
A True Story

Life is a far more relaxed place in my 50’s than it was in my 20’s. These days I wake up and have the time to just lie there in the warmth of the bed and listen to the farm noises, I can watch through the window at the sunlight slowly running along the mountain ridges before finally hitting the valley floor to start steaming away the previous nights dew. I can hear the Labradors as they bang through the doggie door and snuffle around outside to check if any foxes have been sneaking around.
Out in the paddocks I can hear the cows mooing and the birds calling as they arrive to pick insects from the paddocks. Some mornings I can hear wild dogs howling on the steep ridge above my bedroom window. It’s a nice place to be right now and I can lie back and reminisce on past times. Don’t get me wrong I am a long way from being dead and I still really enjoy being around the ladies but the pressure to run the daily treadmill has eased.

Recently my reminiscing has been turning to a life force, a sexual freak of nature who I will call Kristen, that’s not her real name of course and I’ve changed a few details to preserve identities.

I had to leave school for family reasons the day I turned 15. Things later changed a bit and I found myself at Uni at 23 as a mature aged student as they called it then, maybe they still do. I was doing distance education which meant a few weeks ‘residential school’ each semester. At my very last Residential school before graduating I was sitting in the Uni Library, and as is usual when you study full time while holding down a full time job and trying to fix up an old farm I was behind in my studies. At a time when all the other students were chatting away both inside and outside the library I was stuck in a sunny spot trying to read and make notes for the lecture that started in about 10 minutes.
I had my head down when a sudden lull in the conversation made me look up. Standing in the doorway was a vision, there is no other word I can think of, just a vision. She was pure Nordic blonde, very tall for a girl, only an inch or so shorter than my own powerful 6’3” and she had an absolute stunning figure, just a knock you dead, stop the traffic type of figure, think of the physiques of some of those Russian tennis players and add some more toning and larger boob curves and you might be somewhere vaguely close. All around the room I could hear blokes minds thinking an unspoken Woooow! And Girls who had previously thought of themselves as pretty damned hot were thinking ‘Biiiitch’ Even from twenty metres away I could see her sky blue eyes and confident smile. She knew she was hot. Me? I thought ‘This is so waaaay outa my league’ Oh so reluctantly I tore my eyes away and tried to concentrate on my notes. Ten seconds later a voice of pure heaven said ‘Is this seat taken?’ I looked up, it was ‘The Vision’. She was leaning forwards towards me. Up close she was even more knock out stunning. I kind of glanced around, the Library was partly empty and there were empty seats and whole tables empty everywhere. She must have taken my confusion for a pending knock back, although nothing could have been further from the truth and she quickly slid in next to me before I could say anything.
I shut my books and we started chatting. Her name was Kristen, she was studying a similar degree by distance Ed but had just swapped Unis, which is why I had not previously seen her. It turned out that we were doing the same subject that day.
I wandered into my next lecture intending to sit with my usual study buddy, a nice girl named V. I saw Vs books at our usual table. I sat down there and seconds later Kristen slid in next to me. She grabbed Vs books and dumped them on another desk just as V wandered in. I was aware of a quick glaring match then V picked up her books and moved to the far side of the room. With some variances this happened at each of the next two days of lectures. I wasn’t quite sure just what Kristens game was, she was gorgeous, she was smart and chatty too, and oh wow she really pissed off my usual study buddy V.
The last evening was my last night at that Uni, It was too far to drive the 7 hours home after the last lecture so I decided to stay and drive home the next day. I felt like celebrating a bit, or winding down, whichever. After dinner I grabbed a slab of cans and several large bags of salt and vinegar chips…what else! and dragged the lounge out of my motel room out onto the Balcony. As usual, a few other students turned up, we shared the beer and anything else people bought. We ended up with about a dozen students sitting on chairs and lounges and eskies on the balcony outside my room chatting and laughing. As was customary my motel room door was left open so people could use the toilet as the evening progressed. I had about 3-4 cans which was then and is now about my maximum limit and was feeling pretty mellow. V had turned up and dropped into the lounge next to me and swung her legs over the end and ended up with her head in my lap. Everyone was talking and laughing. Then someone turned up with a Bong, loaded it up and passed it around. I’d never touched the stuff before, or since. Let’s just say I mellowed waaaay out real fast. So did everyone else. V got up and wandered through my room to the loo. I was pretty far out. I felt what I thought was V sliding back in next to me, her head back in my lap, then became aware that a furious V was standing in front of me, It was Kristens head in my lap! V had no real reason to get all possessive, we had been study buddies for a couple of years but never ever did she give even the slightest hint of anything more.
