A Ladies Aroma

A True Story

A Ladies Aroma

Many months ago my FWB asked 3 questions that disturbed me;
(These are verbatim)

- Hi Mxxx, Is it true that guys really do want no taste/no aroma from a pussy?

- What are your thoughts on the flavor & aroma of a pussy?

- Is that what we (Ladies) have to strive for? To be a "unicorn" (no taste or slight turned on smell)??

WTF? Hold my breath!
I had to call my FWB to find out more and learned that a guy had actually stated to a group on chat, of mainly Ladies that a woman who has no taste or aroma at all is a "Unicorn!" i.e. that is something positive!?

That is an irresponsible thing to say, making any lady question herself like that to the point she felt she needed to ask me for my thoughts.

Ladies; If any guy tells you something similar, ask him; "How much control do you have over the taste of your cum?"

All different parts of the body have aromas, when we shower we deplete that aroma and throughout the day it builds back up again.

The flavor is there and I assume, like cum it is also excreted through arousal, so it could be effected by diet and other factors just like a males cum can be.
(Pineapple Juice Story Lol, I drink it almost every day just in case!)

Some ladies love the taste of a males cum and some don't, so I guess it’s the same for guys? - Weird, hard for me to understand...

Either way, expecting a woman to have no taste is pretty much completely, fucked in the head to me.

So to answer the above three questions; here it goes...

- Question 1. - Is it true that guys really do want no taste/no aroma from a pussy?

Fark no! I would suggest "most" of us find it extremely palatable.

When guys say its "fishy" it grates on me, I think they are still recalling silly jokes from primary school, real Gents have or acquire a discerning taste.

- Question 2. - What are your thoughts on the flavor & aroma of a pussy?

I love the flavor/aroma, I like it anytime, even when it’s kind of strong, it also varies greatly and changes according to the time of the ladies cycle. - I can tell when a lady is close, its a very mild metallic tang... Yum!

I can’t recall a time when a woman’s aroma has been anything other than alluring to me / having the negative effect of “put me off”.

To me, if there is no aroma it’s just an indication that the woman has just come out of the shower but even then through normal arousal there is usually at least some slight increase in taste.

- Question 3. - Is that what we (Ladies) have to strive for? To be a unicorn (no taste or slight turned on smell)??

Fark no! I am no expert and cannot say that ladies can't have problems re; this subject, but you are probably exactly how you are meant to be, if you are concerned seek professional help.

Telling a woman or intimating to a woman she needs to strive to be one of the "unicorns" who has no aroma is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard, if someone wants to search for "unicorns" maybe you should leave them to it.

My favorite line from;
“The United States of Tara”

Pammy describing to Max how she had been intimate with his wife....

...... “Your wife … she tastes like rain … and sometimes kiwi fruit … and once she tasted like a penny!”

I hope this share will help members consider this taboo subject and assist them personally.
