Puppet on a string

A True Story

Have you ever felt like a puppet on a string?

Have you ever felt like a puppet on a string
being controlled by a woman's whim?
And even though you try to run, and you try to hide.
It sure feels like you can't get off the roller coaster ride?
Then before you know it you are caught in her web,
and in the pit of your stomach you have a feeling of dread,
At first you are amused but it's not long
before you feel utterly confused.
If this is you and you would like my advice
before you proceed think twice
if you detect any of the following with your lover
Then as fast as you can run for cover …........
Firstly, she will cunningly play the game
(that's called 'Dating' for want of a better name)
by wooing you with her feminine guile
to put you on trial
by hiding her true intentions behind her sweet smile
Saying ever so nicely 'I need to trust you first'
So, you try ever so hard to please you fear you will burst.
Then after dating for quite a long while.
With beach walks, winning and dinning,
and text messages galore.
You hope she may soon let you grace her door.
But alas her chastity proclaims loud and clear
She is not a 'Whore'.
Rather she is a 'God's police' obeying societies law.
Nevertheless you try even harder to prove your merit.
Your feelings matters naught so just grin and bear it!
But still she sits on her pure velvet purse,
and you begin to wonder if indeed you are cursed.
Then she will string you along,
and make you jig to the tune of her song.
So very beguiling and pretending she is so sweet and innocent
making you prove your worth until she is sure one hundred percent
that she has you dancing like a puppet on a string.
Because although her objective may not be a wedding ring
she loves the power of leading you on, and treating you mean
for that will surely keep you keen.
Putting it crudely; she doesn't give a fuck,
and if you are wanting sincerity you are definitely out of luck.
Because she has the temerity to use you to boosts her low self-esteem,
and she feels mighty powerful rather like a cat who licked the cream
It does not matter if your balls are hurting
for she get so much power from just flirting.
You see her ego feeds on her ability to enchant you with her 'come hither eyes'
which she cunningly uses as her disguise
to merrily betray your trust and tell you lies.
Whilst your mind and body she pretends to idolize,
because she knows fickle flattery will be your demise.
She will also use her well-rehearsed charm,
and her feminine cunning to not only disarm,
but to lull you into believing she thinks you're grand,
then ever so subtly she will make yet another demand.
But the cold hard facts are She does not give a toss!
because all she needs is to win you at any cost.
It does not matter how many friends she has lost
as long as the feels she is the boss.
Even when her deceit and lies are eventually revealed,
and her true colours can no longer be concealed.
She will point the finger, and act so sincere
in her desperate attempt to appear austere.
Unfortunately she is self- serving and she sure can deceive
all the unfortunate gullible men who mistakenly believe
that she is open warm-hearted, loving and loyal
but, unfortunately, she use she charm as a foil
And if by chance you dare to rattle her cage
you will definitely bear the brunt of her self-righteous rage,
luckily for you her default setting she unwittingly exposes
which you now realize is definitely no bed of roses.
In fact your relationship is built on false pretences,
but hopefully it won't take you too long to come to your senses
And although at first you may feel angered by her sweet deceit,
and all you want to do is make a hasty retreat.
Eventually however, I trust you will see it as a gift
When you understand the reasons why you feel so damned miffed.
The reality is that behind that charming smile,
she is not only very needy but also, her ego is extremely fragile.
And although she appears to be self-assured, and oozes confidence.
I need to say in her defence.
It is all just to camouflage
Her feelings of inadequacy that are in fact quite large.
Also, most likely her journey from childhood onwards has been tough
making her believe she is never enough,
and it is also probably true from birth
she has been taught to 'milk the gravy train' for all it's worth.
After all 'She is sitting on a gold mine'!.
So, she uses bribery and cajoling to make you toe the line
because dishing out her sexual favours keeps you controlled
Thus, making it impossible for true intimacy to unfold
Then before long you discover you are under her thumb
So often you resort to Mrs Palmer and her 5 daughters to cum
This reality thankfully brings you undone
Because it's obvious you have tried everything under the sun
But thankfully now all the pennies will fall into place
and she will fall from grace
Because the truth is she is she self-obsessed
and cares for no one
and she won't think twice to shoot you down with her gun
As long as she is in control she feels she has won
For after all it is imperative she is number one
So if you too are caught in her web woven of bright colourful hue
Remember the lesson is a gift because that's all we can ever do.
Please don't think you're stupid or going insane
Because the good news is next time you will be wise so, she won't
deceive you again