I had another can, one more than my maximum as it turned out and went to the Loo myself. As I walked past my bed the combined effects of being both pissed and plastered took over and I ended up wrapped in the blanket and passed out.
I sort of woke some hours later, the balcony was quiet but the door was still open. I could hear what I took to be very gentle very feminine breathing sounds from the single bed across the room. Who the hell was that? I drifted back off to sleep.
I woke not long before dawn, just an early pre-dawn light coming through the still open door. The feminine snores from across the room had moved from the single on the far side of the room into the double bed I was asleep on. Someone wanted some extra warmth no doubt.
I groaned slightly and sat up on the bed, aware that I was clad only in my briefs so I must have undressed at some stage during the night. I looked at the toilet door and leaned forward in that direction when a bright voice said ‘No, me first’ It was Kristen. She rolled out of the bed where she had been curled up and came around the end of the bed. I thought she was naked, then dimly discerned the briefest, filmiest pair of knickers, even in the faint light I could see her perfect and bare boobs and awesome physique. She wafted past me into the Loo and closed the door. She came out a couple of minutes later. She stood in front of me, one leg between mine and the other trapping my right knee. She leaned forward onto me. As I was sitting her Boobs were face height so I kissed each nipple, I heard her soft murmur of approval and she pressed herself more firmly forward. I put an arm around her and pulled her further forward and then ran my hand gently down her spine. She shuddered slightly and arched her back a bit. I slipped my hand under those filmy knickers and cupped her gorgeous ass. She sort of shimmied and the knickers just fell away. She leaned down to kiss me. Let me tell you, I learned more about kissing in the next 30 seconds than I have in the rest of my life. I ran a hand up the inside of her thigh, she adjusted her stance and moved her legs a bit wider, giving me unrestricted access to her perfectly smooth shaven pussy. I slipped one then a second finger into her. She was so slick and wet, she sagged down onto me a bit, pushing me further into her and her legs opened slightly allowing me to slide both fingers all the way up into her incredibly wet and warm pussy. She came almost immediately. I though wow!, this is really happening, here and now. She straightened after a few seconds and dropped to a knee and took my cock in her so talented mouth for just a few moments then stood and slid onto the bed next to me. She stretched full length and lifted one knee fully, completely exposing herself to me in the dim light and smiled. I had the most raging, hardest hard-on I’d ever had. I also had 4 cans of beer creating pressure. She knew what I was thinking and whispered ‘hurry back’.
I made it to the toilet in two paces, closed the door and flicked on the light. It’s not easy to piss in a hurry with a huge hard on but I managed it super fast. I knew what was waiting for me. I was in there for barely 30 seconds, I even grabbed the fastest mouthful of mint mouthwash I’d ever had and spat it out. I flicked off the light and slid the door open. The room was dark. The first thing I noticed was the door which had been open all night was now shut. ‘Well done’ I thought. ‘The light was getting stronger and we don’t need an audience’. Then it hit me, the total stillness in the room. I slid across the bed, it was cooling rapidly but I could smell her perfume, ‘Kristen?’ I called. No sound, no breathing, nothing, In confusion I flicked on the main light. The room was empty. I was stunned. I’d been gone 30 maybe 40 seconds. She had gone from stretched on the bed naked and waiting for me to dressed and gone in that time. I threw the door open and stepped onto the balcony fully naked and still fully hard. I looked up and down the balcony, nothing. Below me the door through the meal room that led onto the street was hissing slowly shut.

I stepped back into the room, my mind a roiling turbulent mass of confusion. I waited, perhaps she had ducked down to her car which must be somewhere near for condoms or lubricant or something. Minutes passed slowly and finally became an hour. I took a long hot shower and almost convinced myself I’d dreamed. When I pulled up the bed sheets a bit to tidy the room I saw them, the worlds filmiest, tiniest knickers, right where she had shimmied out of them. I went down to the meal room where I ate the slowest breakfast ever. After 3 hours of breakfast and watching the meal room front door like a hawk I had to concede ……. she had gone.

