stupid to realise this?

    Idiots that do that are desperate, sick losers. They would not dare to try that in real life, in a bar for example. Because if they did they would (a) be beaten up (b) be thrown out (c) be arrested.

    Fortunately on here there is the block button. One press and they are gone forever. Plenty more where they came from though.

    The leper’s of the swinging community.

    • Photos in private gallery


      More than a month ago

      I agree profile Must be a happy face if then couple or female is interested I'm sure naked pics will be in the gallery

    • BareNakedLady73

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      I'll go 1 further - single male profiles and using a picture of a woman being shagged (I question that it is a genuine photo to begin with)- where is her consent to that? I immediately block those members.
      As for your dick pics? Establish rapport. Don't assume.
      continue being a wanker!
      I wouldn't entertain meeting someone from here without having 1st seen face pics and preferably a chance to view you on webcam - decently!

    • Photos in private gallery


      More than a month ago

      Lol ... you people are deluded!!! You think you can judge my character because I have cock pics... on an adult site!!! You have no idea.... disgraceful behaviour!!

    • FlirtyDuo

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago


      Coming from someone who has a dick pic as their main profile pic. Need we say more ?

      Very crass and in your face . Not a pretty sight at all. Some things cannot be unseen. Thank goodness for the block button

    • player1959


      More than a month ago

      Gees some judgy judgy people on here.
      This site is all about getting laid or am I wrong?
      I'm not fussed by dick pics. But gees some of you lot are being prudish to say the least about something you're obviously wanting to get your hands mouth pussy and maybe your arse on. Really I agree with the hard guy. LMFAO

    • FlirtyDuo

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago


      We are all entitled to our personal taste, opinion and ultimately choices. It has absolutely nothing to do with being prudish.

      The majority of decent women prefer not to receive unsolicited photos and or messages containing dicks .

      And just because this is a sex site does not mean that anyone of us should find it acceptable to receive unsolicited penis pics. Just like going to a swingers club / party does not mean that one has to “take one for the team” and have to have sex simply for the sake of it.

      The problem is that many males think that it is acceptable to behave in a disrespectful manner. One sees it on here. One experiences it at swingers clubs and on nude beaches. It is is completely unacceptable in our opinion.

      Call it prudish . Call it judgemental. Call it whatever you want to call it. We all have the choice to accept it , like it, or dislike it. Our profile specifically sends out a warning that if you send unsolicited dick pics to us, you will be blocked. Our right. Our choice.

  • JustForHotFun81


    More than a month ago

    I think that you only need to look at the number of profile pics on AMM and similar sites that contain very explicit images of female genitalia to understand that these issues are behavioural; and not the express domain of either men or women. Whilst the behaviour may be displayed differently between genders, I would expect the motivations to be similar as those described here.

    I think the study is clearly biased, as it only selected men in its sample. I also think the findings are deceptive and misleading as to what it is be a strong, responsible and sexual male. Clearly unhelpful.

    The reality is that the vast bulk of men and women behave with care and concern towards one another with regards our sexualities.

    This is just another classic case of the minority ruining it for the majority, no matter what gender you choose to subscribe to.

    • KinkyGirl101


      More than a month ago

      Said by a man who has never been on the receiving end of an unsolicited dick pic. It obviously only selected men because the study was about dick pics. That's the phenomenon. Women do not send unsolicited vulva photos to men they don't know.

    • MsShazza94


      More than a month ago

      I have never sent an unsolicited pic of my pussy but have been assaulted with dick pics at a rate that is scary. My profile says I am not interested in dick pics and men still give me access to their PG that contains dick pics.

      It is certainly a male thing

    • 1970s4some


      More than a month ago

      Agreed @kinkygirl101. A study exists solely because it’s a male centric phenomenon. Women simply just don’t do this.

    • JustForHotFun81


      More than a month ago

      I am sorry to hear that you guys have been treated that way, and am disappointed you have become so jaded.

