Find Trans Women & Trans Men for Dating

Singles dating is hard enough. And when it comes to transgender dating many find that sites which claim to be trans dating websites more closely resemble porn sites with a focus purely on hooking up. Adult Match Maker is where you can find trans and gender diverse people who are open to chatting, dating and forming lasting relationships. But if you just want to hook up that’s fine too.
Adult Match Maker appreciates that gender expression is very personal and can be a complicated journey especially when you decide to step into the world of dating. We wanted our trans and gender diverse (TGD) members to be able to express their gender identity in terms that they feel comfortable using. In 2016 we were proudly the first Australian website to make the progressive move to offer over 30 gender options. So regardless of how you define yourself, or if you are open to dating someone who is gender diverse, we feel that Adult Match Maker will be a welcome change from sites who lack the understanding of these very personal gender issues and limit your ability to articulate yourself.
Adult Match Maker is proud of the community we have built around our LGTBIQ and specifically our transgender members and we are constantly exploring ways to make the website a more inclusive and diverse platform.
What gender options do trans and gender diverse people have?
Choose your preferred gender expression from our extensive list:
- Transgender Man
- Transgender woman
- Trans Person
- Trans Man
- Trans Woman
- Female to Male
- Male to Female
- Transsexual
- Cisgender
- Cis Female
- Cis Male
- Gender Non-Conforming
- Non Gender
- Non-binary
- Neutrois
- Genderfluid
- Genderqueer
- Demigender
- Demigirl
- Demiboy
- Agender
- Intergender
- Intersex
- Pangender
- Poligender
- Omnigender
- Bigender
- Androgyne
- Androgyny
- Third Gender
- Trigender
Why choose Adult Match Maker for trans dating?
The additional complexity faced by trans women in particular is the objectification by men who only see them as sexual objects. We sought feedback from our members and wrote an article on our blog entitled How to Date a Trans Woman to address this issue and educate our members.
You will find we offer many features which are often only available to paid members on similar dating sites:
- You can register with a unique email address, we don’t ask for your real name, you don’t have to download an app on your mobile device and you can switch off all site notifications.
- There are options to display your location or just a location distance to protect your anonymity.
- You can block members with a single click which instantly makes you invisible to that member, removes access to your private galleries and they cannot contact you again.
- Contact Filters are available to all members and enable you to filter both messages and winks to the members you want to connect with. So if you are a trans woman seeking women you can block men from contacting you.
- We also offer an extensive list of sexual orientation options to choose from.
- Trans women can register as women if they choose and trans men can register as men if they choose.
- You’re not forced to upload a public photo to use the site and you can also upload photos to a private gallery. Photos uploaded can also be watermarked uniquely with your profile name.
- Conversations begin with 1 message credit and are then free-flowing and don’t expire so you can continue to get to know people before you take the step to meet them.
- You can make your profile Invisible while you continue to browse the site or choose not to notify members when you come online.
- Our Commitment to Genuine Profiles means you can be confident the person behind the profile is real.
- Advanced Search is available to all members and gives you powerful filters to find members who are looking for the same things you are and are local to you.
- The site has a free chat period for all members to access our video chat and text chat rooms.
- And of course our friendly Support Team is only a click away if you need help navigating the site.
Testimonials from Gender Diverse members and their Admirers on Adult Match Maker
“Being a pre-op transsexual, it’s very exciting to find a dating website where people are honest and as accommodating as they have been on your website – thank you AMM.”
“As someone who is transitioning and still finding my place in this world, thank you Adult Match Maker for this amazing meeting point.”