The months went by. I often wondered just what the hell had happened with Kristens miraculously fast bolt from my room but I could not come up with an answer that fitted.
One day at work I was told of an upcoming conference for our firm, who had offices everywhere. The sales staff, the product managers, the technical people, even those most boring species, the advertising people, all would be there. As the conference was being held in my Regional town venue I got there early. I found my name on a place card. Each table was made up so there would be a mix of roles present. I was placed at the end of a table next to a deadly dull boring advertising man who I knew had body odour problems. Just bloody great. Just my luck. At 9am sharp I sat down at my place. The Advertising dude waddled over then looked at his place card in confusion and wandered away. I turned his place card around, except it wasn’t his! It was Kristens name staring back at me. She had not only joined the same firm but she was here somewhere and had swapped the place cards around. I saw her bright hair and beaming smile the moment she sashayed through the door, as achingly gorgeous as the first time I’d seen her but this time she was wearing a beautifully tailored business skirt and jacket and with her heels I was no longer the tallest person in the room. She slipped in next to me with just the tiniest smile of recognition. The conference commenced and we needed to concentrate, but then try as I might I could not get near her to talk at morning tea, lunch or afternoon tea. She was always surrounded.
That evening as I left the venue I found a note under the wipers of my pride and joy, a hotted up one tonner ute. It said simply ‘Can I call you during the week? K’

Monday lunch time rolled around and my desk phone buzzed, no-one much had mobiles then, it was Kristen, she chatted and played the who went where with Uni students we knew routine, then suddenly hissed, ‘Oops, the boss walked in’ and hung up. She called back about 3 times over the next 2 days with no hint of why she had taken an interest. On the Wednesday afternoon she asked for a favour. Could I help her move that coming weekend. My size and strength and my ute would be really handy.

This scenario at least was something I knew well. All country boys do. It works this way: Girl pretends guy is her new best friend. Can you drive 400+ km each way and help me move house? three or four of us will all turn up, all on the same deal. At the end of the day she will trot out Pizza or something then disappear and reappear in a stunning dress and go off with some previously unknown boyfriend in a BMW, Or Mercedes, or whatever. Honestly I don’t know why girls bother with inventing the last bit, we will eat the pizza and leave as the job is done anyway.
I got up well before dawn on the Saturday morning and drove the 4 hours. When I got there Kristen and 3 blokes were drinking coffee and waiting for me. One big pudgy bloke was in a Toyota hatchback, he announced that as his hatchback could carry as much as a wagon and since a wagon can carry as much as a ute his Toyota could carry as much as my one tonner…yeah right Toyota boy! And two decent young blokes in an old Falcon wagon towing a rusty trailer.
I kinda took charge and gave orders a bit and loaded pudgy boys Toyota with blankets wrapped around paintings and anything fragile. Cooking stuff and less fragile into the Wagon and the lawnmower, bike, snow skis, scuba tanks (should have guessed she was a sports freak!) into the trailer. My ute took the tables and chairs, double bed and other larger stuff like bookcases and wardrobes. It was about 60km to the new place on a small farmlet just outside a small town, so a 120 km round trip. We all did two round trips and pretty much had everything unloaded well before dark.
Just then Kristen said…’The hens!” She had Hens in a cage she moved every day in her back yard, one of the reasons she had to move apparently and simply forgot to tell me they were there…bugger…trip 3 coming up for me.

