What’s the Best Day to have Sex?

Couple lying in bed looking into each other's eyes

I know, we’re a little confused too! Isn’t every day a great day to have sex? Or is that every day you have sex is a great day. Or the best day is when someone offers to have sex with you. Lol

We’ve looked at the research and can reveal when we’re doing it, when we should be doing it and when we assume everyone else is doing it.

Let’s talk about Hump Day

Everyone seems to talk about sex on hump day … I mean a lot! Perhaps it’s because it’s mid week and the stresses of the week are starting to build and you know you have to make it through another 2 days before the weekend. And we know sex is a great tool for relaxation and orgasms can reduce cortisol levels which, in turn, reduce your stress levels and can result in an increase in testosterone. 

It seems like a good option. It’s a school night so there are no expectations of a sleepover. The perfect night to catch up with a fuckbuddy and still be in bed by 9. So are we having sex on Wednesday? Apparently not!

What days of the week is everyone having sex?

According to a 2014 study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine which involved a study of almost 2,000 women, it depends on whether you are in a relationship or single. 

Women with a partner showed a gradual increase in sexual activity throughout the week, peaking on a Saturday (and it’s a considerable peak). Women without a partner had higher sexual activity from Monday to Thursday and then again on Sunday than women with a partner. 

Is it better to have sex in the morning or at night?

Male and female testosterone levels are totally out of sync so our sex clocks don’t keep the same time. Guys tend to wake up feeling frisky, while their partners get in the mood late in the evening.  We know that men have a spike in testosterone every morning which translates to waking up feeling horny with an erection. But for women the morning is when they have the lowest level of testosterone and significant changes in their levels are based on their monthly cycle with a huge increase mid-month during ovulation.  

We’ve talked before about the benefits of sex in the morning and starting your day in a positive way connecting with your partner but for singles that isn’t always an option.  Everyone is going to have a preferred time when they feel relaxed and horny. It’s going to depend on their sleep schedule, their stress levels, their workout routine and their relationship status. 

Thursday is officially the best day to have sex, or is it!

Set your alarm a little earlier this Thursday because according to a report from London School of Economics it’s the best day to have sex. They claim that hormone levels - estrogen and testosterone, which are what motivates us to have sex - are at their highest on a Thursday morning for both women and men. 

We’ve looked but we can’t find the source of their claims. Why would they peak on a Thursday morning? The only thing we can assume (remember, not a doctor!) is because Wednesday is when we have our most restful night’s sleep. Testosterone levels increase as you sleep and decrease the longer you are awake so perhaps a longer more restful sleep causes a surge in testosterone on Thursday morning. 

Hey I don’t have all the answers to this one. It’s really down to your hormones, your timetable and if silicone lube or Vaseline is your preferred option on a Sunday morning. No! Not for sex. It’s for the bedroom doorknob to keep the kids out so you can have some alone time without being interrupted. So when are you partial to getting your gear off and doing the horizontal tango?

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Comments (16)

  • Trukkit38


    More than a month ago

    Anyday that would involve moi , would be the right day indeed ;)

  • Photos in private gallery


    More than a month ago

    Every day you have sex is a great day... my life is so miserable at the moment..! Every day is a nightmare..!!

    • funguyatbyron

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      What's wrong darling i know the isolation is a pain in the rear but hopefully it will settle down shame i cant get you up here & get that fire burning again in you take care & keep smiling xx

  • OzandViet


    More than a month ago

    I'm like most people I think and whenever you feel horny is always the best time.

    • funguyatbyron

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      with a horny looking mrs like yours i would be horny 24/7

    • Photos in private gallery


      More than a month ago

      anyday with a nice women like her would be ok

  • Darkstud


    More than a month ago

    No just any day, anytime I feel horny. Sex makes me feel happy and I would always want to share it!

  • positionvacant3


    More than a month ago

    Best day to have sex - any day that ends in a y.
    Best time to have sex - any mutually agreeable time when there is no-one watching that shouldn't be! :)

  • Helway


    More than a month ago

    Every day is play day, might not always turn into sex as such, when the wife has the house to herself out come the toys, life happens don't see much point worrying what day of the week it is.

  • friskypuz


    More than a month ago

    Any day..

    • funguyatbyron

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      i agree any day is a good day

  • aPussyLicker4U


    More than a month ago

    The best day for sex is any day with a name that ends in a "Y"

  • KinkyGirl101


    More than a month ago

    Hump day is over-rated, too much pressure. Give me a lazy Sunday morning - fuck, cuddle, sleep, fuck again, cuddle, sleep.

  • Zamboon
    Online status icon


    More than a month ago

    I was brought up a strict catholic and obviously taught that sex was dirty and only for having babies - all these years later I still cannot have sex on a Sunday ...

    • Lusciouslips313

      Account Closed

      More than a month ago

      Shame ...I’m free on Sunday ...x

    • Zamboon
      Online status icon


      More than a month ago


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The content posted on this blog is intended for informational purposes only and the opinions or views within each article are not intended to replace professional advice. If you require professional relationship or sexual health advice you should consult with an appropriately trained and qualified specialist.