      I most certainly have been on the recieving end of unsolicited vulva photos.

      The point is that taking the attitude that poor sexual behaviour is the sole domain of men is misleading, deceptive, untrue and damaging to everyones relationships. Clearly unhelpful. There are a minority of bad people out there on all sides of the gender polygon.

      I hope you guys both meet someone a bit more worthy of you.

      Thanks for the comments.

  • aphrodites


    More than a month ago

    I would rather talk to the Guy not his dick

  • KinkyGirl101


    More than a month ago

    Where is the mystery, the intrigue, the reveal. I am glad my youth did not involve mobile devices and the bombardment single women (I know, not just single women, but they bear the brunt of it) endure today.

  • KidHot.


    More than a month ago

    The truth is most men that do show their dick pics are sickos desperate and have no respect for others.When going at a bar for a drink and you meet a female ,would you flop your dick out and say hello?No you wouldn't, so why do it on line?

    • Adell1


      More than a month ago

      Nicely said and so true

    • Hbaycouple4fun

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Spot on there. Well said

    • locksmith22


      More than a month ago

      100% correct.... it’s all about Respect. Those who disseminate unsolicited DPs to females, regardless whether or not he knows them, have no consideration for the recipient and obviously very little respect for women in general....

    • Bluevelvet65

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      The greatest sex organ in a human being is the brain. Use it before you decide to send a dead slug pic without forwarning. Its called consent. Ask first. Then it shows us that you have respect for another humans choices & rights. Now thats sexy!!

    • ozmelbcpl4cpl


      More than a month ago

      Dicks send dick pics

    • Photos in private gallery


      More than a month ago

      Ummmm can I ask if anyone knows what an exhibitionist is? There are no “unsolicited” dick pics on this site... you sign up, you consent!!! Simple as that. An exhibitionist has the right to upload whatever they want within the guidelines of this site, without being judged, belittled or degraded... and you all talk about respecting other people! Fucking disgrace actually. Hypocrites!

    • Photos in private gallery


      More than a month ago

      To compare a public bar to an adult dating site just confirms how deluded some people are...

    • KinkyGirl101


      More than a month ago

      Nicely said!

    • Mindfood2


      More than a month ago

      We become ..open minded..being on Amm
      Have Fun..

    • OutdoorEd23


      More than a month ago

      Amm is psychologically the worst site for a male to be on imo.Constant rejection and having to grovel to women that you normally wouldn’t give a second look out on the street!….Now watch me get shot down for this comment!

    • Love.sword4u

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Sands2022, we are just here to fund this site, 90% of female profiles have no pic or are on basic subscription. AMM must have algorithm issues because many come up in matches then when I go to message I'm not in their match criteria.

      I found this site after a chick on POF brought it up, soon realised she was just farming for more payers. She had so many pics and vids I couldn't keep up.

      All their articles throw men under the bus with the usual minority = majority.

      I've never received a like from a woman (plenty of trans though), nor had one initiate messaging. Minimal replies and even then they can't help carry a conversation.

    • OutdoorEd23


      More than a month ago

      Exactly,just a mundane reply of hi or good thanks!Never seem to converse or meet anyone.There are lots of female and couple profiles that are fake,either men pretending to be women or amm making fake profiles to stir up the numbers.They are quite easy to pick if you peruse them with a keen eye.

    • AMM.Editor


      More than a month ago

      @SandS2022 Unlike other sites we don't, and never have, created fake profiles. If you believe a member isn't genuine then please use the Report Member feature so that we can investigate. Our team review all reports and either ban or force the member to verify if we believe that there is evidence they are not genuine.

    • SaphireTRANS76


      More than a month ago

      I've often wondered why there is a huge swathe of guys out in cyber-verse that love sending dick picks as opposed to nicer body,face shots ,(sharing media they would be proud to show their mothers) obviously this isnt the case.. anyway thats my 5cents worth.

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