I got back to the first house just on dark and loaded the hens in their cage onto my ute as it started to pour rain. I got saturated. I got back to the new house to find it pitch black dark, no lights showing. No cars either. I drove into the backyard to unload the hen house. In the headlights I saw Kristen emerge from the house. She gave me a hand to unload the hens house in the rain.
She explained that the previous tenants must have taken every globe out of the house when they left hence the total dark. She also told me that she had earlier borrowed $20 from my Ute console to buy fish and chips for everyone but ruefully described the other three blokes at ‘total guts!’ and that there was nothing much left.
I recalled having seen a fluoro tube in the garage so I retrieved that and by Ute headlights through the windows I fitted it in the kitchen, ta dah! Let there be light! Kristen saw just how wet I was, I said ‘No worries I had 4 hours drive for the Ute heater to dry me out’…giving her an out so as not to have to ‘invent’ a boyfriend or some silly story.
Her response caught me way off guard. She sank to her knees on the Kitchen floor and burst into tears, that was the last thing I had expected from such a confident person. In between sobs she said that her first night in the house was supposed to have bright lights and warmth and a crackling fire in the open fireplace and prepare a decent meal etc. Instead, no lights, the wood was wet, the house was cold and she was wet and hungry, the ‘guts’ as she called them hadn’t even left her anything. $20 bought a mountain of fish and chips back then.
I recalled that I’d seen sliced bread as we loaded up the pantry and a can of spaghetti and some eggs and some cheese. We fished that out and made it all into a basic meal, plus some coffee from my thermos, so not a total wipe out then.
I washed up the dishes at the kitchen sink and said over my shoulder that I’d better get moving. I heard a quiet ‘Ha-hmmnn’ behind me, Kristen was there, right behind me, standing openly, gloriously, totally naked, hands by her sides so she was completely uncovered but she was shivering massively. “My clothes were so wet” she said. She reached for me and said ‘Yours are too, we better go warm up, the bed at least is made.’
She turned off the sole Kitchen light and led me in the darkness to the bed. We cuddled in bed for a few minutes while she held me tight and warmed up a bit. My hands roamed all over that perfect body and she responded to my touch. I kissed her for quite a while, that girl can kiss!, then kissed her nipples, much as I’d done months before and she pushed herself forward and writhed against me, responding to my touch. I started to trace my tongue across her flat tummy and down, but she said ‘not this time, I want you in me and on top of me and your cum warming me from inside’ Who could say No to that? I slid my rock hard cock into her pussy, just as months before she was so slick and wet and ready, no motel door bolting this time! I tried to slow down a bit to enjoy her wet, tight tunnel but she thrust her hips against mine firmly and repeatedly, ’I want it now, in me and I want it all’ she said. I came deep inside her. She locked her hips against mine and I could feel her pussy muscles gripping me. She held me on top of her for quite some time, already I could feel myself getting rock hard again while I was still in her from the first time. We started screwing again, a little less urgent this time. She was just so wet and willing. I could feel how wet she was yet warm and firm too. She must have known I was close to coming so she rolled out from under me. She twisted around a bit and took my cock in her ever so talented mouth. I could feel I was ready to come again and tried to pull away but she kept her mouth around me and took all my second load straight down her throat. I doubt she even drew breath. None of the crude gagging and dribbling bit some girls go on with, I hate that.
We ended up in the spooning position and she pushed herself backwards hard against me and pulled my arms around her. She wanted body warmth and the security of my arms wrapped around her. We slowly screwed in that position, we both came and we both drifted off to sleep.
I woke up before dawn. She was still there, still cuddled up to me though she had rolled in her sleep as her head was cradled in my shoulder. I thought she was still asleep but her hand was around my already hardening cock and encouraging me to wake up. I got hard almost instantly. She rolled away from me and pushed that perfect ass back into my groin. For the third time I slid into her wonderful, warm pussy. Marvelling yet again at how slick and wet and ever so willing she was. We started a slow deep screwing, varying depth, varying speed, sometime holding juuust inside her pussy lips, other times as deep and far into her as I could push. She leaned forward to angle herself for maximum depth, and we slowly built up a tempo. No hurry this time, just pure bliss and enjoyment. A couple of times I pulled almost all the way out, just to feel her pussy lips around the head of my cock. At one of these times she moved her body, a subtle yet deliberate move and then she pushed back. I’d never done Anal before and her move and push back had slipped my cock from that ever so sexy pussy to slide deep into that superb ass. It was so easy, I went so deep on the very first stroke and I had her ass cheeks pressed hard against my groin on the second thrust. She rarely spoke during sex but she half moaned, half hissed, ‘Deep, go deep and stay deep’ As before, when I tried to slow down and extend the pure enjoyment she pumped her ass back onto my cock hard and fast. She brought her right foot back behind my right knee and pulled me way deep into her. I came again, this time it was so deep inside that perfect ass.
We wandered around the house just about naked for a while as we arranged the house and furniture to her liking. At we moved the couch she put herself and her beautifully naked body in front of me and leaned forward across the couch. I filled that wonderful pussy yet again. Afterwards we showered together and I left to drive home. We agreed we would talk during the week. We did.

