My wife and friend

A True Story

A short story about the 1st time I caught my wife fucking another man.
I married for the first time at the age of 21.
I was not into swinging or anything like that at this time in my life. I had had a group sex experience with a girlfriend at 19 but it was one of those incidents when things just got out of control and at the time, I regretted it.
This incident was the first time I realised that my attitude to swinging and such was changing. Have said all that, I did enjoy my own personal adulterous behaviour.
Sharon was one of those girls who enjoyed sex but could not bring herself to actually admit it.
She always pretended that sex was only for the pleasure of men, but rarely ever refused a fuck or giving a suck. I thought that was just with me, but I discovered otherwise.
I was always suspicious of my friend John. More than once when he and his wife, Ann would visit I’d notice John and Sharon would be missing and always seemed to come out of the kitchen or another room as I was approaching. I did hear the words “stop it” and a giggle on one occasion, they must’ve heard me walking down the hallway and as usual came walking out before I got to the door.
I worked only a 5-minute drive from home and on occasions I’d go home for something during my break. It wasn’t something I did very often.
One day and I don’t remember why, I left work sometime mid-morning and went home.
As I was approaching my home I noticed a familiar car in my driveway. It was John’s.
I parked on the road so they wouldn’t hear my car pull up in the driveway.
I hoped the backdoor would be unlocked as it usually would be during the day. If they were fucking, I wanted to catch them and confront them. I thought “at last I’ve got them”
I quietly entered my house and walked very quietly through the kitchen and entered the hallway.
I could hear some sounds coming from my bedroom. As I approached the door, which was open I could hear low volume moans, ohs and mmmms and a bit of slow heavy breathing.
I presented myself at the door and thought they’d see me and there would be a rush to cover up and some kind of bullshit apologies and excuses but they didn’t see me.
My bed faces away from the door, the headboard is on the wall opposite so when I looked into the room they were too busy to notice me.
The first thing I saw was John’s cock slowly sliding deep into Sharon’s pussy who’s pelvis pushed up to take it until he was in up to his balls. His arse cheeks puckered as he pushed his cock in as far as it could go. He slowly slid it out and then back in again, over and over and over again.
Sharon was on her back, legs spread with her knees bent. John was on top of her gripping the top of her shoulders from behind, holding her still so he could slide his cock in deep. She had a hand on his arse pushing it in and another on the back of his head. They were fucking missionary, slow but deep.
I could tell by the quiet moans and breathing that she was really getting pleasure from each deep penetration of his cock and he was enjoying the feel of her wet warm pussy.
They were deep kissing except when he sucked her nipples but they never stopped the unhurried deep slow thrusts.
On one occasion when they stopped kissing so he could suck her tits she said “you can’t keep coming here to fuck me” “why” he said “you enjoy it” “what if he comes home, he sometimes does”. “We’ll hear him pull up in the driveway” With that he put his tongue in her mouth and thrust his cock a little harder she just sighed mmmmmm and wrapped her arms around his back as they continued to fuck. I watched them for at least 10 minutes.
To my surprise, I didn’t want to stop it. I found myself rubbing my cock. “This is fucken hot”, I said to myself. I couldn’t believe how erotic I found my friend’s balls hanging out of my wife and her moans of pleasure.
I decided I’d back out of the house and think about what I’d do about it before I did or said anything.
That night when I got home, I asked Sharon how her day was. “Nothing exciting but ok I suppose” she said. “Did you see anyone” I asked “I had a coffee with Doreen”, “Oh that’s nice” For now I decided to keep it to myself. But not forever.