Gender and Sexual Orientation Options

Adult Match Maker is proud of the community we have built around our LGTBIQ members and we are constantly exploring ways to make the website a more inclusive and diverse platform for members to express themselves.
Back in 2016 we were the first Australian site to add 30 gender options to allow trans and gender diverse (TGD) members to accurately express their gender diversity.
We appreciate that gender expression is often a very personal and complicated journey and so we wanted our members to have the ability to express their gender identity in terms that they feel comfortable using.
Additionally we added some of the more widely used sexual orientation options so all members could be more specific about who they are attracted to. We know that not everyone likes to label their sexuality but it is important to be able to express your sexual preference so members have a clear understanding of who you are looking for.
The list is not exhaustive, but we have tried to be as inclusive as possible. If you would like to suggest other terms that you feel would be beneficial for us to accommodate, we’d love your feedback!
Gender Expression:
- Transgender Man
- Transgender woman
- Trans Person
- Trans Man
- Trans Woman
- Female to Male
- Male to Female
- Transsexual
- Cisgender
- Cis Female
- Cis Male
- Gender Non-Conforming
- Non Gender
- Non-binary
- Neutrois
- Genderfluid
- Genderqueer
- Demigender
- Demigirl
- Demiboy
- Agender
- Intergender
- Intersex
- Pangender
- Poligender
- Omnigender
- Bigender
- Androgyne
- Androgyny
- Third Gender
- Trigender
Sexual Orientation:
- Straight
- Gay
- Lesbian
- Bisexual
- Bi-curious
- Pansexual
- Queer
- Heteroflexible
- Asexual
- Demisexual
- Aromantic
The range of sexual identity labels is constantly expanding, read more on our blog