Having got herself comfortable in her house Kristen wanted to explore the locality a bit more. So the very next weekend I drove the 400km over to her on the Friday night. The sex that night was awesome yet again. Kristen was never happy until she had my cum in all three holes as she called it. She had a couple of sex rules, It was totally forbidden for either of us to hold back at all regardless of whether the other had come. Why? She said. ‘The next time is just that much closer this way!’ and after I’d come in her ass, something we both enjoyed immensely I had to take a hot shower and wash myself clean ready for next time before there was a next time. We also spent a lot of time with me giving her oral, something I enjoy doing hugely and am apparently very good at. I made sure she really enjoyed it too. When she came during oral she spread her legs wider and pushed her hips up so we could both enjoy it and I could push my tongue further into her, none of that scrunching up a bit and half turning away that so many girls do. If it’s something we both want why do girls turn away as if it’s a private thing?
The weekend meetings went on for several weeks before Kristen suggested we meet at an area about half way between us where there were some very good wineries. We found a nice motel and checked out the local wineries, under her tuition I learned a lot about wines, I learned I particularly like sweet late harvest white wine, especially after we poured some right into her pussy, waited a while to let the wine rest? and then I gave her oral. Wine makers of the world? Thank you!

We didn’t meet every single weekend, but very regularly.
We stayed as a seaside resort one weekend. It was summer by then and we perched on a sea wall and ate fish and chips while watching the sun go down. Before going back to the motel we stood by the sea wall wrapped in an enormous blanket. She knew I was hard and reached around and tugged down my shorts. She gave me oral right there wrapped in the blanket and I came down her throat, then she stood up and I slipped into her pussy in doggy fashion and we screwed standing up against the sea wall. I was just about exhausted by the time we reached the motel and we both tumbled into bed. She giggled and cuddled up to me. Wow, but I enjoyed being with this woman. Everything about her I thought was awesome. In bed She reminded me, ‘three holes remember? And you have only visited two so far this evening’. She went down on me and got me hard again and had me sit up in bed while she sat sideways in my lap, she lifted just a little while she guided my cock into that beautifully firm ass. She soon got her wish as I soon came deep in her ass, as deep as possible. She had discovered that by sitting cross ways that we could get just a few more millimetres deeper into that gorgeous ass and that was what she wanted.
The following morning we stayed in bed until the 10 am checkout, screwing whenever we could. She wanted everything and everywhere. Finally, not long before checkout she settled into a cross legged Yoga type, Buddha position on the bed, is that the Lotus position? She just sat there, totally relaxed while I packed. I asked her if that Yoga stuff was relaxing, she said yes but that was only a side benefit. Then she giggled and said what she was really doing was leaving a clear message to the girls who had to make up the room shortly that she had just been the lucky recipient of an awesome, double holed and massive creampie. She said 'The girls here will never forget you!’ She turned then to me and got very serious. ‘You know you must never come back to any of these motels we stay in without me, you are mine and I don’t share’ I liked the sound of that, I really did.
She rang me that week and told me she was going overseas to visit her parents for a few weeks and that she would send a few postcards and contact me on her return.
Five weeks and a number of post cards later she rang me, ’Back at work‘ she said. She mentioned a riverside town we hadn’t visited and we met there that Friday night.
After 6 weeks with no Kristen I was ready to screw her all weekend non stop. More than that though I realised how desperately I’d missed her, her the person, her the mind, her the companion of the order of the ever ready smile. I realised I missed all that even more than the awesome sex. Looking back just then I realised how much I’d enjoyed her company so damned much all the way through. I wanted more, much more.
The sex was somehow different that weekend, and each of the weekends we spent together over the next few months. It was still so totally awesome just different. She would greet me with so much enthusiasm and we would go straight to bed before checking out the attractions of the local town, that could wait. She would give me oral and I would of course enjoy returning that even more but then it was straight into that awesome tight, gorgeous ass, bypassing my favourite of her little, tight, smooth shaven pussy. Some nights she would sit on me and just pound herself down on me, I’d come, she would get me hard and take me in her awesome ass all over again. She really loved being pounded from behind while kneeling on the bed. Not that I objected but whenever I tried to get ‘the third hole’ her pussy, she would swing her hips or something and I’d be straight back into that awesome ass. Not that I was complaining mind you. 'It’s just a me thing at the moment’ she said. She had an awesome trick of slipping two fingers into her pussy while I was deep in her ass. She would caress my cock through her pussy and ass walls using the back of her fingers while using her palm to help herself come. She could make me come any time she wanted.
One evening when we were really at it I withdrew a bit further than usual and just slipped straight into that ever so smooth and slick pussy. She hesitated for just a moment then she realised I was on the point of coming and then she thrust herself against me, hard, pumping thrusts. I soon came, I came deeeep into her pussy and she sort of sighed and moaned her satisfaction and approval.
One night some weeks later she seemed especially desperate, wanting her ass creamed and pounded and pounded and creamed over and over and over. I hate to admit it but after some hours and leaving creampies in that so awesome ass I was starting to get a bit sore myself. She sat on me and ground that ass into my groin over and over and then demanded I pound her doggy style. We finally drifted off to sleep spooning like that very first night after moving house and with my slowly softening cock still in her ass.

