First Date

A True Story

How do I get my self in to these situations?

Well I’ve been chatting on and off with this lady about 100kms from my location, and we finally got after some false starts a good mutual opportunity to meet.

The first date

I got invited on a small group motor bike ride, covering about 400kms, so I sent her some details and she’s up for it, great!

We met early (how’s this for classy) at maccas, and from the moment we met I couldn’t keep my eyes of her face, gorgeous breathtakingly gorgeous.

As the day rolled on and we met the rest of the group, none of whom I had seen before we chatted between parts of the ride and at one point she held on really tight on a steep corner and I reached back placing my hand over hers, sparks rolled up my fingertips, I was breath taken, she told me later she thought you forward bastard! But then it felt good so.,.,

Through out the day we got closer and opened up more, and mid afternoon we parted from the group and I took her to a popular water fall where we could talk some more and enjoy each others company,
Turns out she has a couple of other guys that she has been talking to and was going to bee seeing one at the end of the following week, I’m like ok well see how this all pans out. I’m not a possessive or stand over guy, in fact I love a good chunk of independence myself.

Throughout the afternoon we held hands as we road with the exception of some of the hairy corners, and when I dropped her back to her car we shared our second kiss, OMG not in years have I shared a kiss like that, she melted in to my arms, sagging against me, leaving us both breathless and aching for more,
She had to pick her children up, so we parted.

Over the phone the next day she told me “I’ve got a problem” curious I listened
“I don’t know whether it was the motor bike or you that made me so fucking Horney” she told me,
I responded, “so what are we going to do about that ?”
We agreed to meet later in the week before she left to meet candidate # 2

I got myself a room in a hotel in her town, and we met for dinner at the restaurant attached,
Through out dinner we held hands, kissed, carrying on like a couple of sex starved teenagers, often looking up breathless to find a disturbed looking waitperson trying to catch our attention (good luck to him their was no other person in the room as far as we were concerned)

After dinner we retired to my room, and talked and made out more, I’ve never felt such intense chemistry with any body, and it was all we could doo to not have sex right there.

She wanted us to get a heath check first, (no dramas) then she told me the guy she was going to see at the coast were more that likely going to have sex while she was staying at his place, I felt as though I had been hit by a truck.

I’ve been in an open relationship before, and I’ve been ok with a girl going off for some random occasionally but this was the most confronting thing I have ever felt.

This intense passion, and chemistry, and blossoming friendship, faced with the possibility of not ever seeing her again if she went, and yet knowing deep in my heart that if I asked this free spirited angel to stay and give us some time, I would lose her.

I dropped her home after a while, and told her id give her the space she needed to figure out where she was at. And that I would not attempt to contact her until she returned. But if she needed an out, to contact me immediately and I would get her on the first available flight back,

It’s been two full days since this angel walked out of my life, and two more before her return and I’m quite frankly a mess. Wondering if she will walk back in, hoping she is safe, wondering if we will have that passion and connection when she returns, and facing inner fears and demons I never knew existed.
So I wait, and watch the road ahead, wondering what it brings and hoping, just silently hoping she walks back in to my life, and we get the chance to see where our paths may lead us, time will tell, .,.,.