At The Cinema

A True Story

About three years ago I met a woman from a dating site (not this one). It was a very vanilla site and if you mentioned anything remotely connected to sex, 90% of the women were horrified.

The profile I posted was respectful and to the point. I stated that I would like our first meet to be at the cinema. We go in, sit in the back row and when the lights go down we spend the whole movie making out while I fondle and finger her.

I clicked on what I can only describe as one of the most vanilla profiles I've seen, so I didn't click like figuring she wouldn't be interested. Fair enough. Five minutes later she clicked on and liked my profile. I asked her if she had read it and she said, "Yes. And I'd love to do it." We exchanged numbers and texted each other to organise to meet the following day. I asked if she could wear a dress or skirt with a buttoned up top and no underwear. She said she had to wear a bra as her breasts were too big but she would think of something. She then texted me a pic of her very big and beautiful right breast with her nipple standing to attention.

The next day we me tat the cinema. Apart from her right breast, we hadn't exchanged pics so I was a little nervous and i'm guessing that she was too. When she arrived I was relieved as she was very attractive. Voluptuous. We kissed hello and made our way to our seats.

What seemed like a year later the lights finally went down. I should say at this point there was no-one sitting that close to us. Some in the same row but about 15 seats away. Anyhow, as soon as the lights went down she turned to me and said, "I'm not wearing any undies," grabbed my hand and laid it in her crotch.

Our lips and tongues locked and for the next hour or so I stroked, caressed, rubbed and fingered her body and pussy while kissing, licking and sucking her mouth, neck ears and breasts. I'd say she must have cum at least 15 times (I honestly think this is more a comment on her rather than my prowess.) My hand was literally soaked completely in what felt like goo.

After about an hour she said, "Well, we've made a bit of a scene here. It's my 5yo's birthday today and I have to go. Don't follow me out." And with that she upped and left!

i texted her twice after to find out what that was all about but she didn't respond, so I just let it go.


Every word of this is true, that's why it's so interesting :)