I woke just before dawn. There was a soft grey light creeping into the motel room. I reached out, her side of the bed was still warm, I could smell her perfume on the pillow. The room was still, I was alone.

I rang her office the following week. I said I was a friend and just need to chat briefly. I was told she had finished work two weeks before to be with her new husband. “What?” I said, ‘She is not married” ‘Oh yes’ said the girl I was talking too, ‘She got married several months ago and they went overseas for their honeymoon, I guess you just don’t know her that well”
I was totally stunned.
Two years passed, I initially made some discrete inquiries but she had vanished. I never even found out her married name. She left an empty place inside of me that no amount of sex, laughter and companionship from those few other girls I let get close to me could fill. I even returned to a sport I’d engaged in as a teenager. I discovered that the added muscle power and heft I’d packed on in my 20s made me quite good. I traveled interstate for one event. I did OK in early heats but not quite well enough to make it to the finals. I was sitting under a tree watching other people compete. I had a good view until a big tall muscular blonde bloke holding a little kid planted himself in front of me and obscured at least part of my view. Bugger I thought. Suddenly, there she was. She walked up from behind me somewhere, past me and took the baby from the big blokes arms. He put an arm around her and they watched the same event I’d been watching. She must have felt the power of my stare or something as she part turned, she saw me still sitting there. Her mouth dropped for a few moments and she subtly shook her head and mouthed ‘no’ to me. The bloke with her, her husband I’d guess also part turned to look and she tugged him away on some excuse. I watched them both go. Five minutes later she crouched next to me. “Thanks for not making a scene’ ‘So, Been married for over 2 years then?’ I said she nodded and said ‘We were a little bit naughty weren’t we’ ‘What’s this We bit? ‘ I queried. She said, ‘Just a little bit naughty, he won’t even touch my ass let alone fuck it and I wouldn’t let you into my pussy after I married him, except for that one time which we both know was an accident so that doesn’t count’…Doesn’t count? I was incredulous…wasn’t there anything???
She stood. Looked down and walked away. I guess goodbyes aren’t her thing. There was no motel door in the dawn light this time. I watched her blonde head in the crowd as she walked away. She turned suddenly as if to check I wasn’t following. Nope. Then I stood up and left too, but in the other direction.

Epilogue. It’s now close enough to 35 years later. Facebook is here. Just on a whim I face-booked her maiden name one day. There she was, on the far side of the country. She has lots of photos of family. No mention of a husband anywhere, I guess it didn’t last. The blonde hair is more platinum now, she has some fine lines but she could still model a bikini. Her daughter is now about 36? Her daughter gave her a granddaughter at 16 or 17 and her granddaughter has just done the same. She is my age and she is a great-grandmother. I hope she is happy and her life is good, I really do. Me? I came to the realisation decades ago that she was a sexual freak of nature, sent here to earth so a few lucky blokes could experience awesome sex in its purest form....and to tear someones heart out.
I could say Hi on Facebook but I won’t, I guess that’s my own motel door.