Lust in the Woods

A Fantasy

The festival was held in the country far from the corruption of the city. Everyone was checked at the farm gate and had to hand in all their hate, frustration, anger and judgement. For some this took a long time but it was well worth it.

Music played loud and stories of love infused the collective atmosphere. There were free hugs that everyone had to receive and soon a calm and peace settled on the valley like a gentle morning fog.

She had been looking for me all of her life but she didn’t know what I looked like or how to spell my name.

When I took her hand the universe connected two souls and something remarkable happened. The forest in the distance lit up like an amusement park.

We let go of our hands and the lights of the forest shut down. We held our hands again and looked at each other and the forest lit up. We knew it was ours.

We ran barefoot in the dark across the field to explore. Her tasseled dress rode up her suntanned legs and we ran free, skipping over logs and streams.

The moment we entered we knew this was a forest that neither of us had experienced before. The moon and the stars were so big and lit the forest like daylight.

What looked like saplings from a distance were not at all.

The saplings were the prettiest girls in the world with long, hanging brunette hair covering their faces. They were swaying in time like flowers in the wind guarding the entrance like sentries.

Climbing through a tiny gate covered in briars I felt a scratch on the back. It felt incredibly good not like a normal thorn. I then saw the ivy was made up of painted long fingernails. My girl stood in the gate for a moment allowing the nails to undo the buttons on her dress and then give her gentle long scratches down her back.

Inside the forest now we were in some sort of hidden playground. The path we were walking on snaked around in a way that caressed us. I had never heard of a caressing path before.

Falling to our knees we looked closely at the luminous moss that bordered the path. It looked so soft and it was. When you touched the moss carefully it gently sighed.

We both took it in turns to create our favourite sounding sighs. My girl had a very intuitive feel like she had done this before and took my hand in hers and showed me how to touch the moss.

The sighs filled the forest like a ephemeral song of want. We played this game for a long time. This was not a place to rush. When something is so soft it’s important to feel every sensation.

With care and rhythm I managed to make the moss purr. Starting with dewdrops the moss lit up with sparking moisture and eventually became a gentle stream that was so sweet I bent down and drank it in, lapping like a playful puppy.

My girl could have stayed here all day. She loved looking at the stars and watching the animals hidden in the galaxies play and move around. I saw the signs that pointed upwards towards the hills. I knew we had to keep going further. Relaxed we walked slowly hugging each other like one body. Falling in front of my eyes were red strawberries and my mouth instantly reacted. My girl giggled and warned me not to actually eat them. These sort were just for sucking and playing with. Big, red and juicy they felt so lovely in my mouth and my tongue toyed with them threatening to swallow them.

Birds flew past me directing me forward. Following the black flock I realised they were tattoos on the back of a beautiful woman. My girl and I followed obediently but she flew away leaving us at two boulders that joined perfectly.

It was like I already knew the secret. This place was impossible for anyone else to open but not for me.

I touched the boulders with my palms looking for the secret. My girl egged me on with sighs and she breathed heavily giving me a sense that I was about to solve a mystery.

Touching my palms all over the boulder surface the cleft in the rock opened up magically. We entered into this secret place.

It was not a cave. It was a gateway. We pushed our way into the entrance. Inside was a garden even more beautiful and magical than before. We looked at each other and the sparkles from the shimmering trees reflected in our eyes.

The joy was bubbling out from us but the series of waterfalls that fell into a pond captured our minds. It was a pond of a thousand kisses and swimming around were not frogs but princes and princesses. It was a festival so it appeared completely natural to see so much love.

The path narrowed again with foliage. Large flower bulbs hung over the path. When I touched them they opened. They were the opposite of sea clams or Venus flytraps. One touch and they opened into beautiful flowers. We walked along this path both of us touching bulbs and creating the most beautiful flowers of every colour and a few colours that had never been seen before.

Looking back at what we had created a pathway of colour we both knew we had to kiss. There was so much passion with every kiss and touch. I felt our souls touch.

We slowly kissed as if the moment was infinite. Slowly shedding our remaining clothes. Were were deep in the woods.

A swarm of bees followed us and were not even scared. They had been feasting on the nectar.

These bees defied all expectations. I was surprised they could fly with such huge appendages. They flew high depositing their honey in the trees above.

We lay down because the pleasure weakened our knees. All we could do was to give in to the feeling of oneness and become one being.

She was glowing. I was glowing. We were charging each other from some sort of mysterious energy source. I had never felt so connected to another. The world was lovely. Everything glowed.

This place was teaching us what happiness felt like. It was as if we were sharing the most beautiful dream. The sort of dream that could not be kept to just one person.

The ground beneath us was cuddling us. We were sinking and sinking into ecstasy. Our bed gave way to honey and we floated on top, our whole bodies were covered in warm sweetness. I never knew you could float on honey.

It felt so good that we knew we could not stay like this. Then without warning we slid. The rush of movement widened our eyes so large that we could see each other in that moment like a gigantic mirror.

From sliding we then flew. High in the air. We held hands and stretched our arms like birds screaming like we were going to live.

The waterfall fell around us splashing hard into the crystal pool.

We landed softly and our whole bodies were instantly cleansed. We submerged and when we returned to the surface all of the princes and princesses were clapping and laughing with us.

This festival was the best time I have ever had in my life. I certainly would recommend it if you like things like infinite joy and purring moss.