The swan

A True Story

My lover gave me a miniature gift made from pewter
At the time I thought nothing could be cuter
‘This swan reminds me of you’ said my lover
But alas I was soon to discover
He was very wrong
Instead it was in fact a goose all along
But I was that Goose it is sad, but true
Because soon he left me sad and blue.
So once more I was set loose
And I thought back then ‘What’s the use’?
It seems I am always the goose in the end.
left with a broken heart to mend.
But 37 years later I bumped into him by chance,
And I could see with just one glance
That this sad, long suffering , broken man was the indeed the goose
For setting this vibrant amazing woman loose.
‘I still have your goose you thought was a swan’ I said
And I did so enjoy watching his face turn red.
When I exclaimed but ‘What the fuck!’
Actually until recently I thought it was a goose, but discovered it was duck!
Then I laughed merrily, and wished him goodbye
Wondering why did I cry back then when he said Goodbye?
But now in hindsight I see
That thankfully we were never meant to be
And I praise the heavens I escaped from a life of humdrum
Instead I have danced to the beat of my own amazing drum
Not conforming to society’s norm
But greeting each bright new dawn
As a new beginning and a chance to be reborn
To go forth and face the world alone.
To become what I am. A courageous, outrageous crone
Because like the mighty ocean giving up its strength to the shore
I am ready to embrace what life has in store.
And what’s more… I know I am more.
So much more!
What are you waiting for ?